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Your Guide to 50+ Afrikaans Classroom Phrases


The first official school in South Africa, called the South African College Schools, or SACS, as it is still known, was founded in 1829 in Cape Town. A boys-only school, it’s still located in the former Cape Town home of a mining magnate where, in 2012, the estate was the majestic location for the second film in the successful South African movie franchise, Spud. 

Despite it being an English medium school, its halls nevertheless ring with Afrikaans school phrases too, as Afrikaans language learning is important in all South African schools.

School Children in Uniform Walking with Their Backpacks at School.

Afrikaans word in elke skool in Suid Afrika aangebied as ‘n vak. / “Afrikaans is taught in every school in South Africa.”

    ➜ Afrikaans language learning can be a rich and rewarding experience for students of all ages. Learn ten good reasons for studying Afrikaans in this informative article.

Now let’s get cracking with probably the most comprehensive list of Afrikaans classroom phrases in English!

A Brother and Sister in School Uniform.

Alle Suid Afrikaanse publieke skole vereis dat leerlinge skooluniforms dra. / “The wearing of school uniforms is mandatory in all South African public schools.”

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Forms of Address in Afrikaans Schools
  2. Start Of Class
  3. During Class
  4. End of Class
  5. Supplies and Equipment in the Classroom
  6. BONUS: Useful Afrikaans School Vocabulary
  7. South African Schools—A Few Facts
  8. Learn Useful Afrikaans School Phrases at!

1. Forms of Address in Afrikaans Schools

But before we start looking at Afrikaans classroom greetings—forms of address are significant in especially Afrikaans-medium schools, where a culture of respect for all adult staff is still important. In fact, this is a hallmark of nearly every native Afrikaans speaker.

In practice, this means that if there is an age gap of more than 10 years, adults are typically not addressed with the casual jy and jou pronouns or by their first names. Instead, they are addressed, rather stiltedly, by their titles.

At school, then, learners replace all pronouns with titles when addressing a teacher, and using the teacher’s first name is avoided. Doing this is seen as a form of disrespect.

Teachers, however, address pupils by their first names and use informal or casual pronouns.

Here are the two main titles Afrikaans pupils use to address teachers in South African schools:


Note: This is the form of address pupils use to refer to their female teachers from Gr. R – Gr. 12—irrespective of her marital status.
“Miss” or “Ma’am”

Example Dialogue:

Teacher: Lekker middag vir jou, Bertus.  
Approximate: “Have an enjoyable afternoon, Bertus.”

Bertus: Meneer moet Meneer se middag ook geniet!
Literally: “Sir must also enjoy Sir’s afternoon!”

Bertus sounds a bit like a previous-century butler working in an old English abbey, doesn’t he?!

In tutoring settings, however, such as when studying or teaching Afrikaans privately or via an online class, the use of casual pronouns and first names is completely acceptable.

Students in Private Gear Greeting One Another Outside.

Senior leerlinge mag soms in privaatdrag eksamen skryf. / “Senior pupils may sometimes write exams in private wear.”

Anyway, whatever your need for intricate or basic Afrikaans classroom phrases, we’ve got you covered in this article!

2. Start Of Class

So, the bell rang, and the pupils are seated. Looking out over their charges, teachers will start the day with  suitable Afrikaans classroom greetings and other Afrikaans language phrases to connect with the children.

1 – Teacher Phrases

Afrikaans Classroom Greetings

Noise and bustle are endemic to classrooms, there’s just no escaping that! Classroom management is not always easy, and any person might be tempted to subdue the noise with shouting or harsh discipline.

However, a wise teacher will know that her attitude and demeanor will set the tone for everyone in the class, probably for the rest of the day. Therefore, she strives to start every school day with a friendly greeting, showing personal interest in her young charges, and keeping a calm manner. Maintaining authority and order without sacrificing anyone’s dignity are always worthy aims.

Here are a few friendly, standard greetings, plus excellent customizable phrases with which to make pupils feel welcome.

Goeiemore, Graad Twees“Goodmorning, Grade Two’s.”
Middag, julle.Literally: “Afternoon, (all of) you.”
Haai daar, Francis“Hi there, Francis.”
Goeiedag, almal.“Good day, everyone.”
Hello, Klas.“Hello, Class.”
Hoe gaan dit vandag?“How are you doing today?”
Voel jy beter vanoggend, Dawie?“Are you feeling better this morning, Davey?”
Welkom terug, Annabel.“Welcome back, Annabel.”
Hoe voel jou been?“How does your leg feel?”
Sjoe, maar dis koud vandag.“Wow, it’s cold today.”
Wat ‘n lieflike oggend is die nie?!Approximate: “What a beautiful morning it is!”

Two Young School Children Give Their Teacher a Bunch of Flowers.

Vra enige onderwyser—enige gebaar van waardering is altyd welkom! / “Ask any teacher—any gesture of appreciation is always welcome!”

Taking Roll Call

Now it’s time for the teacher to check who’s in attendance. This usually takes place only at the start of the day for all juniors and seniors, or during what is called the register klas (“register class”) for learners from Grade 5 onwards.

From Grades 1 through 4, learners remain in the same class all day long and receive tuition from only one teacher for all subjects. From Grade 5 onwards, they change classes and teachers for most subjects.

The Afrikaans expression for taking roll call is register neem. It’s derived from British English, which means “to take register”.

Stilte vir register, asseblief!“Silence for roll call, please!”
Enigiemand afwesig?“Anybody absent?”
Wie’s nie hier vandag nie?“Who’s not here today?”
Is Emma al terug?“Is Emma back?”
Almal is hier / aanwesig.“Everyone’s here / present.”
Waarom was jy laasweek afwesig, Francois?“Why were you absent last week, Francois?”
Wat’s fout met Anya? Weet iemand?“What’s wrong with Anya? Does anyone know?”
Weet iemand wanneer Petra terugkom klastoe?“Does anyone know when Petra will return to class?”
Is Gert aanwesig?“Is Gert present?”

An Empty Classroom.

Meeste Suid Afrikaanse skole het standaard klaskamers. / “Most South African schools have standard classrooms.”

2 – Class and Pupil Phrases

The relationship is reciprocal—pupils also greet and respond to their teacher’s enquiries.

Afrikaans Classroom Greetings

More Juffrou, more Maatjies.

Note: In the pre-school and junior classes, the children are usually taught one appropriate greeting phrase, which they then use in the same sing-song fashion every morning.
“Good morning, Miss, good morning, Buddies.”
Goeiemore, Juffrou.“Good morning, Miss.”
More, Juffrou.“Morning, Miss.
Goeiemiddag, Meneer.“Good afternoon, Sir.”
Middag, Meneer.“Afternoon, Sir.”
Hello Juffrou / Meneer.“Hello Miss / Sir.”
Dit gaan goed, dankie. En met Juffrou?Literally: “It’s going well, thank you. And with Miss?”
Dit gaan goed met my, dankie Meneer.“I’m doing well, thank you, Sir.”
Goed dankie, en met Meneer?“Well thanks, and with Sir?”

Smiling Teacher in Front of Her Class.

Wie weet die antwoord? / “Who knows the answer?”

Answering Roll Call

During roll call, learners are usually expected to indicate their presence by announcing it out loud.

Below are a few basic Afrikaans classroom phrases to demonstrate how pupils typically respond during roll call in a South African school. 

Ek’s hier.“I’m here.”
Gert is aanwesig / afwesig.“Gert is present / absent.”
Ek’s terug, Juffrou.“I’m back, Miss.”
Emma is terug.“Emma is back.”
Petronel is nie hier nie.“Petronel isn’t here.”
Petra kom nie terug nie.“Petra won’t return.”
Anya is siek met verkoue.“Anya is sick with a cold.”
Ek voel beter, dankie Juffrou.“I feel better, thanks Miss.”
Ek was siek gewees, Juffrou.“I was sick, Miss.”
Hier’s my siekbrief / dokter’s brief.

Note: In South African public schools, school fees are largely subsidized by the state, so truancy is unfortunately a problem. Therefore, a child must produce a doctor’s note if their prolonged absence was due to illness.

Absenteeism is not a typical problem in private schools, because fees are not subsidized, and parents are therefore more motivated to make sure their children attend school. For this reason, the parents’ word instead of a doctor’s note is usually acceptable.
“Here’s my doctor’s note.”

A Young Schoolgirl Introducing Herself to the Class in Front of a Blackboard.

My naam is Tina. / “My name is Tina.”

Exercise: Above, the teachers’ greetings and roll-taking questions are matched with the student’s replies. Why not turn these into an Afrikaans listening comprehension exercise? Ask an Afrikaans speaker or your AfrikaansPod101 tutor to record the questions and answers for you. Then, while listening to the questions, choose the correct reply, and vice versa!

3 – Introducing Yourself to the Class—Teacher and Pupil

In many schools, it’s a custom for new pupils and teachers to introduce themselves to the class at the beginning of the year. They are also sometimes expected to share a detail or two about themselves.

Below are a few great phrases for such an occasion.

Ons gaan onsself nou aan mekaar voorstel.“Now we’re going to introduce ourselves to each other.”
Vertel die klas wat jou naam is, of jy ‘n broer of suster het, en wat jou gunsteling … is.“Tell the class your name and surname, if you have siblings, and what your favorite … is.”
My naam is …“My name is …”
Ek is …“I am …”
My gunsteling (noun) is (noun).“My favorite (noun) is (noun).”
Ek het (‘n) …“I have (a) …”
Ek woon …“I live …”


Pupil: Ek is Sebastiaan Steenkamp. Ek is agt jaar oud en ek het een boetie. Ek hou van karre.
I am Sebastian Steenkamp. I’m eight years old and I have one brother. I like cars.”

Teacher: My naam is Juffrou Sandra Van Rooyen. Ek is julle nuwe Afrikaanse onderwyser en ek bly naby die skool in Vishoek. My gunsteling fliek is ‘Die Wonderwerker’.
“My name is Teacher Sandra Van Rooyen. I’m your new Afrikaans teacher and I live close to the school in Fish Hoek. My favorite movie is Die Wonderwerker. (The Miracle Worker)”

    ➜ For the most common Afrikaans nouns you could use when talking about yourself, take a look at this article!

3. During Class

Two School Children in a Classroom Learning Geography with an Earth Ball.

Skool moet genotvol wees om suksesvolle ‘n leerervaring te verseker. / “School must be enjoyable in order to ensure a successful learning experience. “

1 – Phrases and Questions for Teachers

Time to start the lessons! A successful teacher will have done their preparation and ensures that everyone knows what’s expected of them for the duration of the class. But first, they want to make sure the environment is pleasant and conducive to learning.

Classroom Duties

While all schools have cleaners or make use of cleaning services, it’s expected of the learners to help keep the classrooms neat, tidy, and well ventilated. Here are a few good phrases the teacher could use to rally up assistance.

Maak al die vensters oop, asseblief.“Please open all the windows.”
Maak die deur toe, asseblief.“Close the door, please.
Dis jou beurt om die witbord skoon te maak.“It’s your turn to clean the whiteboard.”
Gooi asseblief julle rommel in die asblik.“Please put your garbage in the trashcan.”
Maak skoon, asseblief.“Clean up, please.”
Vee daardie op.“Sweep that up.”
Saamwerk laat die droom werk!“Teamwork makes the dream work!”
Handewas tyd!

Note: Higiëne is taught as a subject in the pre-school and Junior classes. Also, little ones tend to get a lot dirtier during class time than the seniors, so before breaks, the teacher makes sure those grubby paws are washed. Junior classrooms usually have facilities for this activity.
“Time to wash our hands!”

Dustpan with Brush.

Kinders word in die klaskamer geleer om hul omgewing te beheer deur dit netjies te hou. / “Children are being taught in the classroom to control their environment by keeping it tidy.”

Learning can only take place when focus is disciplined. It’s a valuable skill everyone needs to learn at school, even though acquiring it is not always enjoyable for youngsters. 

It’s also imperative for a teacher to maintain good Afrikaans classroom management to accomplish successful learning outcomes. For that, a few rules establishing boundaries and order must be in place at the start of every class. Knowing exactly what is expected of them adds to the children’s sense of security, and an ordered environment helps classroom activities run smoothly.

Class Practice – Keeping the Order

Order in the classroom is not easily accomplished! Learners, especially the younger ones, often need repeated reminders of the class rules. This can be tough on everyone at the start, but with persistence, pupils learn and peace reigns. Then enjoyable Afrikaans language learning can start!

Here are a number of useful phrases for maintaining a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning. 

Steek asseblief julle hande op as julle ‘n vraag het.“Please raise your hand if you have a question.” 
Steek op jou hand as jy die antwoord ken.“Put up your hand if you know the answer.”
Moenie die antwoord uitroep nie.“Don’t shout out the answer.”
Hande op, asseblief!“Hands up, please!”
Stilte, asseblief!“Quiet, please!”
Hou op praat, asseblief.“Please stop talking.”

Three School Children being Assisted by Their Teacher in a Classroom.

‘n Kalm onderwyser beteken rustige leerlinge. / “A calm teacher means peaceful learners.”

Tip: Memorizing the rules are often an excellent classroom practice, especially for younger students. It could also be turned into an Afrikaans listening comprehension exercise by simply ask the students to translate the rules from Afrikaans to English. Language learning is made easier the more interactive it is. To ensure proper pronunciation, a native Afrikaans speaker should recite the rules in Afrikaans.

Class Practice—About Learning Content

At last it’s time to start with the lesson itself… 

Ideally, the teacher will guide the students to discover and explore the learning material for and by themselves. For this, open-ended statements and questions are ideal.

Yet, clear instructions are often necessary too. Here are a few helpful Afrikaans school phrases for these purposes.

Is almal gereed?“Is everyone ready?”
Kan ons begin?“Can we start?”
Vandag gaan ons leer van …“Today we’re going to learn about …”
Ons gaan kyk na …“We’ll be looking at …”
Sê agter my aan.“Repeat after me.”
Herhaal wat jy gesê het?“Repeat what you said?”
Sê weer?“Say again?”
Lees dit hardop vir die klas.“Read it out loud for the class.”
Praat bietjie harder dat almal kan hoor.Approximate: “Speak up a little so everybody can hear.”
Maak julle handboeke oop op bladsy …“Open your textbooks on page ….”
Blaai na die volgende bladsy.“Turn to the next page.”
Lees vanaf die tweede paragraaf.“Read from the second paragraph”
Kyk na punt vyf.“Look at point five.”
Hou my lippe dop terwyl ek die woord sê.“Watch my lips as I pronounce the word.”
Mens spreek dit so uit.“One pronounces it like this.”
Kyk mooi.“Look carefully.”
Kyk weer.“Look again.”
Onderstreep al die … met ‘n potlood.“Underline all the … with a pencil.”
Luister mooi.“Listen carefully.”
Luister weer.“Listen again.”
Op watter lettergreep val die klem in die woord …?“Which syllable is emphasized in the word …?”
Wie gaan eerste wees?“Who wants to go first?”
Wie’s volgende?“Who’s next?”
Verduidelik dit in jou eie woorde.“Explain it in your own words.”
Wat bedoel jy hiermee? Approximate: “What do you mean to say here?”
Dink daaroor.“Consider it.”
Skryf jou antwoord in jou notaboek.“Write your answer in your notebook.”
Enige vrae?“Any questions?”

Geometry Homework on a Writing Pad, with a Pen and Scientific Calculator.

Afrikaans Grammar—Targeted Teaching Phrases

Grammar in every language has certain unique distinctions and quirks. Here are a few pertaining to Afrikaans grammar—stated in excellent Afrikaans classroom phrases! 
Let op na die gebruik van dubbel-negasie in hierdie sin.“Notice the use of double-negation in this sentence.”
Afrikaanse werkwoorde vervoeg nie volgens onderwerp nie.“Afrikaans verbs don’t conjugate for the subject.”
Let op dat Afrikaans nie grammatikale geslag het nie.“Note that Afrikaans has no grammatical gender.”
Afrikaans het drie geslagsverwante voornaamwoorde.“Afrikaans has three gender-related pronouns.”
In Afrikaans is daar geen onderskeiding tussen die infinitiewe en teenwoordige-tyd werkwoordvorme nie.Approximate: “Afrikaans doesn’t differentiate between the infinitive and present tense verb forms.”
Sommige Afrikaanse byvoeglike naamwoorde verbuig na gelang van hul posisie ten opsigte van die naamwoord in ‘n sin.“Some Afrikaans adjectives inflect based on their position relative to the noun in a sentence.”


South Africa, assigning homework especially in junior classes are on the decline. It’s almost counter-intuitive, yet research suggests that not getting homework may improve performance and increase school attendance.

Many private schools have adopted the attitude that if work is completed to a satisfactory standard during class time, no homework is assigned. This seems to be a remarkable motivator for many learners!

However, mastering subjects as they increase in difficulty means that homework is still necessary for senior classes. Manage that well with these phrases.

Note: Afrikaans pronouns change for number and gender. See how this differs from English in the section below. (The distinction is noted between brackets in the English translation.)

Julle huiswerk is …“Your (plural) homework is …”
Huiswerk vir vandag is … “Homework for today is …
Dit moet … in wees.“It must be in by …”
Handig dit … in.“Hand it in …”
Maak ‘n nota van die huiswerk, asseblief. “Make a note of the homework, please.”
Geen huiswerk vir more nie.“No homework for tomorrow.”
Het almal hulle huiswerk gedoen?“Has everyone done their homework?”
Het jy jou huiswerk gedoen?“Have you (singular) done your (singular) homework?”
Hoekom is joune nie voltooi nie?“Why isn’t yours (singular) completed?”
Wanneer kan jy dit inhandig?“When can you (singular) hand it in?”
Daai moes gister al voltooi gewees het.

Note: The word daai is a contraction of two words that form a uniquely Afrikaans demonstrative pronoun: daar + die > daardie (Literally: “there + the > that”). It’s very commonly used in the vernacular.
“That was supposed to be completed yesterday already.”
Sal julle hierdie oordoen, asseblief?“Will you (plural) redo this, please?”
Doen sommer die korreksies nou.“Just make the corrections now.”

A Hand Showing a Thumb-up.

Almal hou van ‘n welverdiende kompliment. / “Everyone likes a well-deserved compliment.”

Commenting on a Pupil’s Work

Teaching includes constantly assessing learners work and progress. It’s easy to focus only on correcting mistakes, but this strategy can create negative vibes of discouragement in the classroom!

South African teachers are unlikely to give credit where it’s not due. However, they also know that praising a learner for noticeable effort and performance encourages a sense of well-being for everyone. 

Do so like a boss with these excellent phrases.

Dis die korrekte antwoord.“That’s the correct answer.”
Die antwoord is …“The answer is …”
Mooi so!“Well done!”
Dis beter.“That’s better.”
Dis reg.“That’s right.”
Dis verkeerd.“That’s incorrect.”
Nie so nie.“Not like that.”
Probeer weer.“Try again.”
Daarsy, nou’s dit reg.Approximate: “There you go, now it’s correct.”
Dit lyk goed.“It’s looking good.”
Jou uitspraak is uitstekend.“Your pronunciation is excellent.”
Goeie werk!“Good work!”
Dis fantasties, hou so aan!“That’s fantastic, keep going!”
Ek kan sien julle het moeite gedoen.“I can see you’ve made an effort.”
Mooi so, julle het baie verbeter.“Well done, you’ve improved a lot.”

Tests and Exams

All gained knowledge and skills need to be tested. The teacher will guide the students to focus on the most relevant learning material, encourage them to study, and then all wait together, anxiously, for the results.

Ignoreer daardie afdeling.“Ignore that section.”
Dis nie belangrik vir die eksamen nie.“It’s not important for the exam.”
Hierdie is belangrik vir die toets / eksamen.“This is important for the test / exam.”
Maak seker julle memoriseer hierdie lys.“Make sure you memorize this list.”
Julle toetsdatums is …“Your test dates are …”
Die eksamen begin op …“The exams start on …”
Dit maak klaar op …“They finish on …”
Hier is die rooster vir die praktiese eksamen. “Here is the timetable for the practical exam.”
Vandag se Afrikaanse eksamen bestaan uit twee vraestelle.“Today’s Afrikaans exam comprises two papers.”
Julle het twee ure tyd vir hierdie vraestel.“You have two hours to complete this paper.”
Sterkte, Klas!“Good luck, Class!”
Julle mag begin.“You may start.”
Julle het nog net ‘n halfuur oor.“You only have half an hour left.”
Tyd is verby!“Time’s up!”
Sit die penne neer.“Put down the pens.”
Was die eksamen maklik gewees?“Was the exam easy?”
Hoe het dit met die toets gegaan?“How did it go with the test?”

A Triumphant Male Student Holding Up an A-graded Paper.

Goeie voorbereiding skep geluk. / “Good preparation creates (its own) luck.”

When a Pupil is Battling in Class

Sometimes a test result shows it, or sometimes a teacher picks up in class that a learner is battling with the learning material. Then they should step in to help a learner.

If resources are available, remedial assistance is so important, as timely intervention can make all the difference in a child’s education.

Also, a teacher might pick up that a learner is feeling unwell physically. Use these phrases to assist them in Afrikaans.

Hoe kan ek help?“How can I help?”
Waarmee kan ek help?“With what can I help?”
Waarmee sukkel julle ouens die meeste?“What are you guys struggling with the most?”
Wat dink jy is die probleem?“What do you think is the problem?”
Wat dink jy is die beste manier om hierdie probleem aan te pak?“What do you think is the best way to tackle this problem?”
Ek stel voor…“I suggest that…”
Kyk of jy die fout kan raaksien.“See if you can spot the mistake.”
Kom laat ek verduidelik.Approximate: “Let me explain (it).”
Maak dit nou meer sin?“Does it make more sense now?”
Is dinge nou duideliker?“Are things clearer now?”
Moenie moed opgee nie.Literally: “Don’t give up courage.”
Jy het dit amper onder die knie.

Note: This phrase, which employs a uniquely Afrikaans expression, literally translates to: “You almost have it under the knee.” 

To have something onder die knie (“under the knee”) means a person has mastered it.
Approximate: “You’re close to mastering it.”
Ek weet jy kan!Approximate: “I know that you got this!”
Ek glo in jou.“I believe in you.”
Toemaar. Met bietjie oefening sal julle almal dit gou baasraak.Approximate: “Don’t worry. With some practice you’ll all soon master it.”
Voel jy siek?“Are you feeling ill?”
Jy lyk nie goed nie.“You don’t look well.”
Gaan sien liewer die skoolverpleegster.

Note: In South Africa, only certain boarding schools have resident medical staff.
“Rather go see the school nurse.”
Wil jy in die siekeboeg / siekekamer gaan lê?“Do you want to go lie down in the infirmary?”
Dalk moet jy maar huistoe gaan.“Perhaps you should go home.”
Gaan kantoor toe, laat die sekretaresse jou ouers bel.“Go to the office so the school secretary can call your parents.”

A Female Teacher or Parent Caringly Helping a Little Girl with Schoolwork.

Persoonlike aandag kan baie waardevol vir ‘n sukkelende leerling wees. / “Personal attention can prove very helpful to a struggling learner.”

Example Dialogue:

Klas: Ons sukkel baie om hierdie woorde uit te spreek.
Class: “We’re really battling to pronounce these words.”

Onderwyser: Toemaar. Met bietjie oefening sal julle almal dit gou baasraak.Teacher: “Don’t worry. With some practice you’ll all soon master it.”

2 – Phrases and Questions for Pupils

What if you’re the learner? 

When You Need Help From the Teacher

There’s a saying that the student who never admits failure or ignorance will always remain a fool, while the one who asks for assistance may seem like a fool only for a minute. 

So, knowing how to ask for help is at top of the list of all our student Afrikaans classroom phrases!

Ek het hulp nodig.“I need assistance.”
Mag ek iets vra?“May I ask something?”
Kan Meneer my help, asseblief?“Could you help me, please Sir?”
Wat beteken hierdie?“What does this mean?”
Hoe sê mens hierdie in Afrikaans?“How does one say this in Afrikaans?”
Hoe sê mens in Afrikaans: … ?

Note: If, instead, you ask: Hoe sê ek … in Afrikaans? (“How do I say … in Afrikaans?”), the natives will understand you. However, it’s neither the best Afrikaans, nor the vernacular, if you want to sound natural.
“How does one say in Afrikaans: …?”
Wat is Afrikaans vir … ?“What is Afrikaans for …?”
Wat’s die vertaling vir …?“What’s the translation for …?”
Wat’s die regte uitspraak?“What’s the correct pronunciation?”
Sal Juffrou dit asseblief weer verduidelik?“Will you please explain it again, Miss?”
Ek verstaan nie.“I don’t understand.”
Ek verstaan nie die … nie.“I don’t understand the …”
Kan Juffrou bietjie stadiger praat, asseblief?“Can you talk a bit slower, please Miss?”
Kan Meneer dit bietjie stadiger herhaal?“Can you repeat it a bit slower, Sir?”
Sê weer, asseblief?“Say again, please?”
Jammer, dis nog steeds onduidelik.“Sorry, it’s still unclear.”
Hierdie deel maak nie vir my sin nie.“This part doesn’t make sense to me.”
Is hierdie reg / korrek?“Is this correct?”
Nou verstaan ek!“Now I understand!”
Dankie, ek verstaan dit nou beter.“Thanks, I understand it better now.”
Dankie vir die verduideliking.“Thanks for the explanation.”
Dankie vir die hulp, Meneer.“Thanks for the help, Sir.”
Example Dialogue:

Leerling: Hoe sê mens in Afrikaans: “The homework is difficult”?
Pupil: “How does one say in Afrikaans: ‘The homework is difficult’?”

Onderwyser: Mens sê: Die huiswerk is moeilik.
Teacher: “One says: Die huiswerk is moeilik.

A Young Boy Sitting at a Desk, Struggling with Schoolwork.

Om te vra vir hulp is nie ‘n skande nie. / “Asking for help is never shameful.”

Borrowing and Lending

It happens to the best of us—we forget stuff at home. Ask these question to borrow what you need and know how to reply to a mate who wants to borrow from you using these cool phrases.

Ek het my … by die huis vergeet.“I forgot my … at home.”
Ek het my … verloor.“I lost my …”
Kan ek joune leen, seblief?“May I borrow yours, please?”
Mag ek gou jou … leen, asseblief?“May I quickly borrow your …, please?”
Het jy dalk ‘n ekstra … wat ek kan leen?“Do you perhaps have an extra … I can borrow?”
Jy mag, ek wil net gou self klaarmaak.“You may, I just quickly want to finish (using it) myself.”
Jammer, ek het net een.“Sorry, I only have one.”
Hier, leen myne.“Here, borrow mine.”
Dankie. Ek gee dit nou terug.“Thanks. I’ll return it just now.”
Mag ek my … terugkry, asseblief?“May I have my … back, please?”
Example Dialogue:

Leerling A: Mag ek gou jou rooi pen leen, asseblief?
Pupil A: “May I quickly borrow your red pen, please?”

Leerling B: Jy mag, ek wil net gou self klaarmaak.
Pupil B: “You may, I just quickly want to finish (using it) myself.”

Asking and Giving Assistance

Sometimes it’s easier to try and figure stuff out by asking a classmate for assistance. Following are a few helpful questions and replies.

Verstaan jy hierdie …?“Do you understand this …?”
Wat beteken dit?“What does it mean?”
Kan jy my gou help, asseblief?“Could you quickly help me, please?”
Ek’s nie seker nie. Vra liewer vir Juffrou.“I’m not sure. Rather ask (the) teacher.”
Seker. Gee my net ‘n oomblik.“Sure. Just give me a minute.”
Dit beteken …“It means …”
Ons hoef nie daai te doen nie.“We don’t need to do that.”
Example Dialogue:

Leerling A: Verstaan jy hierdie paragraaf? Kan jy my gou help, asseblief?
Pupil A: “Do you understand this paragraph? Can you quickly help me, please?”

Leerling B: Ek’s nie seker nie. Vra liewer vir Juffrou.
Pupil B: “I’m not sure. Rather ask Miss.”

Talking About Tests / Exams

Unlike in the U.S., pupils attending South African public schools write exams from grade 7 onward. These take place quarterly, with a big, final exam for each grade at the end of each year. This is a government standard. 

Class tests are usually written from Grade 3 throughout the year, as designed by the school’s government or the class teachers.

Some independent or private schools employ a slightly different grading and testing system, but all schools must comply with the same regulatory education standards to pass students to the next Grade, or to issue official Matric certificates (also called National Senior Certificates), in the case of high schools. This certificate signifies that the pupil completed their official or mandated schooling.

Exam and test time is characterized by certain preparatory activities, intensive studying … and feeling nervous about results! Here are a few phrases to discuss your exam experiences with your classmates.

Het jy voorberei?“Have you prepared?”
Ken jy die werk?“Do you know the material?”
Waar skryf ons …?“Where do we write …?
Waar is die eksamenlokaal?Literally: “Where is the exam venue?”
Hoe’t dit met jou toets /  eksamen gegaan?

Note: Hoe’t is a contraction of the question words Hoe het (“How did”).
“How’d it go with your test/ exam?”
Dit het goed gegaan, dankie. En met jou?Approximate: “It went well, thanks. And with you?”
Nie te sleg nie.“Not too bad.”
Ek het ongelukkig die toets gepluk.“I unfortunately failed the test.”
Ek het die eksamen geslaag.“I passed the exam.”
Wanneer is die volgende toets?“When is the next test?”
Ek moet die hereksamen vir … doen.“I need to rewrite the … exam.”
Eksamen is verby!

Note: Eksamen is in the singular form here, but in Afrikaans, it means that all the papers have been completed.
“Exams are done!”
Example Dialogue:

Leerling A: Waar skryf ons Biologie?
Pupil A: “Where are we taking the Biology exams?” (Approximate)

Leerling B: In die saal.
Pupil B: “In the hall.”

Jubilant Students Running Down the Stairs on Campus.

Eksamen is verby! / “Exams are done!”

Excusing Yourself in / from Class

Sometimes a break from class is necessary! In South African schools, it’s expected of learners to first ask the teacher for permission to leave. Also, when a pupil pitches late for class, it’s polite to apologize and give a reason for their tardiness.

Verskoon my, Juffrou. “Excuse me, Miss.”
Mag ek asseblief toilet toe gaan?“May I please go to the bathroom?”
Ek moet die klas verlaat.

Note: In South Africa, seniors are most likely to use this phrase (or an equivalent) to indicate that they need to go to the bathroom.
“I need to leave class.”
Mag ek die klas verlaat?“May I leave class?”
Jammer dat ek laat is.“Sorry that I’m late.”
Askies, Juffrou / Meneer.

Note: Saying Askies is an informal way of apologizing in Afrikaans.
“Sorry, Miss / Sir.”
Ek vra om verskoning.“I apologize.”
Ek is jammer, die hond het my huiswerk opgeëet.“I am sorry, the dog ate my homework.”
Ek sal nie volgende week klas kan bywoon nie.“I won’t be able to attend class next week.”
Ek voel nie goed nie. My … is baie seer.“I don’t feel well. My … hurts badly.”
Ek wil huistoe gaan.“I want to go home.”

Leerling: Verskoon my, Juffrou. Ek voel nie goed nie. My kop is baie seer. Mag ek die klas verlaat?
Pupil: “Excuse me, Miss. I don’t feel good. My head is very sore. May I leave class?”

Onderwyser: Dis reg so. Gaan kantoor toe dat die sekretaresse jou ouers kan bel.
Teacher: “It’s OK. Go to the office so the secretary can call your parents.”

3 – Talking about Subjects—Teachers and Pupils

In every country, the subjects taught at schools change and adapt according to the needs of the particular demographic, as well as global development.

However, some school subjects are universal and have remained the same in most countries over the ages. They may not all have the same names everywhere, but the basic content remains the same.

Retro School Paraphernalia, Magnifying Glass with Herbaria Viva, Quill and Ink, Bundle of Books Bound with a String etc.

Also, globally, many schools teach the country’s mother tongue/s, plus English and a few other major languages. 

List of School Subjects

Below are the universal subjects taught in all schools in South Africa, but for the purpose of this article, the country-specific subjects and electives are excluded.

Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie

Note: This subject is offered from Gr. 1 – 7 and is commonly called Wetenskap (“Science”).
“Natural science and Technology”
Fisiese wetenskap“Physical science”
Ekonomie“Economic studies”
Besigheidstudies“Business studies
Visuele kunste en musiek“Visual arts and music”
Liggaamsopvoeding“Physical Education”

Young Schoolchildren Engrossed in a Creative Drawing Activity in Class.

Skeppende kunste is ‘n belangrike vak veral in die junior skooljare. / “Creative arts are an important subject especially during the junior school years.”

A Few Questions and Answers About Subjects

School conversations with mates will highly likely include chatting about subjects. 

Remember to use the list above, plus the vocabulary list further on to complete the following questions and answers!

Wat is jou hoofvakke?Approximate: “What are your majors?”
Wat is jou gunsteling vak?

Note: There’s no equivalent for the phrase “least favorite” in Afrikaans.
“What is your favorite subject?”
Van watter vak hou jy die minste?“Which subject do you like the least?”
Van watter vak hou jy die meeste?“Which subject do you like the most?”
Met watter vak sukkel jy?“Which subject do you struggle with?”
In watter vak doen jy die …?“In which subject do you do the …?”
Wat is jou … vak?“What is your … subject?”
Watter vak is vir jou die … ?Approximate: “Which subject do you find the …?”
My hoofvakke is … en …“My majors are … and …”
Ek hou die meeste van …“I like … the most.”
Ek hou die minste van …“I like … the least.”
Afrikaans is my gunsteling vak.“Afrikaans is my favorite subject.”
Ek hou nie van … nie.“I don’t like …”
Afrikaans is vir my die … vak.“Afrikaans is the (most) … subject for me.”
Watter vakke het mens nodig vir toelating tot mediese studies?“Which subjects does one need for medical study admission?”
Jy’t beslis Wiskunde, Wetenskap, en Biologie nodig vir ‘n mediese graad.“You’ll definitely need Math, Science, and Biology for a medical degree.”
Useful Adjectives

Choose from this list of adjectives to complete the phrases above.
moeilikste“most difficult”
opwindendste“most exciting”
verveligste“most boring”
interessantste“most interesting”

South Africa has 11 national languages, but the majority is taught only at the regional schools where the language is widely spoken. From Gr. 1 through 12, English is the only non-elective language subject, plus one of the other national languages, including Afrikaans.

Many schools also offer French, German, and Mandarin as electives, non-national languages which are not widely spoken in the country.

A Colorful Stack of Different Language Dictionaries.

4. End of Class

So, class is over for the day or longer, and it’s time to greet. 

A good teacher will know that a proper conclusion to the day is as important as a proper start. This signifies the end of work and allows the students to take a break, psychologically and intellectually, from learning. Also, saying goodbye is a polite and important societal convention in South Africa!

1 – Teacher Phrases

Goed, klastyd is verby.“OK, class is over.”
Dis tyd om op te pak.“It’s time to pack your things away.”
Huistoe-gaan-tyd!Approximate: “Time to go home!”
Onthou more se klastoets.“Remember tomorrow’s class test.”
Totsiens, Klas.“Goodbye, Class.”
Sien julle more / volgende week.“See you tomorrow / next week.”
Sien julle weer.Approximate: “See you next time.”
Lekker middag vir almal.Approximate: “Enjoy your afternoon.”
Geniet julle naweek.“Enjoy your weekend.”

A Senior Pupil Greeting His Teacher after Class.

Geniet Meneer se middag. / Approximate: “Enjoy your weekend, Sir”

2 – Pupil Phrases

Totsiens, Juffrou!“Goodbye, Ma’am!”
Juffrou ook!“You too, Miss!”
Sien Juffrou more.“See you tomorrow, Ma’am.”
Baai, Meneer.“Bye, Sir.”
Geniet Meneer se middag.“Enjoy your afternoon, Sir.”

Onderwyser: Totsiens, Klas! Geniet julle naweek!
Teacher: “Goodbye, Class! Enjoy your weekend!”

Klas: Totsiens, en Juffrou ook!
Class: “Goodbye, and same to you, Miss!” (Approximate)

5. Supplies and Equipment in the Classroom

School supplies are often necessary to ensure that effective teaching and learning takes place. Not all schools in South Africa are equally well equipped, but the basics are usually present.

1 – All Classrooms

Irrespective of the grade, most classrooms will have the following.

stoel“school chair”
tafel“school desk”
skooltas“school bag”
jaarbeplanner“year planner”
skryfbehoeftes“school stationery”
HB potloodHB pencil
balpunt pen“ballpen / ballpoint pen”
potloodskerpmaker“pencil sharpener”

Note: This is the official, somewhat clumsy Afrikaans name for the device, but the word’s use is uncommon these days. Most often, we simply use the English.
Note: Same as above!

Note: This is also called the ponser.
potloodsakkie“pencil case”
witlyn notaboek“white line notebook”

Note: This is often only referred to as a skrif.
“exercise notebook”
studiegids“study guide”
huiswerkboek“homework book”
witkryt“white chalk”
bordkrytLiterally: “board chalk”
witbordpen“white board marker”
borduitveër“board eraser”
bordmagneet“board magnet”

Note: This popular reusable adhesive is known mostly by its first brand name that was introduced to South Africans over 50 years ago—irrespective of the brand!
“reusable adhesive putty / Blu Stik”
duimspyker“thumb tack”
waterbottel“water bottle”
kosbakkieLiterally: “little food box”
kosbak“lunch box”

School Supplies for Junior Class; Color Pencils, Scissors, White Chalk, an Apple Pencil Sharpener, Clay.

Tipiese skryfbehoeftes vir ‘n junior klas. / “Typical school supplies for a junior class.”

2 – Junior Class

Schooling in the junior phases focuses a lot more on creativity and imagination than in the senior phase, and this is reflected in the school supplies.

kleurpotlode“coloring pencils”
waskryte“wax crayons”
inkleurboek“coloring book”
kleideeg / speeldeeg“play dough”
gompapier“self-adhesive paper”

3 – Senior Class

kleurpenne“color pens”
sakrekenaar“scientific calculator”
merker / koki

Note: A koki is the unique name South Africans gave to the well-known fiber-tipped marker pen.

A black permanent marker pen.

In Suid Afrika word hierdie penne koki’s genoem. / “In South Africa, these marker pens are called koki’s.”

6. BONUS: Useful Afrikaans School Vocabulary

Below is a list of vocabulary you might find useful to play with and create your very own basic Afrikaans classroom phrases!

skooljaar“school year”
skoolvakansie“school holiday”
kleuterskool“crèche / kindergarten”
publieke skool“public school”
privaatskool“private school”
onderhoof“deputy headmaster”
departementshoof“head of department”
skoolsaal“school hall”
skoolbiblioteek“school library”
skoolbus“school bus”
atletiekbaanLiterally: “athletics track”
rugbyveld“rugby field”
leerplan“learning plan”
Hoërgraad (HG)“Higher Grade”
Standaardgraad (SG)

Note: These two subject levels exist for a few high school subjects in South African schools. 

In Gr. 8, and usually depending on their planned career path, pupils get to choose at which level they want to pass a certain subject. Some schools also offer only one level in certain subjects, e.g. Standard Grade Afrikaans.

The names are somewhat misleading because one level isn’t necessarily ‘easier’ to pass than the other. They simply indicate a difference of focus in the curriculum. 
“Standard Grade”
die projek (n)“the project”
navors (v)“to research”
die navorsing (n)“the research”
studeer (v)“to study”
die studie (n)“the study”
oefen (v)“to practice / exercise”
oefening (n)“the exercise”
hersien (v)“revise”
hersiening (n)“revision”

7. South African Schools—A Few Facts

To conclude, a few facts about South African education and the school scene in general.

An Empty School Gymnasium.

Sport is belangrik in meeste Afrikaanse skole. / “Sport is important in most Afrikaans schools.”

  •  In order to be registered as a school, an institution has to offer a curriculum that complies with the government-mandated CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements) for all subjects from Gr R to Gr. 12.
  • A 2019 survey showed that South Africa had a total of 24 998 schools, of which less than 2000 were private. 
  • Since 2019, government-endorsed E-learning, or online schooling, has increased significantly, especially for the higher grades.
  • In 2018, a survey demonstrated that hundreds of thousands of children in the country were unfortunately not enrolled in a school—a number that has probably grown since the COVID-pandemic.
  • Corporal punishment of any kind is unlawful in South African schools.
  • The majority of schools are English medium, with over 1600 schools Afrikaans medium. In Namibia, only one school is Afrikaans medium, but most schools offer Afrikaans as a subject.
  • Just like schools in most other countries, South African schools differ in quality of education, ethos, character, and so forth.
  • Numerous private or independent schools have, either completely or partially, done away with school uniforms. Wearing a school uniform is still mandatory in all public schools. 
  • All schools offer sport or physical education as a subject, but only the top (usually private) schools have fully-equipped gymnasiums.

8. Learn Useful Afrikaans School Phrases at!

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About the author: Christa Davel is an experienced, bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer, content creator, and editor, and is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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50+ Delicious Phrases for Eating Out in Afrikaans


South Africa is known for its delicious cuisine, and many of our chefs are rated among the best in the world. Eating out is, therefore, a must for any visitor or tourist! Also, knowing a few of the most common restaurant phrases in Afrikaans could really enhance your dining experience—read on to learn why.

A Waiter in Formal Gear Holding Three Plates of Food.

Afrikaner kelners verskaf gewoonlik uitstekende diens. / “African waiters usually provide excellent service.”

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Why is it Important to Know Afrikaans Restaurant Phrases?
  2. Finding a Good Restaurant in South Africa
  3. Booking at a Restaurant
  4. At the Restaurant
  5. Recommending the Restaurant
  6. Bonus: Food and Restaurant Vocabulary
  7. Eating out in Afrikaans with AfrikaansPod101!

1. Why is it Important to Know Afrikaans Restaurant Phrases?

One excellent reason for knowing a few strategic Afrikaans restaurant phrases is that it will likely result in a heartwarming, even mind-blowing experience for the foreign patron! This is not only because many South African chefs are exceptionally skilled.

In general, Afrikaner restauranteurs are consummate hosts who love socializing, but it’s guaranteed that they will, enthusiastically and with wide open arms, welcome any international visitor who shows an interest in their language and culture. This will demonstrate that you view them as people and not robots or slaves—a brilliant strategy in human relationships in general.

A Laid Restaurant Table with a Candle and Wine Glasses.

‘n Mooi omgewing maak ‘n ete meer genotlik. / “An attractive setting enhances a meal.”

Also, a restaurant can be an amazingly pleasant setting to practice your Afrikaans speaking and pronunciation skills. So, let’s get cracking with a few of the most common restaurant phrases in Afrikaans!

2. Finding a Good Restaurant in South Africa

Eating out is a favorite pastime among South Africans, so you won’t have any difficulty finding an excellent restaurant in South Africa. Doing a little research online or getting a recommendation from someone you know will point you in the right direction. Do so in Afrikaans!

Following are some Afrikaans restaurant phrases that you can use when asking someone for recommendations. 

Asking For Recommendations
Afrikaans QuestionsEnglish Translations
Is hier ‘n goeie restaurant in die omgewing?“Is there a good restaurant nearby?”
Is daar ‘n goeie vegetariese / vegan restaurant hier naby?“Is there a good vegetarian / vegan restaurant nearby?”
Watter is jou gunsteling eetplek? “Which is your favorite eatery?”
Kan jy ‘n luukse restaurant aanbeveel?“Can you recommend an upmarket / luxurious restaurant?”
Watter eetplek sou jy voorstel vir ‘n baie spesiale afspraak?“Which eatery would you propose for a very special date?”
Waarheen kan ek my gesin neem vir ‘n lekker middagete?“Where can I take my family for a nice lunch?”
Watter is die beste restaurant in Suid-Afrika?“Which is the best restaurant in South Africa?”
Wat dink jy van Pienkie se Plek? Kan jy dit aanbeveel?“What do you think of Pinky’s Place? Can you recommend it?”
Is daardie ‘n wegneem-ete restaurant?“Is that a fast-food restaurant?”
Moet ‘n mens vooraf bespreek?“Should one book ahead of time?”

One Colleague Asking the Other for a Restaurant Recommendation.

Is daar ‘n goeie restaurant in die omgewing? / “Is there a good restaurant nearby?”

Great, so you’ve established where you’d like to go. Now let’s make sure you’ll be able to get a place in the restaurant by making a reservation!

3. Booking at a Restaurant

Typically, reservations might be necessary, but not required for popular restaurants with an excellent reputation. These accept walk-in customers too, but you might find yourself waiting exceedingly long for a table. Reservations are required, though, at exclusive fine restaurants where meal preparation takes a lot of time and is only done per booking.

If the eatery is not high-end, such as bistros, teagardens, family restaurants, or steakhouses, walk-ins are welcome and the norm. Only in the case of large groups will you still need to book a table or tables, if you want to be sure of your place.

1- Making a Booking

Below is a list of phrases you can use for different scenarios such as booking for a couple, a group, or to book out the entire restaurant. It also includes other, more general questions, such as opening and closing times, whether children are welcome, and so forth.

    ➜ To make a reservation, you can visit the restaurant yourself, but most people simply call. Therefore, consider this list of Afrikaans phone call phrases to make sure you get that booking. The article also includes helpful tips about Afrikaner phone etiquette.

Making a Booking
Afrikaans Questions and PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Is julle oop vanaand / oor naweke?“Are you open tonight / over weekends?”
Hoe laat sluit die kombuis?“What time does the kitchen close?”
Neem die sjef / kok spesiale bestellings?“Will the chef / cook take special orders?”
Mag ons ons eie wyn bring?“Are we allowed to bring our own wine?”
Hoeveel is die kurkgeld per bottel wyn?“How much is the corkage fee per bottle of wine?”
Bedien julle Halaal kos?“Do you serve Halal food?”
Is kinders welkom?“Are children welcome?”
Is daar veilige speelplek vir kinders buite?“Is there a safe place for children to play outside?”
Verskaf julle volwasse toesig by die speelarea?“Do you provide adult supervision at the play area?”
Ek wil graag ‘n tafel bespreek vir vanaand, asseblief.“I’d like to book a table for this evening, please.”
Het julle plek vir vier mense buitekant?“Do you have a table for four people on the patio / outside?”
Ons is twee volwassenes en twee kinders.“We’re two adults and two children.”
Ek wil asseblief ‘n bespreking maak vir twee mense op Dinsdag om eenuur. “I’d like to make a booking for two people on Tuesday at one o’clock.”
Ek wil graag ‘n bespreking maak vir ‘n groep van tien. Dis vir ‘n werksfunksie / verjaarsdagpartytjie.“I’d like to make a reservation for a group of ten. It’s for a work-related event / birthday party.”
Neem julle besprekings vir troues?“Do you take bookings for weddings?”
Watter datums het julle beskikbaar?“Which are the available dates?”
Ek wil graag die hele restaurant bespreek vir die aand van die sewe-en-twintigste Desember.“I’d like to book the whole restaurant for the evening of December twenty-seventh.”
Sal daar genoeg parkeerplek vir meer as vyftig mense wees?“Will there be enough parking space for more than fifty people?”

When calling the restaurant to make a reservation, you will need to give them your contact details for several possible reasons. 

They might be full and would want to let you know if a place becomes available, for instance. Or perhaps you want confirmation of the booking in writing. Also, especially if your reservation is for a large group and/or a special occasion, they might want to keep you up-to-date regarding special requests, wine lists, the menu, etc.

Below are a few useful phrases for this purpose.

Giving Contact Information
Afrikaans PhraseEnglish Translation or Approximate
Asseblief stuur vir my bevestiging van die bespreking.“Please send me confirmation of the booking.”
My epos adres is…“My email address is…”
My foonnommer is…“My phone number is…”
Hier is ‘n alternatiewe foonnommer.“Here is an alternative phone number.”
Ek het nie ‘n landlyn nie.“I don’t have a landline.”
Jy kan my op WhatsApp of Telegram kontak by…“You can contact me on WhatsApp or Telegram at…”
As jy my nie in die hande kan kry nie kan jy my eggenoot / vriend / kollega kontak by…“If you can’t get hold of me, you can contact my partner / friend / colleague at…”

2- Special Requests

A Large Buffet Table Laden with Food.

Ons hou van buffet etes. / “We like buffet meals.”

When you book at a restaurant, sometimes it’s not as simple as just reserving a table for the number of people who will be dining there and then showing up on the day. Often, there are arrangements that must be made ahead of time. 

This is especially true if you are making a reservation for a large group, of course, but even if you are just booking for a couple, you might have some specific requirements. 

However, eating out in Afrikaans need not be a headache at all. Here are some more excellent phrases that will help you to make your requirements known in the language of many of the natives in South Africa. 

Note: Many of these phrases can be used as is when you’re already at the restaurant as a walk-in.

Special Requests
Afrikaans SentenceEnglish Translation
Waar wil jy / julle sit?“Where would you like to sit?”
Watter is jou / julle gunsteling tafel?“Which is your favorite table?”
Kan jy asseblief seker maak dat die tafel buite is?“Can you make sure the table is outside, please?”
Ek wil daar sit.“I want to sit there.”
Ons wil graag buite sit.“We’d like to be seated outside.”
Ek sal ‘n tafel binne verkies.“I’d prefer a table inside.”
Ons wil graag by ‘n venster met ‘n uitsig sit.“We’d like to sit by a window with a view.”
Waar is julle privaatste tafel?“Where is your most private table?”
Kan ons ‘n groter tafel kry, asseblief?“Could we have a bigger table, please?”
Ons gaan ons huweliksherdenking vier. Het julle miskien ‘n tafel vir twee in ‘n private area?“We’ll be celebrating our wedding anniversary. Do you have a table for two in a private space, by any chance?”
Verskaf julle babastoele?“Do you provide baby chairs?”
My pa is allergies vir neute. Gaan dit ‘n probleem vir die kok wees?“My father is allergic to nuts. Will that be a problem for the cook?”
Is julle restaurant maklik toegangbaar vir rolstoele?“Does your restaurant have easy wheelchair access?”
Is die toiletgeriewe maklik toegangbaar vir rolstoele?“Does the restroom have easy wheelchair access?”

Whether or not you are making a booking ahead of time, there are likely going to be special menu-related requirements. Not everybody likes, or can eat, the same food! It will be wise to determine, in advance, if the restaurant caters to the various gastronomic preferences and dietary restrictions, especially those of a group.

Three Young Women Enjoying a Salad Meal al Fresco.

Buitelug eetplekke is baie gewild in Suid Afrika. / “Outdoor eateries are very popular in South Africa.”

Below is a list of useful phrases that will help you make sure everyone is happy with the menu. Again, many of these can be used when making a booking, and when you’re already in the restaurant.

Bookings and Requests for Groups
Afrikaans SentenceEnglish Translation
Wats jou gunsteling dis?“What’s your favorite dish?”
Sal jy asseblief julle spyskaartopsies aanstuur?“Would you please forward your menu options?”
Het julle enige vasgestelde spyskaarte?“Do you have any set menus?”
Die spyskaart moet a la carte wees, asseblief.“The menu must be a la carte, please.”
Ons sal die buffet-opsie neem.“We’ll take the buffet option.”
Ek wil graag my eie spyskaart skep, gebaseer op die disse wat julle aanbied.“I’d like to create my own menu, based on the dishes you offer.”
Het julle ‘n spyskaart vir kinders?“Do you have a menu for children?”
Ek wil afsonderlike spyskaarte vir vegane, vegetariërs en vleiseters hê.“I’d like separate menus for vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters.”
Ek wil spyskaarte met die maatskappy se logo spesiaal vir hierdie geleentheid gedruk hê.“I want menus with the company logo printed specially for this occasion.”
Ons wil graag spesiale spyskaarte laat druk vir die troue.“We’d like to have special menus printed for the wedding.”

Naturally, if you are planning a wedding, a birthday party, a work function, or any other group outing, there are likely to be specific requirements when it comes to decor, seating arrangements, and the like. In the table below, you will find some useful phrases that will help you when it comes to planning these things. 

An Opera Singer in a Tuxedo.

Baie restaurante maak voorsiening vir musiekopvoerings. / “Many restaurants make provision for live music performances.”

Bookings and Requests for Groups Cont.
Afrikaans SentenceEnglish Translation
Ek wil graag die hele restaurant bespreek vir ‘n huweliksonthaal.“I’d like to book the entire restaurant for a wedding reception.”
Sal dit moontlik wees om ‘n tafel vir twintig te bespreek?“Would it possible to book a table for twenty?”
Ek wil graag twee tafels bespreek, elk vir tien mense.“I’d like to book two tables, each for ten people.”
Met wie kan ek praat oor dekor en sitplekreëlings?“Who can I speak to about decor and seating arrangements?”
Asseblief hou my op datum van enige vordering met die dekor en spyskaartbeplanning.“Please keep me updated about progress with the decor and menu planning.”
Ek wil graag naamkaartjies op die tafels hê.“I’d like to have name cards on the tables.”
Verskaf julle verjaarsdag versierings/ blomme?“Do you provide birthday decorations / flowers?”
Verskaf julle versierings vir herdenkings / troues?“Do you provide decorations for anniversaries / weddings?”
Kan julle ‘n verjaarsdagkoek voorsien?“Can you provide a birthday cake?”
Asseblief maak seker daar is ‘n tafel vir die geskenke.“Please, ensure there’s a table for the gifts.”
Ek wil graag sjampanje bestel vir die heildronk.“I’d like to order champagne for the toast.”
Die wynlys sal spesiaal gedruk word.“The wine list will be specially printed.”
Hierdie is my verkose wyne.“These are my preferred wines.”
Ek wil vroeg begin met die voorbereidings.“I’d like to start early with the preparations.”
Is daar genoeg spasie om ‘n vertoning te hou?“Is there sufficient space to put up a show / performance?”
Kan jy enige musikante / bands / komediante aanbeveel?“Can you recommend any musicians / bands / comedians?”
Verskaf julle die klanktoerusting vir toesprake?“Do you provide sound equipment for speeches?”
Stel julle die klanktoerusting op?“Do you set up the sound equipment?”
Ek wil graag die klank self toets, asseblief.“I’d like to test the sound myself, please.”
Kan ons asseblief vier kelners spesifiek vir die geleentheid kry?“May we please have four designated waiters for the event?”

Time to eat out!

4. At the Restaurant

You’re at the restaurant and are instructed to wait for waiter to assist you, or you’re taken directly to your table. It doesn’t happen often but sometimes you’ll have to ask for assistance.

Whatever the scenario, and irrespective of who you’re with, ordering from the waiter in Afrikaans will definitely increase the regard everyone has for you!

A Wrap Sandwich with Chicken, Avocado, Tomato, etc.

In sommige Suid Afrikaanse restaurante word ‘n wrap sandwich ‘n boerekombersie genoem. / “In some South African restaurants, a wrap sandwich is called a farmer’s blanket.

Afrikaans menus are often quite creative and amusing when it comes to naming the dishes they offer. If you are already familiar with some Afrikaans, you will no doubt have learned that some Afrikaans words can seem almost nonsensical when translated directly. 

This works in reverse too. When English, or any other language, is translated into Afrikaans, the results can be, well…interesting. Have a look at these translations of some menu items that can be found when eating out in Afrikaans restaurants. 

Item in Original LanguageAfrikaans Menu VersionLiteral Translation in English
pulled porkvlentervark“tattered pig”
mixed grillmanpan“man’s dish”
malvapoeding (malva “pudding”)“mal vir haar” poeding

In Afrikaans, the word “malva” sounds a bit like mal vir haar (“crazy about her”), if one says the phrase quickly.
“‘crazy about her’ pudding”
a wrap sandwichboerekombersie“farmer’s little blanket”
a jaffle

Note: Unlike the U.S. jaffle, the South African jaffle only refers to a  closed sandwich which is toasted in a round, handheld jaffle or pie iron. This delicious snack typically has a savory filling such as cooked minced meat, curry vegetables, steak-and-kidneys, etc.
boerpens-broodjie“farmer’s-paunch sandwich”
a beer towerplaasdam“farm dam”
a pizzaossewa-wiele“ox-wagon wheels”

The ossewa (“ox-wagon”) has a special place in the European Afrikaner heart because of its association with the Great Trek when the Boers trekked north from the Cape to escape British rule.  
a cabbage rolloumens onder die kombers“old person under the blanket” 

You might have noticed that the word boer is used liberally in these fun names for items on the menus. This is because speakers of Standard Afrikaans associate strongly with farming life. Farming is part of their heritage, to the extent that, historically, Afrikaners of European origin were called Boers in English. The name “Boer” is based on the Afrikaans word boer which means “farmer.”

Now let’s proceed to a few good phrases for ordering from a menu. 

1- How to Order in Afrikaans

In South Africa, ordering items from a menu is no different than anywhere else in the world. You’ll be met at the door by a waiter, who will seat you at your booked table or at the available table of your choice. When you’re seated, you should be handed the menu immediately.

Two Wine Glasses with White and Red Wine.

Suid Afrikaanse wyn is wêreldwyd bekend. / “South African wines are world renowned.”

If the restaurant is licensed to serve alcohol, the wine list often forms part of the food menu. At more upmarket eateries, you can expect to be offered an extensive, separate wine menu.

1.1- Ordering Drinks

While you’re making weighty decisions about your meal, you can just as well have something to drink. Use these phrases to make sure you please your palate with the best.

Ordering Drinks
Afrikaans PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Wat is jou gunsteling drankie?“What is your favorite drink?”
Kan ons die wynlys sien, asseblief?“Could we see the wine list, please?”
Ek wil graag drankies bestel.I would like to order drinks.
Watter witwyn kan jy aanbeveel?“Which white wine can you recommend?”
Het julle enige goeie wyn op special?“Do you have any good wines on special?”
Bestel mens drankies by die kroeg?“Does one order drinks at the bar?”
Ek wil hierdie wyn hê, asseblief.“I’d like this wine, please.”
Ek bestuur vanaand, so geen alkohol vir my nie, dankie.“I’m the (designated) driver tonight, so no alcohol for me, thanks.”
Ek sal ‘n glas vars lemoensap neem, dankie.“I’ll have a glass of fresh orange juice, thank you.”
Kan ek ‘n glas droë, rooi huiswyn kry, asseblief.

In South Africa, many licensed restaurants offer wine by the glass, but it tends to be from undisclosed, cheaper wine labels and is referred to as huiswyn or “house wine”. Label wines are offered by glass only at upmarket or luxury restaurants and these are typically more expensive.
“May I have a glass of dry, red house wine, please.”
Bring vir ons ‘n bottel van die De Wetshof Bateleur Chardonnay.“Bring us a bottle of the De Wetshof Bateleur Chardonnay.”
Ek wil graag ‘n heildronk instel.“I’d like to make a toast.”
Heildronk tyd!“Time to make a toast!”
Sal jy ‘n bakkie met ys bring, asseblief?“Would you bring us some ice, please?”
My seun wil ‘n Coke hê en my dogter mangosap.“My son wants a Coke and my daughter mango juice.”
Sy sal ‘n filterkoffie neem.“She’ll have a filter coffee.”
Ek verkies warm melk.“I prefer warm milk.”
Mag ek bietjie room kry vir my koffie, asseblief?
Unlike Americans, South Africans don’t, as a rule, serve cream with coffee. However, you’re welcome to ask for some; if the restaurant has in stock, they will serve it gladly and often at no extra cost.
“May I have a bit of cream for my coffee, please?”
Ek verkies swart koffie.“I prefer black coffee.”
Kan ons nog suiker vir die tafel kry, asseblief?“Can we have extra sugar for the table, please?”

1.2- Ordering Food

Alcohol often serves as an appetizer, so you should be hungry by now.

A Young Couple Ordering Food from a Menu in a Restaurant.

Ek wil hierdie gereg hê, asseblief. / “I’d like this dish, please.”

Order your food with the following basic Afrikaans restaurant phrases.

Ordering Food
Afrikaans PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Kan ons ‘n spyskaart kry, asseblief?“Can we have a menu, please?”
Is ons te laat vir ontbyt?

In South Africa, not all, but most eateries serve breakfast only till noon.
“Are we too late for breakfast?”
Watter dis kan jy aanbeveel?“Which dish can you recommend?”
Watter geregte op die spyskaart is die gewildste?“Which dishes on the menu are the most popular?”
Bedien julle wildsvleis?“Do you serve venison?”
Bedien julle enige vegetariese of vegan geregte?“Do you serve any vegetarian or vegan dishes?”
Ek wil hierdie gereg hê, asseblief.“I’d like this dish, please.”
Ek eet nie rooivleis nie.“I don’t eat red meat.”
Ek verkies seekos.“I prefer seafood.”
Bring vir my ses oesters as voorgereg, asseblief.“Bring me six oysters as a starter, please.”
Ek wil ‘n medium-rare fillet steak hê en ‘n gebakte aartappel met suurroom.“I would like a medium-rare fillet steak and a baked potato with sour cream.”
Ons sal die groente deel.“We’ll share the vegetables.”
Spaghetti Bolognaise vir die kinders, asseblief.“Spaghetti Bolognaise for the children, please.”
Kan ek dalk die helfte van hierdie gereg bestel vir my kind?Could I perhaps order half of this dish for my child?
Ek’s allergies vir XYZ. Weet jy of hierdie gereg dit bevat?“I’m allergic to XYZ. Do you know if this dish contains it?”
Sy’s laktose intolerant.“She is lactose intolerant.”
Ek het regtig lus vir ‘n kerriegereg.“I really feel like having a curry dish.”
Geen uieringe vir my nie, dankie.

Onion rings are a popular side dish at restaurants like, for instance, steakhouses. You’ll typically be asked if these should be included in your meal.
“No onion rings for me, thanks.”
Sal dit moontlik wees om die uieringe te ruil vir ‘n mengelslaai?“Would it be possible to swap the onion rings for a mixed salad?”
Brand hierdie gereg erg?Is this dish very spicy?
Het hierdie tipe vis baie grate?Does this kind of fish have a lot of bones?
Sal jy vir die kok vra om nie groenpeper by die slaai te sit nie, asseblief?Please could you ask the cook not to add green peppers to the salad, please?
Waar is die badkamer?Where is the restroom?

Two Women Holding Delicious Ice Cream Desserts.

Wat is jou gunsteling nagereg? / “What is your favorite dessert?”

With the ordering done, you can now sit back and enjoy your drink or beverage.

2- Phrases to use During the Meal

But the chatting doesn’t stop! Comment on the food or voice your requests in Afrikaans with these phrases.

During the Meal
Afrikaans PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Geniet jy jou kos?“Are you enjoying your food?”
Geniet julle die ete?“Are you enjoying your meal?”
Wats jou gunsteling gereg?“What’s your favorite dish?”
Gee vir my die tamatiesous aan, seblief?“Pass me the ketchup, please?”
Sout, asseblief?“Salt, please?”
Ek wil nog chips / aartappelskyfies hê, asseblief.

Here you can see that South Africans have two words for French fries.
“I’d like more French fries, please.”
Jy eet soos ‘n voëltjie.

This Afrikaans saying comments on a person’s low appetite.
“You eat like a little bird.”
Ek’s nie baie honger nie.“I’m not very hungry.”
Ek’s so honger soos ‘n wolf!

This is a common Afrikaans saying for expressing great hunger.
“I’m as hungry as a wolf!”
Bring vir ons tafel sout en peper, asseblief.Fetch salt and pepper for our table, please.
Kan ek ‘n servet kry, asseblief? “May I have a serviette, please?”
Wow, hierdie is heerlik.“Wow, this is delicious.”
Hier, vat ‘n happie.“Here, try a (small) bite.”
Proe net hoe lekker.“Have a taste, it’s very pleasant.”
Wil jy van my aartappelskyfies hê?

Note: In most casual eateries in South Africa, it’s common for family and close friends to share or even swap their food. Romantic partners can feed each other tasty bits, it’s acceptable behavior in most restaurants.
“Would you like some of my French fries?”
Die vleis is so sappig en geurig.“The meat is so juicy and flavorful.”
My groente is kraakvars.“My vegetables are very fresh.”
Is jy nog honger?“Are you still hungry?”
Is jy seker jy het genoeg gehad?

Note: This is usually a courtesy question; nobody will force you to eat more food than you want or can handle, and hosts understand this. That said—your host will be pleased and flattered if you agree to an extra portion, even if it’s only the size of a teaspoon!
“Are you sure you’ve had enough?”
Ek is nog honger.“I’m still hungry.”
Ek het genoeg gehad, dankie.“I’ve had enough, thank you.”
Ek is versadig.“I’m full.”
Ons is reg / gereed vir nagereg.“We’re ready for dessert”
Kan ek die nageregspyskaart sien, asseblief?“May I see the dessert menu, please?”
My man het ‘n baie soet tand.

Note: Just like in English, when we use this saying to describe someone, it means they love eating sweet and sugary food.
“My husband has a very sweet tooth.”
Het julle enigiets vir diabete op die nageregspyskaart?“Do you have anything for diabetics on the dessert menu?”

3- Phrases to use After the Meal

The meal’s done, and it’s time to go. Do so in style with these Afrikaans restaurant phrases.

A Couple at a Restaurant Table Asking for the Bill.

Mag ons die rekening kry, asseblief? / “May we have the bill, please?”

1.1- Asking for the Bill

An attentive waiter will notice that you’re near completion and will ask if they can bring you the bill, but it’s also customary to ask for it yourself. If the bill needs to be split, remember to alert the waiter beforehand.

After the Meal
Afrikaans PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Jy kan maar die rekening bring, dankie.“You may bring the bill, thank you.”
Mag ons die rekening kry, asseblief?“May we have the bill, please?”
Ons gaan die rekening verdeel.“We’re going to split the bill.”
Ons wag al lank vir die rekening; asseblief sal jy dit gaan haal?“We’ve already been waiting a while for the bill; will you please fetch it?”
Hier is ‘n fout op die rekening.“There’s a mistake on the bill.”
Sal jy dit so vinnig as moontlik regstel, asseblief?“Will you fix this as quickly as possible, please?”
Dankie vir die afslag.“Thank you for the discount.”
Is die fooitjie ingesluit by die rekening?“Is the tip included in the bill?”
Ek los vir jou ‘n kontantfooitjie.

Note: Most restaurants accept debit and credit cards, and it’s fine to include the tip in the bill. However, it’s OK to tip in cash too, if you prefer. Place it with the bill, or hand it over to the waiter personally.
“I’m leaving you a cash tip.”
Ek wil die oorblyfsels wegneem, asseblief.

Note: Most often, patrons simply need to indicate that they want to take left-over food with. The waiter will then either remove their plate from the table and deposit the leftovers in a box in the kitchen, or they will bring a box for you to pack the food yourself.
“I want the leftover for take-away, please.”
Kan ek ‘n wegneem-boks kry, asseblief?“May I have a take-away box, please?”

Most often, our dining experiences are enjoyable and meet our expectations. What is the custom in South Africa to express your appreciation and gratitude? And what if you were not pleased with your experience?

1.2- Compliments and Complaints

A wonderful meal with loved ones in a beautiful setting is probably one of the most pleasant experiences one can wish for. Keep these tips in mind when dealing with staff:

  • In South Africa, if the serving staff adds to this pleasure, it is customary to show your appreciation with a generous tip and a sincere compliment or two.
  • Likewise, if the meal or your dining experience has been spoiled in any way, it’s OK, even appreciated, to immediately alert the staff of the issue. You can also wait till after the meal to express displeasure or disappointment. Negative feedback is important because it helps restaurants to maintain a high standard of service delivery.
  • However, avoid diva behavior. In South Africa, temper tantrums and rudeness towards restaurant staff are socially unacceptable and will probably reduce your chances of getting a positive outcome. Also, your tantrum may just end up trending on social media for embarrassing reasons!
  • What’s more, lodging a complaint in a friendly, respectful manner is more likely to result in the restaurant manager offering you drinks, beverages, or desserts on the house as added compensation. And if the mistake or problem was big and clearly on the side of the restaurant, they might even give you the meal on the house. This is solely for management discretion, though.
  • Afrikaner patrons are generally not nitpickers, so they tend to overlook minor mistakes or issues. If the service was unsatisfactory but not terribly so, their dissatisfaction will probably reflect in the small size of the tip, or even lack thereof.
  • Conversely, sometimes just trying extremely hard to fix a problem or delivering good service, all while maintaining a positive attitude, will earn a waiter a good tip. Afrikaners are typically generous and tolerant at heart.

A Dissatisfied Customer Holding a Plate of Food in a Restaurant.

Dis onnodig om ‘n vloermoer te gooi wanneer jy kla oor iets. / “It’s unnecessary to throw a tantrum when complaining about something.”

But don’t forget to thank the staff and express appreciation. Sincere compliments can make the heart glow, and sometimes hardworking restaurant staff really need this type of acknowledgment of their effort. You never know whose day you’ll be making!

And to reiterate—complaints delivered politely and without drama tend to get far better results than aggressive, entitled demands. To be shouted at in front of others is demeaning and humiliating; nobody wants to be treated like that.

Here are a few good phrases with which to compliment or complain.

Compliments and Complaints
Afrikaans PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Baie dankie vir goeie diens.“Thank you very much for the good service.”
Dankie, dit was ‘n heerlike aand.“Thank you, it was a really enjoyable evening.”
Die kos was heerlik, baie dankie.“The food was delicious, thank you very much.”
Hierdie gereg was iets besonders.“This dish was exceptional.”
Ons het alles regtig geniet. Baie dankie vir jou / julle moeite.“We really enjoyed everything. Thank you so much for your effort.”
Julle sal ons beslis weer sien.“You will definitely see us again.”
Ek sal hierdie restaurant met graagte aanbeveel.“I will recommend will restaurant with pleasure.”
Baie dankie, jou diens was uitstekend.“Thank you very much, your service was excellent.”
Dankie vir ‘n heerlike aand.“Thank you for a wonderful evening.”
Ek wil graag met die bestuurder / kok / sjef praat, asseblief?“I’d like to speak to the manager / cook / sjef, please?”
Haar diens was werklik uitnemend.“Her service was truly exceptional.”
Gee asseblief my komplimente aan die kok!“Please give my compliments to the cook!”
Die maaltyd was absoluut voortreflik, die beste wat ek nog ooit geniet het.“The meal was absolutely excellent, the best I’ve ever enjoyed.”
Jammer maar ek moet ongelukkig ‘n probleem aanmeld.“Sorry, but unfortunately I must report a problem.”
Ek is nie gelukkig hieroor nie.“I’m not happy about this.”
Hierdie is nie wat ek bestel het nie.“This is not what I ordered.”
Ons tafel het twee hiervan bestel, nie net een nie.“Our table ordered two of these, not only one.”
Jammer maar my vleis is nie voorberei volgens bestelling nie.“Sorry, but my meat was not prepared to order.”
Hierdie steak is oordoen en gebrand.“This steak is burnt and overdone.”
Hier is ‘n vreemde voorwerp in my kos.“There’s a foreign object in my food.”
My bord / koppie / wynglas / eetgerei is vuil.“My plate / cup / wine glass / cutlery is dirty.”
Die slaai is nie eetbaar nie.“The salad is not edible.”
Dis nie vars nie.“It’s not fresh.”
Sal jy vir my ‘n ander een bring, asseblief?“Will you fetch me another one, please?”
Nee dankie, jy hoef dit nie te vervang nie.“No thanks, you don’t need to replace it.”
Verwyder dit net van die rekening.“Just remove it from the bill.”
Kan jy die fout regstel, asseblief?“Could you fix the mistake, please?”
Ons wag nog steeds vir die sous, en dis al ‘n ruk sedert ons dit bestel het.“We’re still waiting for the gravy, and it’s been a while since we ordered it.”
Dankie vir jou begrip.“Thanks for understanding.”
Moenie worry nie, enigiemand kan ‘n fout maak. “Don’t worry, anybody can make a mistake.”

A Cook or Chef Preparing a Flambé Dish on a Restaurant Stove.

Onthou om die sjef ook te komplimenteer. / “Remember to also compliment the chef.”

5. Recommending the Restaurant

Has your dining experience been so fantastic, that you want to recommend the restaurant? Or perhaps an Afrikaans friend is asking you for recommendations? Recommendations are probably even better than the biggest tip or the highest praise because it could mean extra business for the restaurant.

Below are some handy Afrikaans restaurant phrases you could use.

Recommending the Restaurant
Afrikaans PhrasesEnglish Translation or Approximate
Daardie is ‘n uitstekende restaurant.“That’s an excellent restaurant.”
Ek kan La Colombe sterk aanbeveel.“I can strongly recommend La Colombe.”
Ons het nog net goeie ervaringe daar gehad.“We’ve had only good experiences there.”
Julle móét daardie restaurant probeer.“You must try that restaurant.”
Die uitsig is asemrowend.“The view is breathtaking.”
Die plek is wonderlik atmosferies.“The place is wonderfully atmospheric.”
Jy sal nie spyt wees jy’t TK’s probeer nie.“You won’t regret trying TK’s.”
Hulle kos is uit die boonste rakke.“Their food is superb.”
Die diens is uiters professioneel en vriendelik.“The service is exceptionally professional and friendly.”
Hulle het ons baie welkom laat voel.“They made us feel very welcome.”

6. Bonus: Food and Restaurant Vocabulary

Note that any of the above Afrikaans restaurant phrases can be adapted by using different nouns or pronouns. 

A Festive Table Stacked with Delicious Food.

Geniet die ete! / “Enjoy the meal!”

Bonus Food and Restaurant Vocab
Afrikaans English Translation or Approximate
spek en eiers“bacon and eggs”
tamatiesous“tomato ketchup”
Balsamiese asyn“Balsamic vinegar”
olyfolie“olive oil”
brandsous“hot sauce”
gerookte vis“smoked fish”
mes en vurk“knife and fork”
steak-mes“steak knife”
vismes“fish knife”
voorgereg“appetizer” / hors d’oeuvre
hoofgereg“main course” / entrée
bygereg“side dish”
verjaarsdagpartytjie“birthday party”
werksfunksie“formal work event”
werkspartytjie“work party”
spesiale geleentheid“special occasion”

7. Eating out in Afrikaans with AfrikaansPod101!

Are you more prepared for a uniquely South African restaurant experience, now that you’ve read this blog? Do you feel that you know how to order in Afrikaans? 

If you enjoyed this article, consider signing up immediately to learn about much more than only restaurant vocabulary and Afrikaans restaurant phrases.

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About the author: Christa Davel is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer and journalist, and is based in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Guaranteed Tips for Better Conversation Skills in Afrikaans


Searching for ways to fast-track your conversation skills in Afrikaans? The Internet is replete with techniques and advice to improve this ability. With a thorough search, you will even find specific Afrikaans lessons about conversation skills. 

Many of these are excellent, and they all offer (basically) the same tried-and-tested tips and ideas. In this article, I’m going to discuss some of the tips at length because they work well if you apply and practice them consistently. I will also give examples of useful phrases to memorize for easy conversations in Afrikaans.

A Young Couple Laughing Together.

Goeie gespreksvaardighede verseker goeie gesprekke. / “Good conversation skills ensure good conversations.”

However, in addition, I will offer something exclusive—expert advice from a master language learner. Be sure to read on for it because applying this tip will take your basic Afrikaans conversation skills to the next level—guaranteed!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Excellent Ways to Improve your Afrikaans Speaking Skills
  2. Listen Up!
  3. Learn and Use Afrikaans Filler Words
  4. Learn Common Afrikaans Questions and Answers
  5. Afrikaans Conversation Starters
  6. The Secret is the Sheet…!

1. Excellent Ways to Improve your Afrikaans Speaking Skills

Improving your conversation skills in Afrikaans should not require a degree or cost truckloads of money. Acquiring a new language is not rocket science; even babies do it all the time!

So, if you’re serious about how to improve your Afrikaans speaking skills, here are a few pointers to get things going.

1- Get A Native Afrikaans Tutor or Instructor

Depending on your budget and specific needs, enlisting the help of a native Afrikaans-speaking personal tutor or instructor is your best option to quickly improve your Afrikaans conversation skills. 

If the person is affiliated with an online language platform, such as, this option will have a few distinct advantages that practically guarantee success.

  • There’d be a set curriculum and lesson plan already in place, so you don’t have to scramble for these.
  • Your teacher’s guidance, assessment, and feedback will be invaluable in terms of easier learning and also staying on track with it.
  • Most will allow you to learn at your own pace and even customize your lessons. makes this exceedingly easy with features such as this free mobile app for creating your own lists. Paid-for features and options are even more helpful, and their cost really won’t break the bank.
  • Your native Afrikaans teacher will continuously assess and improve your pronunciation and inflection—essential if you want to be understood by other Afrikaans speakers.
  • One of the secrets to successfully improving your conversation skills in Afrikaans (and any other language, really) is to keep your motivation high. Your teacher or tutor is an invaluable resource in this regard; it’s like having your own cheerleader almost literally by your side every day. This will boost your speaking confidence considerably.
  • You’d have free learning resources available to play with on the site—too many to list here! But for instance, check out this helpful Afrikaans Key Phrase List—essential for conducting basic Afrikaans conversations.
  • Also, the fact that tutoring takes place online means it’s never been easier to study Afrikaans from home or wherever you are connected to the Internet—at the pace that best suits your needs and lifestyle. It’s really that simple.

The Neck and Torso of a Woman Tapping on a Tablet or iPad Screen.

‘n Persoonlike aanlyn taalinstrukteur kan jou studies aansienlik bevorder. / “A personal online language instructor can significantly improve your studies.”

2- Practice with a Native Afrikaans Partner

If a paid-for tutor or instructor is not an option, and especially if you don’t have regular access to the Internet, that’s not the end of the world. Consider finding an Afrikaans speaking buddy with whom you can practice live and improve your Afrikaans conversation skills.

Here are a few ideas to procure such a buddy.

  • If you’re so lucky to be in South Africa already, finding one might prove quite easy. Be bold—reach out, and ask Afrikaner friends, colleagues, or even strangers for assistance with your Afrikaans conversation skills. For a head-start and to show that you’re serious about learning the language, acquaint yourself with the Afrikaner culture. Or at least master the excellent skill of greeting someone in Afrikaans
  • Alternatively, consider enrolling in a language school, such as the Mzansi Language School in Pretoria that offers Afrikaans classes on site, with a focus on building conversation skills.
  • If you’re not in South Africa, you could still search for a native Afrikaans buddy. Most foreign countries have communities of Afrikaans expats, and these you may find through the South African consulate or embassy in your own country of residence. The embassy or consulate might even have free resources or Afrikaans learning programs available for students, or they may know of Afrikaans expats willing to take students or conversation buddies.
  • Especially countries such as the USA, the UK, Australia, many Asian countries, the UAE, etc., have large Afrikaans expat communities, and most of these communities have formed Afrikaans churches. Many Afrikaans-speaking South Africans are Christians, and if you are too, attending Afrikaans church services might be a way to connect meaningfully with someone.
  • Alternatively, there might be English language schools if you live in a non-English country such as China, South Korea, and Japan. Many South Africans teach English at these schools, so pay them a visit. Who knows, you may end up making a friend this way, because especially the new teachers are pretty lonely so far away from home!
  • This is not a conventional tip, and of course, I mean it light-heartedly (only somewhat!), but one of the best ways to learn and practice your Afrikaans conversation skills is to date a native speaker. Provided you spend a good amount of time talking, of course. ‘Nuff said!

A Couple Watching a Scary Film in a Movie Theatre.

‘n Romantiese verhouding met ‘n Afrikaanssprekende persoon kan jou motiveer om die taal vinnig te bemeester. / “A romantic relationship with a native Afrikaner could motivate you to master the language fast.”

However, simply practicing random words and phrases in Afrikaans with a native speaker doesn’t guarantee success, and it’s a slow way to go about improving your conversation skills in Afrikaans. You’ll need some structure, or your efforts will be wasted. If study materials and Afrikaans lessons about conversation skills are in short supply, you might have to create your own. 

Creating your own learning materials should be attempted only by the advanced Afrikaans learner. And only if you have lots of time on your hands because it involves a lot of work. Plus, you will still need a native speaker to assist you, or you may end up learning incorrect language or poor conversational habits.

If you’re willing to put in the effort, it will be worth the investment, so let’s get down to it.

3- Be Your Own Master Teacher

The following guiding tips will show you how to improve your Afrikaans speaking skills by creating your own conversation-learning curriculum and practices. But don’t stop here—read on for the promised expert advice…

Choose A Topic

Make things easy for yourself by keeping it ‘bite-sized’. Start by choosing an interesting topic you’d like to chat about in Afrikaans. Then search for level-appropriate base material in Afrikaans, such as this topic for advanced students (whales), for instance.

A Breaching Humpback Whale.

Walvisse is ‘n interessante onderwerp om oor te gesels. / “Whales are an interesting topic for discussion.”

And if you’re a beginner, you may find this article about Afrikaans beginner words (with a good dash of grammar!), or this one, with easy phrases for beginners, especially helpful.

Write Out Phrases, Dialogues, Expressions, Etc.
Now it’s time to create and write down your own dialogues, using topic-focused lines, proverbs, sayings, expressions, etc. Depending on your level of proficiency, keep the phrases concise at first.

At this point, it might be best to enlist the help of a native Afrikaner friend or colleague to ensure accuracy.

Record the Dialogues
Next, record your dialogue, which offers three advantages:

  • You get to hear yourself speaking in Afrikaans and can easily compare it with correct recorded samples.
  • Using recordings offers more freedom in your learning. For instance, your native-speaking friend won’t need to be with you to be able to correct your pronunciation. They can simply listen to your recording and then record corrections that you can use.
  • The correct dialogue or phrases can be listened to repeatedly. So, it’s a valuable resource.

A Young Listening to a Recording with Headphones.

Gebruik opnames om jou Afrikaanse gespreksvaardighede mee te verbeter. / “Use recordings to improve your Afrikaans conversation skills.”

    Memorize and Shadow Practice
    Now use your own recordings as learning tools by listening and shadow practicing. Shadow practicing means you listen to a phrase and then repeat it aloud after the speaker.

    Your aim is to memorize the dialogues. Once you’ve done that, it would be best to keep practicing them live with a native speaker too.
    Just Go with an Established Online Language School Already!
    These tips so far are great, and I know you’ll succeed using them if you urgently need to learn how to improve your Afrikaans speaking and listening skills.

    But really, this is the long way to go about learning good Afrikaans conversation skills. You’ll be practically reinventing the wheel here, especially if you have access to the Internet.

    It would be much easier to just subscribe to what is arguably the best Afrikaans resource site available for free. There are paid-for learning paths available but enrolling at for a lifetime free account means immediate free access to a massive library of study material and other resources. The site focuses on conversational Afrikaans for learners of all levels, so this step is actually a no-brainer, really!

OK, so these are the basics. If you put these tips to use, you’ll see more than an uptick in your Afrikaans basic conversation skills.

Now it’s time to take things to the next level by learning a few other conversation superpowers.

A Drawing of an Ear Listening to a Mouth Speaking.

Luisteroefeninge is essensiëel om gespreksvaardighede te ontwikkel. / “Listening exercises are essential for developing conversation skills.”

2. Listen Up!

Irrespective of whether you enroll with a tutor or a language school or go the DIY route—listening exercises are vital for developing polite conversation skills in Afrikaans and in every other language, really. After all, dialogues or conversations are a two-way business—one person speaks while the other listens. 

To make sure your Afrikaans listening ability is on point, here are a few tips.

  • Something that will help to improve your Afrikaans conversation skills is ensuring that your recorded samples of speech, mentioned under the previous heading, are of excellent quality, meaning the grammar and pronunciation is correct Standard Afrikaans. You don’t want to train your ear to what typical Afrikaans doesn’t sound like.
  • Search online for Afrikaans podcasts, or, if you’re so lucky to be in South Africa already, visit a local library for free resources such as recorded books, radio dramas, TV series, etc. Also, consider using YouTube videos, other recorded readings, or speeches in Afrikaans. 
  • Also, why not create a playlist of excellent Afrikaans songs on platforms such as YouTube? Listening to Afrikaans music is not only an excellent language-acquisition exercise, but it’s also a pleasurable one that can be enjoyed anywhere, any time. Consider this article to help you select the best Afrikaans music (with the correct pronunciation and syntax) on YouTube.

A Cell Phone Camera on a Stand, Busy Recording a Woman.

Daar is uitstekende Afrikaanse potgooie aanlyn om jou luistervaardighede mee op te skerp. / “There are excellent Afrikaans podcasts online with which to practice your listening skills.”

3. Learn and Use Afrikaans Filler Words

Fillers are those seemingly meaningless words (or even noises) in conversational speech that can serve multiple purposes. For instance, they can convey:

    ➜ the speaker’s general emotional state,
    ➜ that the speaker needs a moment to think before speaking, or
    ➜ the speaker’s true thoughts or feelings about the topic under discussion (which can include feeling unsure, scared, or fearful, caught off guard, flustered, embarrassed, surprised, etc.).

Adding appropriate filler words to your Afrikaans conversations is a surefire way to dramatically enhance them. For instance, they will help your Afrikaans speech sound more natural, provided they’re used correctly. Too many of them can be irritating and are not advised if you’re expected to give a speech, for instance. However, they’re such a natural part of the vernacular that they shouldn’t be avoided altogether either.

Some filler words are universal and have the same meaning in many languages. Think, for instance, of the ubiquitous “Uhm”.

To give an example: 

Imagine your Afrikaans friend Magda’s birthday is coming up. You want to get her something special as a gift and decide to ask rather than guess. The conversation then goes something like this:

You: Wat wil jy graag vir jou verjaarsdag hê, Magda? / “What would you like for your birthday, Magda?”
Magda: Uhm, laat ek bietjie dink… / “Uhm, let me think a bit…”

This hesitation noise typically indicates that the speaker is feeling unsure or insecure about what it is they should or want to say, so they use it to communicate that they’re thinking.

As mentioned, it’s a universal filler word, so you’ll probably find yourself using it quite naturally anyway. Remember to include the closing “M” in “Uhm”, which is typical in Afrikaans, but not in languages such as French and Italian, for instance.

1- How to Use Filler Words to Build Conversation Skills in Afrikaans

How to use fillers to enhance your conversation skills in Afrikaans is a dense topic that we answer comprehensively in another article: Afrikaans Filler Words to Make You Sound Like a Native

Young Woman Sitting at a Desk, Thinking about Something.

Uhm, laat ek ‘n bietjie dink… / “Uhm, let me think a bit…”

The secret is to know exactly what the fillers mean, and how to use them. Now let’s look at a few more typical Afrikaans filler words, with examples of their use in conversational speech.

2- Common Filler Words in Afrikaans

Afrikaans is an expressive language that “says it as it is”. Also, the more personal, emotional, or dramatic the conversation, the more filler words you’ll hear. For this reason, many of them are reserved for the less formal types of conversations.

Not that the Afrikaans Language Police will make an arrest if a filler is used in a more formal milieu. If it’s used in a specific context or serves a purpose such as comic relief, the following fillers are pretty ‘safe’ in less informal situations too.

Here’s an example of a few filler words and how they’re used in Afrikaans.

Imagine it’s an icy winter morning, and you and your friend Magda have just met up in town for a coffee date. Presently, the two of you are standing shivering outside in the street.

Magda: Sjoe, maar dis baie koud vandag! / “Wow, it’s very cold today!”
You: Ja-nee, dit is wraggies koud. / “Yea, it’s really cold.”

Did you spot the two fillers? Yup, they’re sjoe (“wow”), and ja-nee (Literally: “yes-no”). 

Ja-nee is a uniquely Afrikaans filler word and is most commonly used to express agreement or confirmation. It sometimes occurs in American and South African English conversations too, but not in a similar format, so to speak.

A Thermometer Showing below Freezing Point.

Sjoe, maar dis baie koud vandag! / “Wow, it’s very cold today!”

Ja-nee is pronounced as one word, and it always indicates almost implicit agreement with the speaker or indicates confirmation of something as fact. In English, it’s never expressed as “Yes, no”, which is the literal translation, but rather “Yeah, no”, and it can sometimes denote a certain degree of uncertainty or hesitation in the speaker. Like this, for instance:

“Yeah, no, I understand what you’re saying, and I agree, but…”

Interestingly, the adverb wraggies, the diminutive form of wragtag (“Truly / Really!”), is also used as a filler word in Afrikaans. It’s remarkably similar in meaning to ja-nee but can also denote a sense of amazement or surprise. It’s typically used together with another filler: né, and it sounds like you’re asking a rhetorical question.  Here’s a demonstration:

Two students are having a conversation about exams.

A: Dis eienaardig. Hierdie jaar se Gevorderde Afrikaanse eksamen was baie makliker geweesas laasjaar s’n.
“It’s weird, but this year’s Advanced Afrikaans exam was way easier than last year’s.”

B: Wraggies, né?! 
Approximate: “Awesome, yeah?!”

The following are two other, very commonly used Afrikaans fillers.

Picture this: you and a few Afrikaans friends are watching a game of rugby, one of the most popular national ball sports of South Africa. On the field, one of the players looks like he’s going to score a try, but just before he reaches the goal line, he trips and falls hard. Everyone in the room goes:

Shssssss, eina!

(Pronunciation: Shssss is the hissing sound you’d make when taking in a long breath through your front teeth with your jaw clenched. And eina! (“ouch!”) is often but not always a loud, emphasized exclamation in Afrikaans.)

These two filler words (Shsssss and Eina) can indicate that you’re experiencing pain yourself or that you’re commiserating with someone else’s pain. This can be physical pain or the “injury” of embarrassment, or a bruised ego.

A Woman's Sunburnt Back.

Eina, dit lyk seer! / “Ouch, that looks painful!”

It’s also common to say Eina, shssss!

Now let’s discuss another conversation skill—using Afrikaans questions and answering them correctly.

4. Learn Common Afrikaans Questions and Answers

One of the best ways to keep any conversation going is to ask questions and answer them appropriately. This is another elaborate topic that’s impossible to do justice to in only a few paragraphs. Also, it’s a skill that’s learned only with persistence and practice and is best supported by a native Afrikaans tutor or speaking friend.

Three Blocs with Drawings of Heads with Question Marks, and a Light Bulb.

Om vrae te vra is ‘n uitstekende gespreksvaardigheid. / “Asking questions is an excellent conversation skill.”

For a longer list of questions and answers in Afrikaans, consider this article. It’s complete with cultural context and tips—invaluable for meaningful conversations with native Afrikaners.

Also, remember that you need to raise your voice towards the end of the sentence when you ask a question in Afrikaans. Let’s take a look at some Afrikaans questions and answers commonly used in conversations.

1- Examples of Common Afrikaans Questions and Answers

The following are easy, beginner questions and answers in a relaxed, social situation.

Imagine, for instance, that you’re at a language school party where you’ve just met a girl whom you’d like to get to know better. The conversation will be informal, and after greeting her with a friendly smile and a simple “Hello”, it could go something like this:

Q: Wat is jou naam?
“What is your name?”

A: My naam is Anna.
“My name is Anna.”

She may ask you the same question in return, to which you can reply in the same fashion—just insert your own name, of course!

For more advanced speakers, the questions and answers could look like this:

Q: Wat kan ek jou noem?
“What can I call you?”

A: Jy kan my sommer Anna noem.
“You can simply call me Anna.”

Another variation of the question is Wie is jy? (“Who are you?”), but just like in English, it’s not the friendliest or most polite question in Afrikaans vernacular.

Let’s suppose you’re interested to hear where Anna is from. Then you ask:

Q: Waar kom jy vandaan?
“Where are you from?”

A: Ek is van die V.S.A.
“I’m from the U.S.A.”

Anna may now ask where you’re from, or you could keep the conversation going by simply offering:

A: Ek is van Engeland.
“I’m from England.”

More advanced questions and answers include:

Q: Van waar in die V.S.A is jy? 
“Where in the U.S.A. are you from?”


Q: Waar het jy grootgeword?
“Where did you grow up?”

The Seattle Skyline at Night.

Ek het grootgeword in Seattle, Washington. / “I grew up in Seattle, Washington.”

A: Ek kom oorspronklik van die noorde af.
“I’m originally from the north.”


A: Ek het grootgeword in Seattle, Washington.
“I grew up in Seattle, Washington.”

Now that you know where Anna is from, you’d like to know where she’s currently living.

Q: Waar bly jy?
“Where do you live?”

A: Ek bly in New York.
“I’m living in New York.”

And the advanced versions are:

Q: In watter stad of dorp woon jy tans?
“In which city or town do you currently live?”

A: Ek woon tans in New York.
“Currently, I’m living in New York.”

5. Afrikaans Conversation Starters

Finding yourself in a situation where you must start a conversation can be daunting if you don’t know the other person. This could be even more so when speaking a foreign language!

1- Examples of Afrikaans Conversation Starters

The questions under the previous heading or simply introducing yourself can also serve as excellent conversation starters for beginner learners of Afrikaans. 

If you’re at a more advanced level, consider giving a sincere compliment to open a conversation with someone. Here are a few to consider.

Imagine, for instance, you’re meeting someone for the first time. (This can be any scenario—a date, at a work function, or at a party.) You’re nervous and can see that the other person feels the same. To put them at ease, you could greet and then open a conversation with: 
  • Jy lyk fantasties! / “You look fantastic!”
  • Wow, jy lyk goed in daardie rok. / “Wow, you look good in that dress.”
  • Ek hou van jou haarstyl, dis regtig cool. / “I like your hairstyle, it’s really cool.”
  • Jy’t ‘n wonderlike tafel vir ons gekies, baie dankie. / “You’ve chosen a wonderful table for us, thank you.”
  • Jou toespraak was inspirerend. / “Your speech was inspiring.”
  • Ek het jou toespraak baie geniet. / “I really enjoyed your speech.”

And now, finally—the promised expert advice for developing the Afrikaans conversation skills of a winner.

6. The Secret is the Sheet…!

Peter Galante, one of the founding members of, can speak several languages. He makes language acquisition look super easy, but this is because, over the years, he developed certain methods and tricks that helped him become a language-learning master.

The method I’m going to discuss is what he calls “a cheat sheet for making fast progress”, and it entails compiling and then memorizing a list of phrases that are most relevant and specific to you. Simple as that! Yet don’t be deceived—using this tip will significantly improve your conversation skills in Afrikaans.

Keep the following in mind when creating your own cheat sheet:

  • The phrases should include an introduction, plus details about yourself and your lifein an idiom and language style that suits different situations or scenarios, your age, and your generation. For instance, if you’re young, add Afrikaans slang words and phrases that young people will typically use. Fortunately, Afrikaans nouns and pronouns don’t change for gender, so you don’t have to worry about this.
  • Especially if you’re a beginner student, you might want to ask an Afrikaans tutor or native Afrikaans speaker to help you with this task.
  • It’s OK if, at first, you overdo the list! Compile as many phrases you can think of for as many hypothetical conversations as you prefer. Then, whittle the list down to the twenty most important phrases and memorize them. The other phrases will not be a waste, as you could always refer to them as your situations and skills change.

A Pretty Young Female Student Holding Books.

Ek is 20 jaar oud en ek studeer voltyds. / “I’m 20 years old and I study full time.”

Let me demonstrate with a few examples. Remember that these phrases are not in a specific order. They are simply appropriate responses to specific questions or situations that you may encounter.

1-Examples of Cheat Sheet Phrases

Our first example profile is of an ambitious young woman who works extremely hard at her studies, which means she barely has time to hang out. The following are a few phrases she might consider for her list. The conversation is with a peer who introduces themselves to her and asks her out, so it’s very casual.
  • Haai, ek’s Kim. / “Hi, I’m Kim.”
  • Ek’s 20 jaar oud en studeer voltyds. / “I’m 20 years old and I’m studying full time.
  • Ek swot rekenaarprogrammering. / “I’m studying computer programming.”
  • Ek’s vodde vandag. / “I’m exhausted today.”
  • Wat is vrye tyd?! My studies neem al my tyd op. / “What is free time?! My studies take up all my time.”
  • Dis baie werk, ja. / “It’s a lot of work, yes.”
  • Sorry, nie vandag nie. Maar dankie vir die invite. / “Sorry, not today. But thanks for the invite.”

A Forty-Something Doctor in a White Coat and a Stethoscope Around His Neck.

Goeiedag, ek is dokter Michael Williams. / “Good day. I’m doctor Michael Williams.”

The next profile is of an ophthalmologist in his early forties. He has chosen to relocate to South Africa to further his specialization in poverty-related eye diseases, and learning to speak Afrikaans is a requirement for his internship at the famous Pretoria Eye Hospital. In this scenario, he’s meeting with the Human Resource Manager of the hospital, so the situation is somewhat formal.
  • Goeiedag, ek is Dokter Michael Williams. / “Good day, I am Doctor Michael Williams.”
  • Dis goed om jou te ontmoet. / “It’s good to meet you.”
  • Ek’s dankbaar vir die geleentheid om by die hospitaal te werk. / “I’m very thankful for the opportunity to work at this hospital.”
  • Ek het reeds ingeskryf by ‘n Afrikaanse taalskool. / “I have already enrolled at an Afrikaans language school.”
  • My akkommodasie is bo verwagting goed, baie dankie. / “My accommodation exceeds expectation, thank you very much.”
  • My adres is Schoemanstraat 10, Waverley. / “My address is 10 Schoeman Street, Waverley.”
  • Ek aanvaar graag jou aanbod. / “I’ll gladly accept your offer.”

Also, consult the following articles when you create your cheat sheet:

So, are you convinced yet? How to improve your Afrikaans listening and speaking skills need not be an insurmountable task. 

Let help you achieve this—we’re expertly geared to help you get nearly as fluent as a native speaker, so enroll now!

About the author: Christa Davel is an experienced, bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer, content creator, and journalist and is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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Guide to the Most Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases


Did you know that the formation of Afrikaans was influenced by languages as diverse as Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, and Portuguese? However, it derives its idiomatic character mainly from Dutch—this is well illustrated in the list of expressions from the last section of this article, where we delve into advanced Afrikaans phrases and idiomatic expressions.

If you’re already busy studying advanced Afrikaans, it probably means die gogga het jou gebyt (literally: “the bug has bitten you”). This lovely idiom compares a person’s sudden, intense interest in something to being infected by a microbe. Well, many students of Afrikaans “get bitten” this way, and hopefully, this “infection” will spread even more as you study our guide to the most useful advanced Afrikaans phrases.

A Young Female Student Holding Books and a Pencil

Afrikaanse taalkunde en geskiedenis is ‘n baie interessante studieveld. / “Afrikaans linguistics and history is a very interesting field of study.”

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Why Learn Advanced Afrikaans Phrases?
  2. Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases—Academic Writing
  3. Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases—Resumé
  4. Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases—Business and Meetings
  5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
  6. Learn the Best Advanced Afrikaans Phrases for All Occasions at!

1. Why Learn Advanced Afrikaans Phrases?

Afrikaans may not be as widely spoken in the modern world as, say, English, French, and Portuguese, but there are still distinct advantages to knowing advanced Afrikaans. 

    One of the obvious benefits of learning useful advanced Afrikaans phrases and vocabulary is that it will enable you to communicate more efficiently with native speakers. This could be especially helpful if you travel or work in South Africa or Namibia, where Afrikaans is widely spoken. The same applies if you work in the diplomatic service of countries with ties to either South Africa or Namibia (or to both).
    ➣ In the continent of Africa, South Africa is considered one of the most developed and economically stable countries, and it is a popular destination for business investors. Knowing relevant advanced Afrikaans phrases will be helpful if you choose to do business with native Afrikaners.
    Afrikaans offers great scope for academic study. Through specialization in Afrikaans linguistics and history, it’s possible to make significant and impactful academic contributions, especially for students from different countries and continents. Due to the tumultuous political history of this relatively young language, it’s often difficult for South African academia to regard Afrikaans with the impartial objectivity that good research requires. Foreigner students of Afrikaans—who were not burdened by this inherited historical load—have made excellent contributions in the past, and some even say it’s a certain way to ensure personal academic immortality for oneself.
Three Smiling Young Girls Standing with a Globe

Om ‘n nuwe taal te leer sal nuwe wêrelde onstluit. / “Learning a new language will unlock new worlds.”

For more reasons to dig into this wonderful language, born just over three centuries ago at the Southernmost tip of Africa, take a look at this article too: 10 Great Reasons Why You Should Learn Afrikaans.

Let’s proceed to look at some of the best advanced Afrikaans phrases.

2. Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases—Academic Writing

Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in institutes of tertiary education and for academic publications. It’s challenging in any language, and it usually takes years to master. For this reason, keep in mind that the following list of advanced Afrikaans phrases and vocabulary for writing academic papers is not exhaustive! Think of it as your “Starter Kit” for Afrikaans academic writing.

A Student Busy Working on Her Dissertation

Die studie van Afrikaans bied opwindende moontlikhede vir die student wat wil spesialiseer. / “Afrikaans, as a field of study, offers exciting opportunities for the student who wants to specialize.”

Eerstens; tweedens; derdens

Eerstens word die wet bespreek; tweedens, die toepassing daarvan.
First(ly); secondly; thirdly

“First, the law is discussed; secondly, the application thereof.”
In ag geneem

Aangesien die karakter se wense nooit duidelik uitgespel word nie, kan dit nie hier in ag geneem word nie.
In light of

“Seeing that the character’s wishes are never clearly stated, they cannot be taken into consideration here.”
Neem in ag In ag geneem

Dit was ‘n besondere prestasie, as die tyd waarin hy geleef het in ag geneem word.
Taking into consideration Considering that/the

“It was a remarkable achievement, considering the time he lived in.”
Het betrekking op

Hierdie aanhaling het betrekking op die komponis se werk in 1916.
Pertains to

“This quote pertains to the composer’s work in 1916.”

Volgens Botha et al (2014), is hierdie virus reeds geïdentifiseer in die vorige eeu.
According to…

“According to Botha et al. (2014), this virus was already identified in the previous century.”
Verwys na…

Hier verwys die outeur na Metchnikoff, die vader van immunologie, se werk.
Refers to…

“Here, the author refers to Metchnikoff, the father of immunology’s work.”
Beklemtoon die belangrikheid van 
Beklemtoon dat

Einstein het telkemale beklemtoon dat eksperimente nie geboorte gee aan teorië nie.
Emphasize the importance of 
Reiterate that

“Einstein often reiterated that experiments don’t give birth to theories.”

Hierdie portuur-beoordeelde studie was dubbelblind; die pasiëntmonster beduidend groot, en pasiënt deelname was goed; vervolgens was die belowende uitkomste verwelkom.

“This peer-reviewed study was double-blinded, the patient sample was significantly large, and patient compliance was good; subsequently, the promising outcomes were welcomed.”
Hierom; Hieroor; Daarom; Daaroor

Die data oor hierdie uitvindsel is skaars, en dit gaan daarom nie breedvoerig bespreek word in hierdie opstel nie. 
For this reason

“Data about this invention are scarce and, for this reason, the invention will not be discussed at length in this paper.”
Met ander woorde
Om dit anders te stel
Anders gestel

Met ander woorde, die uitvindsels is nooit behoorlik getoets nie.
This means that
In other words
To put it differently

“This means that the inventions were never properly tested.”
Om dit eenvoudiger te stel

Om dit eenvoudiger te stel—teorië se waarheid kan slegs met eksperimente getoets word.
To put more simply

“To put it more simply—theories’ validity can only be tested with experiments.”
Ewe belangrik

Soortgelyke resultate is gevind in ander, beter-ontwerpte studies.
Of equal importance

“Similar results were found in other, better-designed studies.”
Hoewel / Selfs al

Hoewel die werksmodelle nie werklik vergelykbaar is nie, is daar tog merkbare ooreenkomste.
(Even) though

“Even though the working models are not truly comparable, they do show noticeable similarities.”
In teenstelling met

In teenstelling met Einstein was Gödel minder geneë om sy teorië en idees met mede-wetenskaplikes te deel.
In contrast with/to

“In contrast to Einstein, Gödel was less willing to share his theories and ideas with scientific peers.”
Ten spyte van

Ten spyte van die ooglopende foute en blinde kolle in sy afleidings, is sy bevindinge steeds in die joernaal gepubliseer.
Yet / Despite

“Despite the obvious mistakes and blind spots in his conclusions, his findings were still published in the journal.”
Van belang
Veral ooglopend

Veral ooglopend was die weglating van Satyendra Nath Bose se rol in die ontdekking van die boson.
Of importance
Notable / Notably

“Especially notable was the omission of Satyendra Nath Bose’s role in the discovery of the boson.”

3. Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases—Resumé

A resumé is a summary of relevant work experience and qualifications that is submitted as part of the application process for a specific job. As a foreigner, it’s highly unlikely that you will be asked to submit an Afrikaans resumé since English is the business lingua franca of South Africa. But, as they say, you never know. For this reason, we have provided here a few key advanced Afrikaans phrases for use in your resumé. If you’re submitting it in English, you might want to consider many more phrases, but “simple and succinct” is probably the best way to go in either case.

A Hand with a Pen, Filling in an Application Form

Vir meeste werksaansoeke in Suid Afrika is dit onwaarskynlik dat ‘n resumé in Afrikaans nodig sal wees. / “For most work applications in South Africa, it’s unlikely that a resumé in Afrikaans will be necessary.”

Konsekwente akkuraatheid is belangrik.“Consistent accuracy is important.”
Noukeurig met besonderhede“Meticulous with detail”
Voldoen aan die hoogste standaarde“Meets the highest standards”
Konsentreer op resultate / Resultaat-gedrewe“Focus on results” / “Results-driven”
Vermag blywende resultate“Achieve permanent results”
Demonstreer die vermoë om gewenste doelwitte te bereik“Demonstrate the ability to achieve desired results”
Bereik doelwitte, lewer resultate“Reach goals, achieve results”
Verstaan en pas beginsels korrek toe“Understand and apply principles correctly”
Prioritiseer tydige voltooing en inhandiging van take, asook werk wat akkuraat en van hoë kwaliteit is“Prioritize meeting deadlines as well as submitting accurate work of high quality”
Konsekwent in die vasstelling van die betroubaarheid en akkurraatheid van feite en bronne“Consistently ascertain the reliability and accuracy of facts and sources”

4. Useful Advanced Afrikaans Phrases—Business and Meetings

The advantages of knowing these are obvious. While not using advanced Afrikaans phrases probably won’t lose you any business deals, creating excellent rapport with your Afrikaans-speaking business partners will be much easier if you know their language well. To really make an impression, make sure you know your Afrikaans tenses (easy with this guide and a bit of study).

Office Workers Fighting at a Business Meeting

Goeie kommunikasie kan spanning by die werk verminder. / “Good communication can reduce stress at work.”

AfrikaansEnglish Equivalent
Rompslomp vermy

Ons kan baie rompslomp vermy met hierdie ooreenkoms.
Avoid red tape

“We can avoid a lot of red tape with this agreement.”
Ter tafel lê

Ek wil graag vandag hierdie voorstel ter tafel lê.
To put something forward for discussion

“Today, I would like to put this suggestion forward for discussion.”
Op die lappe kom

Teen die tyd wat die kompetisie se nuwe produk op die lappe kom, sal ons reeds besig wees met ons volgende stap.
To reveal something

“By the time the competition’s new product is revealed, we’ll already be busy with our next step.”
Bankrot speel

‘n Portefeulje met ‘n oorvloed van hoë-risiko beleggings het menige besighede al laat bankrot speel.
To go bankrupt

“A portfolio with an excess of high-risk investments has caused many businesses to go bankrupt.”
Platsak wees

Tensy hulle die fondse beter bestuur, gaan hulle gou platsak wees.
To have empty pockets

“Unless they manage the funds better, they will soon have empty pockets.”
‘n Nismark skep

Ons beoog om ‘n nismark met hierdie produk te skep.
To create a niche market

“We aim to create a niche market with this product.”
Sit die bal aan die rol

‘n Hersiende kontrak sal beslis die bal aan die rol sit.
To set the ball rolling

“A revised contract will certainly get the ball rolling.”
Voorlopers wees

Wil ons volgelinge of voorlopers wees in die mark?
To get/be ahead of the game

“Do we want to be followers or to be ahead of the game?”
Die uiteinde van die saak

Die uiteinde van die saak is dat ons ‘n nuwe tak gaan moet oopmaak as ons kompeterend wil bly.
The bottom line is

“The bottom line is that we will have to open a new branch if we want to stay competitive.”
Die nuutste en beste

Hierdie instrumente is die nuutste en beste op die mark.
The latest and best (a.k.a. “state of the art”)

“These instruments are state-of-the-art.”
Kry ___ van die grond af

Min kapitaal is nodig om hierdie besigheid van die grond af te kry.
To get ___ off the ground

“Only a small amount of capital is needed to get this business off the ground.”
Om lont te ruik

As julle lont ruik moet ons liewer die aanbod onttrek.
Literally: “to smell the burn of a fuse” 

To be suspicious of something; to suspect foul play

“If you suspect foul play, we should rather withdraw the proposal.”

5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage

The idiomatic form of any language basically refers to the way a native speaker would speak—also called the vernacular. This includes the use of idioms, sayings, and proverbs. As you should surmise, knowing this set of advanced Afrikaans vocabulary (and how to use it correctly in everyday conversations) will greatly enhance your Afrikaans skills. 

This is a small collection of advanced Afrikaans phrases and words that are very commonly used in idiomatic language. Most of them are suitable for use in business settings and meetings.

➜ Need to practice sounding like a native speaker? Then read this article for some of the best Afrikaans proverbs, or study the most commonly used Afrikaans filler words with examples of their use.

Two Young Women Chatting Animatedly

Gebruik idiomatiese Afrikaans om soos ‘n Afrikaner te klink. / “Use idiomatic Afrikaans to sound like a native speaker.”

‘n Nuuskierige agie

Die nuwe sekretaresse is ietwat van ‘n nuuskierige agie.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: A nosy person

This is often used in relation to inquisitive children, or when someone asks a lot of questions in a suspicious or irritating way.

“The new secretary is somewhat of a nosy person.”
In die bres tree

Dankie dat jy vir my so openlik in die bres getree het. 
Translation or idiomatic approximate: To defend or stand up for someone

“Thank you for defending me so openly.”
‘n Lansie breek vir…

Dankie dat jy vir my so openlik ‘n lansie gebreek het.


In haar verslag het die bestuurder ‘n lansie gebreek vir my span se werk.

Note: Important to note here is the use of the preposition vir (“for”) because a similar saying exists, but with the preposition met (“with”). However, it means something completely different—see the next phrase.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: This expression means the same as the one above, and it also means “to praise” or “to compliment.”

“Thank you for standing up for me so openly.”


“In her report, the manager praised my team’s work.”
‘n Lansie breek met

Ons het dit reggekry om ‘n vreedsame lansie te breek oor die inenting kwessie.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: To settle a dispute; to wrestle something out

“We managed to peacefully settle the dispute about the matter of vaccination.”

Sy’s baie knap met haar werk, maar ongelukkig is sy ook ‘n regte skinderbek.

Note: Use this word with circumspection, as some might consider it a bit crude. It could also come across as derogatory. For instance—don’t write this in a formal work appraisal!
Translation or idiomatic approximate: A gossip

“She’s very skillful in her work, but unfortunately, she’s also a real gossip.”
Beskore wees

Groot rykdom sal vir meeste mense nooit beskore wees nie.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: To be destined to

This expression is most often used to say that someone is not destined to be (or to experience) something.

“Most people are never destined to be extremely wealthy.”
Sonder om te blik of te bloos

Die politikus lieg, sonder om te blik of te bloos, oor sy verhouding met sy assistente.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: Shamelessly

“The politician shamelessly lies about his relationship with his (female) assistant.”
Boeglam skrik AND Maak uit die voete

Die dief skrik hom boeglam vir die groot hond, en maak homself dadelik uit die voete.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: “To get a big fright” AND “To scoot off”

“The thief gets a big fright because of the large dog and immediately scoots off.”
Om hare op die tande te hê

Mediese personeel moet hare op hulle tande hê om in ‘n provinsiale hospitaal te kan werk.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: To have hair on the teeth

This phrase means to be very tough and resilient in the face of a challenge.

“Medical staff need to be very tough and resilient to be able to work in a provincial hospital.”
Kant en klaar

My Afrikaanse werksopdrag is kant en klaar.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: Done and dusted

“My Afrikaans assignment is done and dusted.”
Liewer Bang Jan as Dooie JanTranslation or idiomatic approximate: Rather safe than sorry

This idiom can be used exactly the same way as “Rather safe than sorry.”
So slim soos die houtjie van die galg

Sy’s so slim soos die houtjie van die galg.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: “Clever as the wood of the gallows” 

This phrase is used to describe someone who’s clever in a sly, deceptive way, such as that person who (suspiciously!) always knows how to talk themselves out of any situation. It’s somewhat close in meaning to being cunning or having “street smarts,” but with a negative connotation.

“She’s suspiciously clever.”
Moed begewe

Laat ek hom tog gaan sien, voor my moed my begewe.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: Refers to someone’s courage failing them

“Let me just go see him, before my courage fails me.”
Onder lede hê; Het onder lede

Hy het waarskynlik Covid onder lede.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: To be sick or infected with something

“He’s probably sick with COVID.”
Wat het oor jou lewer geloop?Translation or idiomatic approximate: “What walked over your liver?”

Meaning: “Why are you so unsettled/angry?”
Oor ‘n mik lag/werk

Daardie vertoning was so snaaks, ek het myself oor ‘n mik gelag.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: To “nearly die” laughing or working

“That comedy skit was so funny, I nearly died laughing.”
Moenie ‘n moordkuil van jou hart maak nie.
Translation or idiomatic approximate: “Don’t turn your heart into a den of thieves and murderers.”

This is a quote from Christian Scriptures (Matt. 21:13). It means that we should not hold on to grudges, plot revenge, or remain angry with anyone.

6. Learn the Best Advanced Afrikaans Phrases for All Occasions at! 

At, we can help you understand Afrikaans easily with our hundreds of recorded videos and learning resources, such as these vocabulary lists. You can also use our online dictionary to look up any word or to find translations in English and Afrikaans. One of the best ways to really master the advanced Afrikaans phrases from this article is to work with a personal online tutor, which you can access through our MyTeacher service for Premium PLUS members. With their help, you’ll be able to use the phrases correctly, expedite your Afrikaans language learning, and speak like a native in no time!

Also, start deciphering Afrikaans phrases yourself with the numerous tools we make available to you upon subscription, such as our Afrikaans Key Phrase List and the Afrikaans Core 100 Word List

Sign up now!

About the author: Christa Davel is an experienced bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer and editor, and she is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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Your Best Guide to Intermediate-Level Afrikaans Phrases


So, you’ve decided not to remain a beginner student of Afrikaans—that’s great! Welcome to the intermediate level of this fascinating language, where things are going to get a bit more nuanced and complex. Don’t fear, though; it’s not terribly difficult to master. Consider taking this opportunity to learn some of the most important intermediate Afrikaans words and phrases—easy peasy!

Partygoers Wearing Costumes and Animal Masks.

Ons het gisteraand se partytjie baie geniet. (“We really enjoyed last night’s party.”)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Talking About Past Events
  2. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Making and Changing Plans
  3. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Explaining and Listing Reasons
  4. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Making Complaints, Remarks, and Recommendations
  5. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
  6. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
  7. Learn the best intermediate Afrikaans phrases for all occasions at!

1. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Talking About Past Events

Imagine this scenario: You’re with your Afrikaans-speaking friends at a small dinner party, your favorite beverage in hand, and you’re feeling relaxed. You want to contribute to the conversation and also show off your brand-new Afrikaans skills a bit. 

Go for it! Wow your friends by asking them questions about their day or telling them about interesting past events with these easy intermediate Afrikaans phrases.

Hoe het dit met jou eksamen gegaan?Meaning: “How did your exam go?”
Literally: How has it with your exam went?
Hoe was werk gewees vandag?Meaning: “How has work been today?”
Literally: How was work been today?
Vertel my van laasjaar se vakansie in Peru?Meaning: “Tell me about last year’s holiday in Peru?”
Literally: Tell me of last year’s holiday in Peru?
Ek is gister bevorder by die werk.

Note: The Afrikaans word for “work” and “job” are the same: werk. The use of an article (‘n / die – “a” / “the”) will indicate which one you’re talking about.
Meaning: “I got a promotion at work yesterday.”
Literally: I is yesterday promote at the work.
Ek het vier jaar terug daar begin werk.Meaning: “I started working there four years ago.”
Literally: I have four years ago there start work.
Hulle het gaan inkopies doen.Meaning: “They went shopping.”
Literally: They have go shopping done.
Ons het in die berg gaan stap; dit was heerlik gewees.Meaning: “We went hiking in the mountains; it was very enjoyable.”
Literally: We have in the mountain go hike; it was very enjoyable has been.

Note: Heerlik means both “delicious” and “very pleasant.”
Almal het Saterdag strand toe gegaan.Meaning: “Everybody went to the beach on Saturday.”
Literally: Everybody has Saturday beach to went.
Ek het Taalkunde by Oxford Universiteit gestudeer.Meaning: “I studied Linguistics at Oxford University.”
Literally: I have Linguistics by Oxford University studied.
My seun is in Bloemfontein gebore.Meaning: “My son was born in Bloemfontein.”
Literally: My son is in Bloemfontein born.
Ons het gisteraand se partytjie baie geniet.Meaning: “We really enjoyed last night’s party.”
Literally: We have last night’s party really enjoyed.
Die ete was heerlik gewees!Meaning: “The meal was delicious!”
Literally: The meal was delicious has been!
Daardie was die ergste dag van my lewe gewees.Meaning: “That was the worst day of my life.”
Literally: That was the worst day of my life has been.
Ek het ‘n kat met die naam van Pantouf gehad.Meaning: “I used to have a cat called Pantouf.”
Literally: I had a cat with the name of Pantouf have had.

A Sitting Black-and-White Cat.

Ek het ‘n kat met die naam van Pantouf gehad. (“I used to have a cat called Pantouf.”)

2. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Making and Changing Plans

Great, you’re an active part of the conversation! Of course, your friends are very impressed by your Afrikaans speaking skills, and they definitely want to see more of you. Now, you’ll have to be ready to make plans to meet up. And for this, you’ll need some good intermediate Afrikaans words and phrases at the ready. 

But life happens, and sometimes one can’t stick to plans or keep prior commitments. In that case, you’ll have to negotiate other terms—we’ve got you covered there, too!

Wat gaan jy hierdie naweek doen?Meaning: “What are you going to do this weekend?”
Literally: What will you this weekend do?
Wat van Afrikaanse kos?Meaning: “How about Afrikaans food?”
Literally: What about Afrikaans food?
Het jy hierdie naweek tyd?Meaning: “Do you have time this weekend?”
Literally: Have you this weekend time?
Mag ek my kêrel / meisie / metgesel saambring?Meaning: “May I bring my boyfriend / girlfriend / partner with me?”
Literally: May I my boyfriend / girlfriend / partner with-bring?
Jammer, maar ek is besig hierdie naweek.Meaning: “Sorry, but I’m busy this weekend.”
Literally: Sorry, but I is busy this weekend.
Kan ons dit uitstel tot volgende week, asseblief?Meaning: “Could we postpone it till next week, please?”
Literally: Can we it postpone till next week, please?
Watter tyd sal jou die beste pas?Meaning: “Which time will suit you best?”
Literally: Which time shall you the best suit?
Hoe laat moet ek daar wees?Meaning: “What time should I be there?”
Literally: How late must I there be?
Kom ons reël ‘n Zoom afspraak vir volgende week om besonderhede te bespreek.Meaning: “Let us arrange a Zoom meeting for next week to discuss details.”
Literally: Let us arrange a Zoom meeting for next week to details to discuss.
Ek wonder of ons ‘n ander afspraak kan maak?Meaning: “I wonder if we could reschedule?”
Literally: I wonder if we a different appointment could make?
Kom ons bespreek dit later.Meaning: “Let’s discuss it later.”
Literally: Come us discuss it later.
Wat van ‘n Italiaanse restaurant vanaand?Meaning: “How about an Italian restaurant tonight?”
Literally: What of an Italian restaurant tonight?
Sal jy die partytjie kan bywoon?Meaning: “Will you be able to attend the party?”
Literally: Will you the party can attend?
Ek is nie beskikbaar Maandag nie.Meaning: “I’m not available Monday.”
Literally: I am not available Monday not.
Kom saam met ons!Meaning: “Come with us!”
Literally: Come together with us!

Italian Food.

Wat van ‘n Italiaanse restaurant vanaand? (“How about an Italian restaurant tonight?”)

3. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Explaining and Listing Reasons

When you have to change plans, you sometimes have to give a reason for doing so. Or, when discussing different topics during a conversation, your friends might want to hear your opinion on something. Impress everybody with these useful intermediate Afrikaans phrases!

Ek moet ongelukkig kanselleer want ek is siek.Meaning: “Unfortunately, I have to cancel because I’m unwell.”
Literally: I must unfortunately cancel because I is ill.
Ek kon nie aanlyn werk nie want ons dorp se elektrisiteit was af.Meaning: “I couldn’t work online because our town’s electricity was down.”
Literally: I could not online work not because our town’s electricity was off.
Ek glo jy doen die regte ding. Dis hoekom ek jou ondersteun.Meaning: “I believe you’re doing the right thing. That’s why I’m supporting you.”
Literally: I believe you do the right thing. That’s why I you support.
Ek verkies hierdie tipe van motor vir drie redes. Eerstens, dis ekonomies en betroubaar.
Tweedens, dis ‘n goeie prys. Laaste maar nie die minste nie—dis maklik om te onderhou.
Meaning: “I prefer this type of car for three reasons. Firstly, it’s economical and reliable. Secondly, it’s a good price. Last but not least—it’s easy to maintain.”
Literally: I prefer this type of motor for three reasons. Firstly, it’s economic and reliable. Secondly, it’s a good price. Lastly but not the least—it’s easy around to maintain.
So jammer, maar my suster het my hulp nodig gehad. Daarom kon ek nie die vergadering bywoon nie.Meaning: “So sorry, but my sister needed my help. Therefore, I couldn’t attend the meeting.”
Literally: So sorry, but my sister has my help need had. Therefore could I not the meeting attend not.
Ek loop vinnig sodat ek by die groep kan hou.Meaning: “I’m walking fast to stay with the group.”
Literally: I walk fast so that I with the group can keep.
Die rede waarom ek daar wil werk is omdat die maatskappy goed betaal, en omdat hulle hul personeel goed behandel.Meaning: “The reason I’d like to work there is because the company pays well, and they treat their employees well.”
Literally: The reason why I there will work is because the company good pays, and because they their employees good treat.

4. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Making Complaints, Remarks, and Recommendations

People rely on other people to recommend or reject products, places, and services. So anytime we make a complaint or recommendation, we’re helping one another make good choices!

A Gourmet Chocolate Dessert with Raspberries and Green Garnish.

Jy moet hierdie restaurant se sjokolade nagereg proe. Dis die beste wat ek nog ooit gehad het! (“You should try this restaurant’s chocolate dessert. It’s the best I’ve ever had!”)

Probeer die koue Kolombiaanse koffie, dis heerlik!Meaning: “Try the cold brew Colombian coffee; it’s very tasty!”
Literally: Try the cold Colombian coffee, it’s very tasty!
Jy moet hierdie restaurant se sjokolade nagereg proe. Dis die beste wat ek nog ooit gehad het!Meaning: “You should try this restaurant’s chocolate dessert. It’s the best I’ve ever had!”
Literally: You must this restaurant’s chocolate dessert taste. It’s the best what I since ever had has.
Ek kan die Uithoek Vakansieoord aanbeveel. Ons het ons vakansie daar baie geniet.Meaning: “I can recommend the Uithoek Holiday Resort. We enjoyed our holiday there a lot.”
Literally: I can the Uithoek Holiday Resort recommend. We have our holiday there lots enjoy.
Probeer dit gerus. Ek dink jy sal dit geniet!Meaning: “You’re welcome to try it. I think you’ll enjoy it!”
Literally: Try it at ease. I think you shall it enjoy!

Note: Gerus means “with confidence and peace of mind.” I don’t think there’s a single-word equivalent in English, but it’s somewhat similar to “freely” in the phrase “Ask freely.”
Daardie plek se diens is uitstekend!Meaning: “That place’s service is excellent!”
Jammer maar die diens was uiters swak. Ek wil met die bestuurder praat, asseblief.Meaning: “Sorry to say, but the service was extremely poor. I would like to speak to the manager, please.”
Literally: Sorry, but the service was extremely poor. I will with the manager talk, please.
Hierdie botter is oud. Kan ek vars botter kry, asseblief?Meaning: “This butter is stale. May I have some fresh butter, please?”
Literally: This butter is old. Can I fresh butter get, please?
Swak diens. Kan nie die winkel aanbeveel nie.Meaning: “Poor service. Can’t recommend the shop.”
Literally: Poor service. Can not the shop recommend not.
Hulle nasorg-diens is uitstekend.Meaning: “Their after-care service is excellent.”

    ➜ Feeling intimidated regarding the use of these intermediate Afrikaans words and phrases in a conversation? Don’t worry, that’s normal! We recommend you watch this short AfrikaansPod101 video to learn some wonderful tips on how to break through any resistance you feel when it comes to speaking Afrikaans (or any other language)!

5. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations

Once you’ve mastered all of the previous Afrikaans phrases for intermediate students, you’ll have to be ready for when you’re on the receiving end. Here’s how to respond!

A Smiling Young Woman Showing the Thumbs-up Gesture.

Uitstekende voorstel, kom ons doen dit. (“Excellent suggestion. Let’s do it.”)

Ek sal dit beslis probeer.Meaning: “I will definitely try it.”
Literally: I shall it definitely try.
Ek ken dit en ja, dis heerlik.Meaning: “I know it, and yes, it’s delicious.”
O nee, dis nie vir my nie! Ek hou nie daarvan nie.Meaning: “Oh no, that’s not for me! I don’t like it.”
Literally: Oh no, that’s not for me not! I like not there-from not.
Dis fantastiese nuus! Ek is bly vir jou.Meaning: “That’s fantastic news! I’m happy for you.”
Literally: That’s fantastic news! I is happy for you.
Dankie dat jy my vroegtydig sê.Meaning: “Thank you for letting me know in advance.”
Literally: Thank you that you me early-timely say.
Uitstekende voorstel, kom ons doen dit.Meaning: “Excellent suggestion. Let’s do it.”
Literally: Excellent suggestion, come we do it.
Ek het ook lus daarvoor!Meaning: “I also feel like having that!”
Literally: I have also desire there-front!
Ek is jammer om dit te hoor. Hoop jy voel gou beter.Meaning: “I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon.”
Literally: I is sorry to it to hear. Hope you feel soon better.
Fantasies! Ek’s bly jy kan kom.Meaning: “Fantastic! I’m glad you can make it.”
Literally: Fantastic! I’s happy you can come.
Jammer jy kon nie daar wees nie.Meaning: “Sorry you couldn’t be there.”
Literally: Sorry you could not there be not.
Dankie vir die aanbeveling / raad / waarskuwing.Meaning: “Thanks for the recommendation / advice / warning.”
Dis goed om te weet, dankie. Ek sal dit in gedagte hou.Meaning: “That’s good to know, thanks. I will keep it in mind.”
Literally: It’s good around to know, thanks. I shall it in thought keep.
Dis indrukwekkend / ongelooflik / fantasies / ‘n jammerte.Meaning: “That’s impressive / unbelievable / fantastic / a pity.”
Ag wel, dis ‘n jammerte, maar dit kan nie verhelp word nie.Meaning: “Ah well, that’s a pity, but it can’t be helped.”
Literally: Ah well, that’s a sorry-ness, but it can not helped be not.
Moenie bekommerd wees nie, ek verstaan.Meaning: “Don’t worry; I understand.”
Literally: Don’t worried be not, I understand.
Ek sien wat jy bedoel en ek stem saam.Meaning: “I see what you mean, and I agree.”
Literally: I see what you mean and I vote together.
Ek voel ook so!Meaning: “I feel the same!”
Literally: I feel also so!
Jammer vir die ongerief; ek sal dit gou regstel / regmaak.Meaning: “Sorry for the inconvenience; I’ll quickly fix it.”
Literally: Sorry for the inconvenience; I shall it quick right-set / fix.
My ervaring was anders gewees.Meaning: “My experience was different.”
Literally: My experience was different has been.
Sjoe!Wow! / Phew!
Rerig? / Werklik?Really? / Truly?
Baie geluk!Congratulations!
Wraggies, nê?!Meaning: “Who’d have thought, hey?!” / “Impressive, hey?!”

Note: The word wraggies has no direct English translation or equivalent. The phrase is close but not entirely similar in meaning to “Really, hey?”
Fantasties!Fantastic! / Awesome!
Jy speel seker…!Meaning: “You’re joking!”
Literally: You play probably…!
Haai?!Literally: Shark?!

Note: I don’t think this interjection has an equivalent in English. It’s close in meaning to the Yiddish exclamation of dismay and upset “Oy!” It’s used as an expression of surprise or incredulity, especially when you think something is shocking, inappropriate, or naughty. It’s characterized by a rising intonation at the end of the word, like when you’re asking a question.
Askies. / Skiestog.

Note: These are informal and semi-informal homophonic interjections.
” ‘scuse me.”
Verskoon my.

Note: This is the formal version of the previous interjections.
Meaning: “Excuse me.” / “Pardon me.”
Literally: Ver-clean me.
Example Dialogue:

A: Ek is gister bevorder by die werk.
B: Wraggies, nê? Baie geluk! Dis fantastiese nuus! Ek’s bly vir jou.


A: “I was promoted at work yesterday.”
B: “Impressive! Congratulations! That’s fantastic news! I’m happy for you.”

6. Intermediate Afrikaans Phrases—Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings

Doing business with Afrikaners? Make sure to get your etiquette just right, and blow their socks off with your polished command of their language! Below are several intermediate phrases in Afrikaans you can use to put your best foot forward.

A Young Woman and a Man, Dressed in Business Clothes, Busy with a Meeting.

Baie dankie, ek verstaan dit nou beter. (“Thanks a lot, I understand it better now.”)

Bly te kenne, ek’s Carol.

Note: This is an acceptable but slightly antiquated greeting.
Meaning: “Pleased to meet you. I’m Carol.”
Literally: Pleased to know (you), I’m Carol.

Informal and semi-formal
Ek is Carol. Lekker om jou te ontmoet.Meaning: “I am Carol. Nice to meet you.”
Literally: I is Carol. Nice to you to meet.

My naam is Carol. Dis goed om jou te ontmoet.Meaning: “My name is Carol. It’s good to meet you.”
Literally: My name is Carol. It’s good to you to meet.

Gaan dit goed?Meaning: “Are you well?”
Literally: Goes it well?
Welkom hier by ons.Meaning: “Welcome!”
Literally: Welcome here with us.
Asseblief, maak jouself tuis.Meaning: “Please make yourself at home.”
Literally: Please, make yourself home.
Smaaklike ete!Meaning: “Bon appetit!”
Literally: Tasty meal!

Semi-informal and formal
Lekker eet!Meaning: “Enjoy the meal!”
Literally: Nice eat!

Dankie, ek waardeer jou moeite.Meaning: “Thanks, I appreciate your effort.”
Kan ek help met enigiets?Meaning: “Can I help with anything?”
Vra gerus as enigiets onduidelik is.Meaning: “Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.”
Literally: Ask with ease if anything unclear is.
Vra gerus as jy enigiets nodig het.Meaning: “Feel free to ask if you need anything.”
Literally: Ask freely if you anything need have.
Geen probleem, ek help graag.Meaning: “I will help, no problem.”
Literally: No problem, I help gladly.
Kan jy dit herhaal, asseblief?Meaning: “Could you repeat that, please?”
Literally: Can you it repeat, please?
Asseblief kan jy hierdie vir my verduidelik?Meaning: “Would you please explain this to me?”
Literally: Please can you here-this for me explain?
Baie dankie, ek verstaan dit nou beter.Meaning: “Thank you very much. I understand it better now.”
Literally: Many thank, I understand it now better.
Dit was baie aangenaam om jou hier te hê.Meaning: “It was very pleasant to have you here.”
Literally: It was very pleasant to you here to have.
Ek sien uit om gou van jou te hoor.Meaning: “I look forward to hearing from you soon.”
Literally: I look out around quickly of you to hear.
Voorspoedige reis!Meaning: “Have a safe / good trip!”
Literally: Prosperous journey!

7. Learn the best intermediate Afrikaans phrases for all occasions at!

At, we can help you understand Afrikaans easily with our hundreds of recorded videos and variety of themed vocabulary lists. With our help, your transition to the intermediate phase in Afrikaans will be smooth and enjoyable. We’ll make sure you’re able to use essential phrases correctly and speak like a native in no time!

Also, decipher Afrikaans phrases yourself with the numerous tools we make available to you upon subscription, such as the Afrikaans Key Phrase List and the Afrikaans Core 100 Word List. Also, keep our Afrikaans online dictionary closeby for easy translation! 

Sign up now!

About the author: Christa Davel is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) writer currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans

Easily Master the Most Common Advanced Afrikaans Words


Wow, congratulations—you’re at an advanced level in your Afrikaans studies! Good for you. 

Hopefully, you won’t stop now, because there’s a lot more to master. To help you, we have compiled some advanced Afrikaans words and phrases in the most pertinent categories for easy access and assimilation. If you want to improve your advanced Afrikaans vocabulary, wordlists like these are among the best tools to use. Also, feel free to ask us in the comments if anything needs clarification.

Remember to keep your learning fun by using fun resources. For instance, take a look at this article about a great online resource that’s completely free!

Woman with Two Flowers in Front of Her Eyes

Onthou om jou studies te geniet. / “Remember to enjoy your studies.”

Great! Let’s get busy with the most common Afrikaans advanced words right away.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. General Advanced Afrikaans Words
  2. Advanced Business Vocabulary (Gevorderde Besigheidswoordeskat)
  3. Advanced Medical Vocabulary (Gevorderde Mediese Woordeskat)
  4. Advanced Legal Vocabulary (Gevorderde Wetswoordeskat)
  5. How Can AfrikaansPod101 Help You Ace Advanced Afrikaans Words?

1. General Advanced Afrikaans Words

1.1 Advanced Afrikaans Words – Verbs (Werkwoorde)

#1. Argumenteer / DebatteerMens kan argumenteer dat hierdie nie altyd van toepassing is nie.

Ons kan ure hieroor debateer.
To argue, reason, or debateOne can argue that this is not always applicable.

We can debate this for hours.
#2. Redeneer / BeredeneerMens kan redeneer oor die toepaslikheid van
gevorderde Afrikaanse woorde in hierdie konteks.
One can debate the appropriateness of advanced Afrikaans words in this context.

Note: Many Afrikaans verbs are popular Anglicisms, meaning that they sound just like their English counterparts. They are used by Afrikaans speakers despite the fact that, for the most part, there are perfectly good Afrikaans equivalents. In a sense, Anglicisms are like alien plant species—they sound fine and “work” in a sentence, but they are not historically native to the language.

#1 is the Anglicism and #2 is purer Afrikaans. Not always, but most often, the words can be used interchangeably.

Bring … bymekaarBring die twee bymekaar.
To bring togetherBring the two together.

BegeleiDie klavier begelei die fluit in hierdie sonata.
To accompanyThe piano is accompanying the flute in this sonata.

Begeef / BegeweEk begeef my in die ysige water.

Waarin het jy jouself nou begewe?
To venture into something despite skepticism and/or fearI venture into the icy water.

What did you get yourself into now?

Man Swimming in Ice-covered Water

VoldoenDie Mount Nelson hotel voldoen aan die hoogste standaarde.
To conformThe Mount Nelson Hotel conforms to the highest standards.

VerskoonVerskoon my, waar is die lys met gevorderde Afrikaanse woorde en frases, asseblief?
To pardonPardon me, where is the list with advanced Afrikaans words and phrases, please?

VergeselVergesel die kliënt na die uitgang toe, asseblief.

Asseblief sal jy my vergesel na die funksie toe?
To escort or accompanyEscort the client to the exit, please.

Will you please accompany me to the function?

WeerhouSy weerhou haarself van koffie-drink tydens Lydenstyd.

Hy weerhou ‘n skerp antwoord.
To abstain from or to hold backShe abstains from drinking coffee during Lent.

He holds back a sharp retort.

Cup of Coffee with Coffee Beans in Saucer

 weerhou haarself van koffie-drink tydens Lydenstyd. / “She abstains from drinking coffee during Lent.”

1.2 Advanced Afrikaans Words – Adjectives (Byvoeglike Naamwoorde)

Learn more about Afrikaans adjectives in this article: The Essential Afrikaans Adjectives List

BepaaldOns gebruik bepaalde en gevorderde Afrikaanse woorde in meeste vakgebiede.
Specific / ParticularWe use specific and advanced Afrikaans words in most fields of study.

BesonderHierdie is ‘n besondere stuk musiek.
Uncommon / ExtraordinaryThis is an extraordinary piece of music.

BillikVliegtuigkaartjies is heel billik deesdae.
ReasonableThe prices of plane tickets are quite reasonable these days.

BrutaalSy memoirs is brutaal eerlik.
Brutal / BrutallyHis memoirs are brutally honest.

Pensive Author in Front of Old Typewriter, Sipping a Drink

Sy memoirs is brutaal eerlik. / “His memoirs are brutally honest.”

GedetailleerdeDie bestuurder verwag ‘n gedetailleerde verslag.
DetailedThe manager is expecting a detailed report.

Gedeeltelik / Ten deleSy was net gedeeltelik verantwoordelik vir die ongeluk.
Partly / In partShe was only partly responsible for the accident.

Genoegsaam / OngenoegsaamDie polisie het wel genoegsame bewyse.
Adequate, Sufficient / Inadequate, InsufficientThe police do have sufficient proof.

GeskikDie uitrusting is nie geskik vir die geleentheid nie.
SuitableThe outfit is unsuitable for the occasion.

Gewone / OngewoonHy het ‘n ongewone benadering tot leierskap.
Usual, Common / Unusual, UncommonHe has an uncommon approach to leadership.

OngeskikDis ongeskik om met jou mond vol kos te praat.

Gevorderde Afrikaanse woorde en frases is ongeskik vir hierdie klas.
Rude / UnsuitableIt’s rude to talk with a mouth full of food.

Advanced Afrikaans words and phrases are unsuitable for this class.

OnvanpasDie groep se gedrag in die vergadering was heeltemal onvanpas.
InappropriateThe group’s behavior in the meeting was completely inappropriate.

Presies/eSielkunde is nie ‘n presiese wetenskap nie.
Precise / ExactPsychology is not an exact science.

SaaiDatavaslegging is gewoonlik ‘n saai werk.

‘n Saai landskap
Cumbersome / Tedious / BleakData capturing is usually a tedious job.

A bleak landscape

Man in Office Gear Sitting at Desk, Looking Bored

Datavaslegging is gewoonlik ‘n saai werk. / “Data capturing is usually a tedious job.”

Aanvaarbaar / OnaanvaarbaarDie terme is aanvaarbaar.
Acceptable / UnacceptableThe terms are acceptable.

UitgeputDie voorraad is uitgeput.
Finished / ExhaustedThe stock is finished.

UitsonderlikeOns doen dit slegs in uitsonderlike gevalle.
ExceptionalWe only do that in exceptional cases.

Van toepassingGewone taalbeginsels is van toepassing hier.
ApplicableOrdinary language principles are applicable here.

VerwarrendHierdie verslag is verwarrend.
Puzzling / ConfusingThis report is confusing.

Voordelig‘n Gesonde dieët is baie voordelig vir jou gesondheid.
Advantageous / BeneficialA healthy diet is very advantageous to your health.

VoldoendeMet voldoende oefening sal jy vinnig gevorderde Afrikaanse woorde en frases baasraak.
SufficientWith sufficient practice, you will quickly master advanced Afrikaans words and phrases.

Waarskynlik / OnwaarskynlikSy se aanstelling is moontlik maar onwaarskynlik.
Probable / ImprobableHis appointment is possible but improbable.

WeergaloosHaar vertolking van die gedig was weergaloos.
Unparalleled, without parallel or comparison/measureHer rendition of the poem was without parallel.

Assortment of Healthy Food Items Such as Fruit, Nuts, Oats, Vegetables, etc.

‘n Gesonde dieët is baie voordelig vir jou gesondheid. / “Eating healthy is very beneficial for your health.”

1.3 Advanced Afrikaans Words – Adverbs (Bywoorde)

The following list also includes adverbial phrases. As you know, adjectives and adverbs are often the same words, but they are used differently in sentences. Also look at this article on Afrikaans adverbs.

BeswaarlikDis beswaarlik die maatskappy se skuld.
HardlyIt’s hardly the company’s fault.

BynaDie kos is byna genoeg vir ‘n skare.
Almost / Nearly / Not quiteThe food is almost enough for a crowd.

DeeglikKry eers die mees algemene gevorderde Afrikaanse woorde deeglik onder die knie voor jy hierdie boek aanpak.
ThoroughlyThoroughly master the most common advanced Afrikaans words before you tackle this book.

GrotendeelsHaar drama klas bestaan grotendeels uit kinders.
MainlyHer acting class comprises mainly children.

Children in Costumes on a Stage with an Adult

Haar dramaklas bestaan grotendeels uit kinders. / “Her acting class comprises mainly children.”

GrootliksDie span in ons kantoor is grootliks verantwoordelik vir die projek se sukses.
LargelyOur office’s team is largely responsible for the project’s success.

LetterlikMoenie dit liewer nie letterlik interpreteer nie.
LiterallyRather don’t interpret it literally.

MatigDit proe matig soet.
ModeratelyIt tastes moderately sweet.

Min-of-meer / OngeveerDie lughawe is min-of-meer dertig kilometer ver van die gastehuis af.
More or less / ApproximatelyThe airport is more or less thirty kilometers away from the guest house.

OngewoonSy hand voel ongewoon warm.
UncommonlyHis hand feels uncommonly warm.

OmtrentTwee teelepels olie is omtrent genoeg.
AboutTwo teaspoons of oil is about enough.

Seker / SekerlikJy is seker nie ernstig nie?!
Certainly / SurelySurely you’re not serious?!

SeldeDie Londen vlugte is selde laat.
Seldom / RarelyThe London flights are seldom late.

Airport Digital Notice Board of Flights

Die Londen vlugte is selde laat. / “The London flights are seldom late.”

SkaarsMens merk dit skaars op.
BarelyOne barely notices it.

TansOns werk tans aan die probleem.
CurrentlyWe’re currently working on the problem.

VanselfsprekendVerandering voel vanselfsprekend moeilik.
ObviouslyChange obviously feels difficult.

VersekerOns sal verseker kontak hou.
DefinitelyWe will definitely keep in contact.

1.4 Advanced Afrikaans Words – Conjunctions (Voegwoorde)

Remember, conjunctions connect sentences and concepts, but this doesn’t mean they always appear between words or sentences. Oftentimes, they appear at the beginning (or even the end) of an expression or sentence.

Dus / DaaromDie trein was vertraag, dus moes ons wag.
Thus / ThereforeThe train was delayed; therefore, we had to wait.

Three Women with Luggage Waiting at a Train Station or Bus Terminal

Die trein was vertraag, dus moes ons wag. / “The train was delayed; therefore, we had to wait.”

Selfs alOns draf elke dag vir oefening, selfs al is dit moeilik in hierdie weer.
Even thoughWe jog every day for exercise, even though it’s difficult in this weather.

TensyTensy dit binnekort reën gaan die boere swaarkry hierdie jaar.
UnlessUnless it rains soon, the farmers will suffer this year.

Maar steeds / Nog steedsHy werk vinnig maar steeds deeglik.
But stillHe works fast but still thoroughly.

Tog / DogDie vrou is baie oorgewig, tog is sy lig op haar voete.
Yet / HoweverThe woman is very overweight, yet she’s light on her feet.

Ten spyte vanTen spyte van sy fisiese gebrek is hy steeds ‘n sukses.
DespiteDespite his physical disability, he is still a success.

HoewelHoewel baie skaars en duur is truffels is ‘n gewilde delikatesse.
AlthoughAlthough very scarce and expensive, truffles are a popular delicacy.

WatookalWatookal hulle nou sê, dit gaan nie die situasie verander nie.
No matter whatNo matter what they say now, it won’t change the situation.

2. Advanced Business Vocabulary (Gevorderde Besigheidswoordeskat)

With the basics covered, it’s time for you to learn advanced Afrikaans words related to the business world. Knowing these key terms will prove useful, whether you’re looking for work in South Africa or negotiating with Afrikaans-speaking associates. 

Ons vier my aanstelling by die firma.
AppointmentWe’re celebrating my appointment at the firm.

Daar’s ‘n groot aanvraag vir gekwalifiseerde, ervare rekenmeesters in die land.
DemandThere’s a big demand for qualified, experienced accountants in the country.

Accountant in Suit Working on Laptop and Calculator

Daar’s ‘n groot aanvraag vir gekwalifiseerde, ervare rekenmeesters in die land.
“There’s a big demand for qualified, experienced accountants in the country.”

Bitcoin aandele het baie in waarde gestyg.
SharesBitcoin shares have increased a lot in value.

Is sy ‘n aandeelhouer in die maatskappy?
ShareholderIs she a shareholder in the company?

Dit maak sin vir die twee maatskappye om nou te amalgameer.
AmalgamateIt makes sense for the two companies to amalgamate now.

Die bates is groter as die laste.
AssetsThe assets are bigger than the liabilities.

Daardie was ‘n uitstekende belegging.
InvestmentThat was an excellent investment.

Ons maak ‘n nuwe departement oop in Zurich.
Department / DivisionWe’re opening a new department in Zurich.

Ons is dekades lank al besigheidsvennote.
Business partnerWe’ve been business partners for decades.

Note: In Afrikaans vernacular, a business partner is often referred to simply as a vennoot.

A Business Meeting in Progress

Ons is dekades lank al besigheidsvennote. / “We’ve been business partners for decades.”

Die beheermaatskappy het slegs 20% aandele in ons filiaal.
SubsidiaryThe holding company only has 20% shares in our subsidiary.

Hulle hoofkantoor is in Brussels geleë.
Head officeTheir head office is located in Brussels.

Aanvanklik het Nokia min kompetisie gehad in die mark.
CompetitionInitially, Nokia had little competition in the market.

Die maatskappy het vinnig gegroei.
CompanyThe company grew fast.

Na 50 jaar doen die firma steeds goed.
FirmAfter 50 years, the firm is still doing well.

Handel op die eiland het vinnig toegeneem.
CommerceCommerce on the island has increased rapidly.

Handel dryf
Ons is oop om daar handel te dryf.
TradeWe’re open for trade there.

Handelsmerkregistrasie kan tot twee jaar duur in Suid Afrika.
TrademarkTrademark registration can take up to two years in South Africa.

Human Resources – HR(Menslike hulpbronne)
Hierdie dokumente is vir HR se aandag.
Human ResourcesThese documents are for HR’s attention.

Note: In Afrikaans business language, the term Menslike Hulpbronne does exist, but it is very seldomly used in the vernacular.

Die groter mark kompenseer vir die verlieste.
To compensateThe bigger market compensates for the losses.

Die mark vir hierdie produk lyk belowend.
MarketThe market for this product is looking promising.

Die maatskappy se opbrengste is verbasend goed hierdie jaar, alles in ag geneem.
ReturnsAll considered, the company’s returns are surprisingly good this year.

Ons belegging maak goeie profyt.
ProfitOur investment is making good profit.

Daar is niks uitstaande op hierdie rekening nie.
AccountThere is nothing outstanding on this account.

Die rentekoerse het aansienlik gestyg die afgelope jaar.
Interest rateInterest rates have increased significantly (over) the past year.

Samsung het ‘n groot tak in Johannesburg.
BranchSamsung has a large branch in Johannesburg.

Ons sal daardie dienste moet uitkontrakteer.
OutsourceWe will have to outsource those services.

Dis ‘n standvastige vennootskap.
Business partnershipIt’s a stable business partnership.

Voltydse, permanente betrekking
Full-time, permanent position

Deeltydse, vasgestelde-term kontrak
Part-time, fixed-term contract

3. Advanced Medical Vocabulary (Gevorderde Mediese Woordeskat)

Advance Medical Vocabulary

Advanced Afrikaans learners should also become familiar with words and terms commonly used in medical fields. These are words you’ll need to know should you choose to study medicine in South Africa, enter a health-focused career here, or even find yourself in the emergency room! 

COVID-19 is hoogs aansteeklik.
ContagiousCOVID-19 is highly contagious.

Sy abdominale spiere is geaffekteer.
AbdominalHis abdominal muscles are affected.

Hierdie reaksie is nie abnormaal nie.
AbnormalThis reaction isn’t abnormal.

Die verpleegster het die abses reeds gedreineer.
AbscessThe nurse has already drained the abscess.

Simptome kan akuut of chronies wees.
AcuteSymptoms can either be acute or chronic.

Die kind is allergies vir bygif.
AllergicThe child is allergic to bee venom.

Asyn is nie ‘n goeie behandeling vir aknee nie.
TreatmentVinegar is not a good treatment for acne.

‘n Bloedtoets word op die bloedmonsters uitgevoer.
Blood test
Blood samples
A blood test is being done on the blood samples.

Hy het ‘n steekwond in die buik.
Stomach / Mid-abdomenHe has a puncture wound in the stomach.

Die mes het gelukkig nie die buikwand binnegedring nie.
Abdominal wallFortunately, the knife didn’t penetrate the abdominal wall.

Die byniere skei adrenalien en noradrenalien af.
Adrenal glandsThe adrenal glands secrete adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine.

Die dokter het onnodige chroniese medikasie voorgeskryf.
ChronicThe doctor prescribed unnecessary chronic medication.

Fraktuur / Breuk
Die breuk is betyds geset om sy been te red.
FractureThe fracture was set in time to save his leg.

Die gips kan maar afkom, want die been het goed geheg.
CastMendThe cast can come off because the leg/bone has mended well.

Goeie geestesgesondheid is ten dele afhanklik van wat in ‘n mens se gedagtes aangaan.
Mental healthGood mental health is partly dependent on what’s going on in your mind.

Gewas n.Goedaardig
Gelukkig is die gewas goedaardig.
TumorBenignFortunately, the tumor is benign.

Het hy enige inwendige beserings opgedoen?
InternalInjuryHas he sustained any internal injuries?

Verpleegsters meet kinders se koors meestal met ‘n koorspen in die mond of die armoksels.
FeverThermometerNurses usually measure children’s fever with a thermometer in the mouth or the armpits.

Is die bloedmonsters al laboratorium toe?
LaboratoryHave the blood samples gone to the laboratory yet?

Two Legs and Crutches, One Leg in a Blue Cast

Die gips kan afkom, want die been het goed geheg. / “The cast can come off because the leg/bone has mended well.”

My mangels is nooit verwyder nie.
TonsilsMy tonsils have never been removed.

Narkose / Anestesie
Die prosedure vereis nie narkose nie.
AnesthesiaThe procedure doesn’t require anesthesia.

Die hoofpyn is ‘n newe-effek van jou medikasie.
Side effectThe headache is a side effect of your medication.

Ontsmet / Steriliseer
Is die instrumente al ontsmet?
To disinfect / To sterilizeAre the instruments sterilized yet?

COVID-19 was ‘n erge pandemie wat veroorsaak is deur die Coronavirus.
PandemicCOVID-19 was a severe pandemic caused by the Coronavirus.

Surgical Mask
Om ‘n vrat te verwyder is ‘n kort, eenvoudige prosedure.
ProcedureTo remove a wart is a short, simple procedure.

Die sfygmometer word gebruik om ‘n pasiënt se bloeddruk te meet.
SphygmometerThe sphygmometer is used to measure a patient’s blood pressure.

Die stetoskoop word gebruik om na ‘n pasiënt se hartklop en asemhaling te luister.
StethoscopeA stethoscope is used to listen to a patient’s heartbeat and breathing.

Male Doctor Using a Stethoscope to Listen to an Unborn Baby's Heartbeat

Die stetoskoop word gebruik om na ‘n pasiënt se hartklop en asemhaling te luister.
“The stethoscope is used to listen to a patient’s heartbeat and breathing.”

Maagpyn nie die ware probleem nie; dis selgs ‘n simptoom.
SymptomStomachache is not the real problem; it’s only a symptom.

Sy het nie nodig om chroniese medikasie te neem vir haar skildklier nie.
ThyroidShe doesn’t need to take chronic medication for her thyroid.

Sy beserings is meestal uitwendig.
ExternalHis injuries are mostly external.

Hierdie pille sal die pyn verdoof.

Die pasiënt verkies om onder verdowing te wees vir die prosedure.
Sedate / Dull (pain)These pills will dull the pain.

The patient prefers to be sedated for the procedure.

Jy het ‘n voorskrif nodig vir hierdie skedule pynpille.
PrescriptionYou need a prescription for this schedule of pain tablets.

Algemene Mediese Kondisies / “Common Medical Conditions
Binneoor-onstekingOtitis media; inner-ear infection
Buiteoor-onstekingOtitis externa; outer-ear infection
BlaasontstekingBladder infection
BosluiskoorsTick bite fever
Coronavirus siekteCoronavirus disease
Duitse masels / RubellaGerman measles / Rubella
Hoë cholesterolHigh cholesterol
Isgemiese beroerteIschemic stroke
HartversakingCardiac arrest
Hoë bloeddruk / HipertensieHigh blood pressure / Hypertension
Lae bloeddruk / HipotensieLow blood pressure / Hypotension
Sinusitis / SinusontstekingSinusitis / Sinus infection
Urineweg infeksieUrine tract infection
‘n VerkoueA cold
Verworwe immuniteitsgebreksindroom (VIGS)Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Kinkhoes / PertussisWhooping cough / Pertussis

4. Advanced Legal Vocabulary (Gevorderde Wetswoordeskat)

Courtroom Gavel and Law Book

Die hofsaak is uitgestel. / “The court case was postponed.”

Die aantyging is baie ernstig.
Accusation / ClaimThe accusation is very serious.

Die politikus word aangekla van ernstige oortredinge.
AccuseThe politician is being accused of serious violations.

AanvallerDie aanvaller was nie alleen nie.
Assailant / AttackerThe assailant was not alone.

Hy het die vrou probeer afpers.
To blackmailHe tried to blackmail the woman.

Appeleer / Appél aanteken
Die prokureer wil appél aanteken.
To appeal / To submit an appealThe lawyer wants to submit an appeal.

Hy is afgedank toe hulle hom vang bedrog pleeg.
FraudHe was fired when they caught him committing fraud.

Die saak is vandag buite die hof beslis.
To determine / To settleThe case was settled out of court today.

Note: Beslis also doubles as an adverb: “definitely.” Hy is beslis vroeg. / “He is definitely early.”

Daar was geen bewyse dat sy die misdaad gepleeg het nie.
ProofThere was no proof that she’d committed the crime.

Goed-deurdagte argument
ConsideredWell-considered argument

Die dispuut is gelukkig vinnig opgeklaar.
DisputeFortunately, the dispute was quickly resolved.

Die konstitusionele hof hou die hoogste wetsgesag in die land.
AuthorityThe constitutional court holds the highest legal authority in the country.

Sy’s ‘n sterk getuie.
WitnessShe’s a strong witness.

Die man wou nie teen sy suster getuig nie.
TestifyThe man didn’t want to testify against his sister.

Wanneer is die hofdatum?
Court dateWhen is the court date?

Die hofsaak is uitgestel.
Court caseThe court case was postponed.

Finansiëele bedrog val buite hierdie hof se jurisdiksie.
JurisdictionFinancial fraud falls outside this court’s jurisdiction.

Ongelukkig is regeringskorrupsie alledaags hier.
CorruptionUnfortunately, government corruption is very common here.

Kriminele rekord
‘n Skoon kriminele rekord is ‘n aansoek vereiste.
Criminal recordA clean criminal record is an application requirement.

Is die lasbrief al uitgereik?
WarrantHas the warrant been issued yet?

Die Kaapstadse Geweldadige Misdaadeenheid het getuig in daardie moordsaak.
Murder caseThe Capetonian Violent Crimes Unit testified in that murder case.

Slegs ‘n notaris kan jou verklaring sertifiseer.
NotaryOnly a notary can certify your statement.

Sy is ontbiet vir verskyning in die hof.
To summonShe was summoned to appear in court.

Openbare / Publieke aanklaer
Daardie publieke aanklaer is onkorrupteerbaar.
Public prosecutorThat public prosecutor is incorruptible.

Hulle het saam beplan om die kind te ontvoer.
To kidnapThey planned together to kidnap the child.

Niemand kon daardie openbare aanklaer omkoop nie.
BribeNobody could bribe that public prosecutor.

Al die bladsye van hierdie kontrak moet geparafeer word.
To initialAll the pages of this contract must be initialled.

Wie is jou regsverteenwoordiger?
Legal representativeWho is your legal representative?

Hulle is tans betrokke in ‘n regsgeding oor die saak.
LawsuitThey are currently involved in a lawsuit regarding the matter.

Die finale uitspraak word vandag gelewer.
VerdictThe final verdict will be delivered today.

Hulle sal ‘n verteenwoordiger aanstel.
RepresentativeThey will appoint a representative.

Dit sal beter wees as jy wetsadvies kry.
Legal counselIt will be better if you get legal counsel.

How Can AfrikaansPod101 Help You Ace Advanced Afrikaans Words?

We hope you enjoyed our article on the most common advanced Afrikaans words! 

Afrikaans, which is closely related to Dutch, is both an easy and a challenging language to master, especially if your own is not Germanic-based. 

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  • Plenty of free online tools upon subscription to make your life easier while learning to speak Afrikaans (for instance, this free Afrikaans dictionary)
  • Thousands of lessons tailored to meet you at your level of language proficiency, and access to plenty of learning materials straight away (such as this free list of Afrikaans Key Phrases)
  • Several learning options that suit your pocket and your language needs (for instance, fasttrack your fluency with access to your own online teacher)

Enroll with us at now for a lifetime membership, and become an expert in advanced Afrikaans words!

About the author: Christa Davel is an experienced bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer currently based in Cape Town, South Africa.

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Your Best List of Intermediate Afrikaans Words


Well done. You’ve mastered The 200+ Best Afrikaans Words for Beginners! Now it’s time to tackle some intermediate Afrikaans words and phrases. In this article, we’ve compiled the most common ones for you and included their classification for easy access. Let us know in the comments if you’re battling to understand anything!

(Wondering whether you’ll be able to learn Afrikaans beginner and intermediate words easily? Check out our blog post Is Afrikaans Hard to Learn?)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Intermediate Afrikaans Words – SELFSTANDIGE NAAMWOORDE / “Nouns”
  2. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – TELWOORDE / “Counting Words”
  3. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – BYVOEGLIKE NAAMWOORDE / “Adjectives”
  4. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – Voornaamwoorde / “Pronouns”
  5. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – WERKWOORDE / “Verbs”
  6. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – KOPPELWERKWOORDE / “Linking Verbs”
  7. Afrikaans Intermediate Words: BYWOORDE / “Adverbs”
  8. Afrikaans Intermediate Words: Voegwoorde / “Conjunctions”
  9. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – VOORSETSELS / “Prepositions”
  10. Learn the Most Common Afrikaans Intermediate Words Easily at!

1. Intermediate Afrikaans Words – SELFSTANDIGE NAAMWOORDE / “Nouns”

Nouns are among the most common Afrikaans intermediate words. They are, essentially, the names of all persons, things, and places, including abstract things like qualities, states, thoughts, and ideas

Just like English, the Afrikaans language distinguishes between nouns, proper nouns, and different categories of pronouns, which we’ll discuss in more detail. 

 In phrases or sentences, the main type of noun is recognizable when it’s preceded by:

Consider the nouns, articles, adjectives, verbs, and pronouns in these intermediate Afrikaans sentences:

  1. Ek het katte as troeteldiere. / “I have cats as pets.” [verb and noun]
  2. Hou asseblief my tas vas. / “Please hold my suitcase.” [possessive pronoun and noun]
  3. Geniet jy jou koffie? / “Are you enjoying your coffee?” [possessive pronoun and noun]
  4. Waar is die naaste hotel, asseblief? / “Where is the closest hotel, please?” [article, adjective, and noun]
  5. Daardie wilde perde hardloop besonder vinnig. / “Those wild horses are running remarkably fast.” [demonstrative adjective, adjective, and noun]

Galloping Wild Horses

Daardie wilde perde hardloop besonder vinnig. / “Those wild horses are running remarkably fast.”

Selfstandige Naamwoorde / “Nouns”
Mense en Familie / “People and Relatives”

Note: These two terms for parents serve as both formal forms of address and nouns.
man / vrou“husband” / “wife”
grootouers / kleinkinders“grandparents” / “grandchildren”
familie / gesin

Note: Familie refers to close and extended family, as well as relatives, while gesin refers to the nuclear family (two parents and their offspring).
“relatives” / “family”
neef OR nefie“cousin” – male
nig OR niggie“cousin” – female
Liggaamsdele / “Body Parts”
ooghare / wimper(s)“eyebrows” / “eyelash(es)”
wang(e) / neusgat(e) / neusbrug“cheek(s)” / “nostril(s)” / “bridge of the nose”
bo-lip / onder-lip / mondhoek(e)“upper lip” / “lower lip” / “corner(s) of the mouth”
ken / tandvleis / bo-tand(e) / onder-tand(e)

Note: Tandvleis (“gums”) is an irregular noun, as it’s written in the singular but used like an uncountable or mass noun.
“chin” / “gums” / “upper tooth (or teeth)” / “lower tooth (or teeth)”
skouer(s) / elmboog OR elmboë / pols(e)“shoulder(s)” / “elbow(s)” / “wrist(s)”
bors / bors(te) / maag

Note: No, it’s not a mistake! The word bors has a double meaning, as you can see. The context in which it is used will best show which is which. 

Also, when bors is suffixed with an –e, its plural form indicates “chests” (borse). The plural for “breast” (bors) is shown with a different suffix: -te, as in borste (“breasts”).
“chest” / “breast(s)” / “stomach”
heup(e) / knieg OR knieë / enkel(s)“hip(s)” / “knee(s)” / “ankle(s)”
agterkop / skouerblad OR skouerblaaie / rug / boud(e)“back of the head” / “shoulder blade(s)” / “back” / “buttock(s)”
Tyd / “Time”
dekade / eeu / millenium“decade” / “century” / “millennium”

A Road Sign Saying Now, Tomorrow, Yesterday

Nou, more, gister. / “Now, tomorrow, yesterday.”

Selfstandige Naamwoorde / “Nouns” (cont.)
Alledaagse Items / “Everyday Items”
notaboek / storieboek / vorm / papier

Note: Like in English, vorm (“form”) has several meanings in Afrikaans. As a noun, it can mean
  • the shape or body of a thing (sirkelvormig – “circular”), 
  • a type of thing (vorm van gebed – “form of prayer”), or 
  • a document that you can fill out.
It’s also a verb that means “to shape” or “to make,” as in: Plante vorm blare. / “Plants form leaves.”
“notebook” / “storybook” / “form” / “paper”
skootrekenaar / tafelrekenaar / oorfoon OR oorfone / mikrofoon / televisie / drukker

Note: In Afrikaans, we use oorfone to indicate both earphones and headphones. Also, drukker is seldom used in the vernacular; most often, we just use “printer.”
“laptop (computer)” / “desktop (computer)” / “earphone(s)” / “microphone” / “television” / “printer”
lessenaar / kantoor / studeerkamer / boekrak“desk” / “office” / “study” / “bookcase”
baadjie / onderklere / romp / denims / slaapklere / slaapkamer / wasgoed

Note: Onderklere (“underwear”) and slaapklere (“sleepwear”) are irregular nouns because the plural form can refer to a single item or more.

Also, in Afrikaans, denims (the plural form) indicates the garment, while denim indicates the fabric. “Jeans” is also a popular English loanword in Afrikaans.
“jacket” / “underwear” / “skirt” / “jeans” / “sleepwear” / “bedroom” / “laundry”
langbroek(e) / kortbroek(e) / romp / T-hemp / sweetpak / tekkies

Note: The English terms “long pants” and “shorts” are always used in the plural. However, Afrikaans has singular and plural forms for these words.

‘n Langbroek refers to one pair of long pants, while langbroeke refers to more than one pair of long pants.
“long pants” / “shorts” / “skirt” / “T-shirt” / “tracksuit” / “sneakers”
ketel / stoof / oond / wasbak / kombuis“kettle” / “stove” / “oven” / “sink” / “kitchen”
bad / stort / kraan / wasbak / badkamer“bath” / “shower” / “tap” / “basin” / “bathroom”
Beroep / “Profession”
mediese dokter / pasiënt / spesialis OR internis / chirurg“medical doctor” / “patient” / “specialist” OR “internist” / “surgeon”
apteker / tandarts / oogkundige / pediater / veearts“pharmacist” / “dentist” / “optometrist” / “pediatrician” / “vet”
lykskouer / begrafnisondernemer / lykbesorger / predikant / pastoor“coroner” / “undertaker” / “mortician” / “minister” / “pastor”
werktuigkundige / petroljoggie“car mechanic” / “fuel pump attendant”
bestuurder / assistent / klerk / personeel / ontvangsdame

Note: To specify, one can create compounds with these words by adding other nouns like 
  • bank- (“bank-“), 
  • kantoor- (“office”), 
  • winkel- (“shop”),
  • orbesigheids- (“business-“).
For example: bankbestuurder (“bank manager”). 

This rule excludes ontvangsdame (“receptionist”), which is used as-is in most contexts.

Also, bestuurder has a double meaning in Afrikaans. It means “manager” and also “driver of vehicles”: 

Ek is die bestuurder van die huurmotor. / “I am the driver of the rental car.”
“manager” / “assistant” / “clerk” / “personnel” OR “staff” / “receptionist”
verkoopspersoon / winkelier“salesperson” / “shopkeeper”
skoolhoof / onderhoof / departementshoof / skoolkind / bibliotekaresse – biblioteekaris“school principal OR headmaster” / “deputy principal OR headmaster” / “head of department” / “school student” / “librarian (female – male)”
dekaan / dosent / student“dean” / “lecturer” / “student”
vlieënier / kajuitbeampte / ingenieur“pilot” / “flight attendant” / “engineer”
kelner / kok / sjef / skoonmakers“waiter” / “cook” / “chef” / “cleaners”
Kos en Drank / “Food and Drink”
braaivleis / potjiekos / maalvleis / boerewors

Note: Boerewors is a sausage with a unique recipe created long ago by the Afrikaners. Try it when you’re visiting! Read this article to learn what potjiekos is, and to explore the best South African foods.
“barbeque” / potjiekos / “ground OR minced meat” / literally: “farmer’s sausage”
lamsvleis / skaapvleis / wildsvleis / biefstuk“lamb” / “mutton” / “venison” / “beefsteak”
appel / peer / piesang / mango / tamatie / kool / ui“apple” / “pear” / “banana” / “mango” / “tomato” / “cabbage” / “onion”
macaroni-en-kaas / spaghetti / frikadelle / sousbone“macaroni and cheese” / “spaghetti” / “meatballs” / “baked beans”
roosterbrood / spek / ontbyt“toast” / “bacon” / “breakfast”
peper / sout / spesery(e) / knoffel“pepper” / “salt” / “spice(s)” / “garlic”
wyn / bier / whiskey / drankie / drank“wine” / “beer” / “whiskey” / “a drink” / “alcoholic beverages”

Braaivleis Barbeque Meat, Beefsteak

Braaivleis is ‘n gewilde dis in Suid Afrika. / “Barbequed meat is a popular dish in South Africa.”

Plekke en Geboue / “Places and Buildings”
hospitaal / apteek / kliniek / noodgevalle / ongevalle / lykshuis / begrafnisonderneming“hospital” / “pharmacy” / “clinic” / “emergencies” (as in the ER or “emergency room”) / “casualties” / “mortuary” / “funeral parlor”
biblioteek / supermark / pretpark / restaurant / teetuin“library” / “supermarket” / “amusement park” / “restaurant” / “tea garden”
wassery / haarkapper / skoonheidskundige / herstelwinkel“laundry” / “hairdresser” / “beautician” / “repair shop”
Diere / “Animals”

Also, be sure to take a look at our comprehensive list of animals in Afrikaans!
hoender / haan / hen / kuiken“chicken” / “rooster” OR “cock” / “hen” / “chick”
donkie / ponie / muil“donkey” / “pony” / “mule”
rot / marmot / haas OR konyn

Note: Another Afrikaans translation for “guinea pig” is proefkonyn (literally: “test rabbit”). This term is only used in the context of experimentation.

In the past, proefkonyne were the test subjects in laboratory settings, but over time, scientists started using other animals and the term changed to proefdiere (“test animals”).

In the vernacular, it can now refer to someone who is testing out a brand-new product or who is part of a medical trial, for instance.
“rat” / “guinea pig” / “rabbit”
papegaai / kanarie / duif / mossie / vink“parrot” / “canary” / “pigeon” / “sparrow” / “finch”
goudvis / dolfyn / haai“goldfish” / “dolphin” / “shark”
Abstrakte Naamwoorde / “Abstract Nouns”
liefde / vreugde / vrede / geluk“love” / “joy” / “peace” / “happiness”
woede / hartseer / lyding“anger” / “sadness” / “suffering”
begeerte / wens / besluit / keuse“desire” / “wish” / “decision” / “choice”
gedagte / idee / geheim / belofte / leuen“thought” / “idea” / “secret” / “promise” / “lie”

An Older, Happy Couple Laughing Together

Liefde, vrede, vreudge, geluk / “Love, peace, joy, happiness”

2. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – TELWOORDE / “Counting Words”

These are the words that have to do with numbers, and in the Beginner Words article we mentioned earlier, we looked at the primary counting words (also called cardinal numbers) one through ten. Now, as you approach intermediate-level Afrikaans, it’s time to study the cardinal numbers from elf (“eleven”) onwards. 

We’re also going to take a look at the words for ordinal numbers. For more detailed information on the topic, be sure to read this article about counting in Afrikaans

Kardinale Getalle / “Cardinal Numbers”

In Afrikaans, “cardinal numbers” are also called hooftelwoorde.

Note: Up to here, the number words are irregular and need to be memorized. From this point on, though, the number words are formed following the same pattern, as demonstrated below (counting from twenty to thirty).

You’ll see that only the tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. change, and therefore need to be memorized.
een-en-dertig, etc.“thirty-one,” etc.

Note: A common mistake that even native Afrikaans speakers make is to translate the American English “billion” to biljoen in Afrikaans. That’s understandable, because they sound very similar.

However, they don’t mean the same number at all; if you’re a biljoenêr in Afrikaans, you’re much wealthier than a billionaire in American English!

This is because an Afrikaans biljoen refers to the number ten to the power of twelve (1012, which is 1,000,000,000,000), while the English billion only refers to the number ten to the power of nine (109, which is 1,000,000,000). These numbers are mind-boggling, aren’t they?!

The Afrikaans word for one billion (109) is miljard. If an Afrikaans person is lucky enough to be this wealthy, we call them a multi-miljoenêr (literally: “multi-millionaire,” but meaning “billionaire”). 
To briefly explain the rules:

A. 11 – 19, 20, 30, 40, etc.: The numbers eleven (elf) through nineteen (negentien), and all the tens (twintig, dertig, veertig ens / “twenty, thirty, forty, etc.”) are irregular number words and should just be memorized.

B. 21 – 29, 31 – 39, etc.: For the numbers between the tens, so to speak, and up to a hundred, use the following formula. (Also note that, in Afrikaans, these numbers start with the lower cardinal number.)

Lower cardinal number + Conjunction en (“and”) + Higher cardinal number

Examples: een-en-twintig, twee-en-twintig, drie-en-twintig (“twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three”).

C. 100+: From a hundred onwards, the formula is similar to that used for English numbers, meaning they start with the higher cardinal number:

Higher cardinal number + Conjunction en (“and”) + Lower cardinal number

Examples: honderd-en-een, honderd-en-twee, honderd-en-drie (“hundred-and-one, hundred-and-two, hundred-and-three”).
  • Ek is agt-en-twintig jaar oud. / “I am twenty-eight years old.”
  • Hier is twee fotos vir my paspoort. / “Here are two photos for my passport.”
  • Haar pa is op sewentig oorlede. / “Her dad died at (age) seventy.”

A Color Block Showing Uneven Numbers 1 - 9.

Ongelyke getalle / “Uneven numbers”

Ordinale Getalle / “Ordinal Numbers”

Ordinal numbers indicate the position of an item on a list. In Afrikaans, they’re also called rangtelwoorde
vierde, etc.“fourth,” etc.
een-en-twintigste, etc.“twenty-first,” etc.
honderd-en-eerste, etc.“hundred-and-first,” etc.
duisend-en-eerste, etc.“thousand-and-first,” etc.
To briefly explain the rules:

A. 1st, 3rd: In Afrikaans, the first (eerste) and the third (derde) ordinal number words are irregular.

B. 4th – 19th: The ordinal numbers from vier (“four”) to negentien (“nineteen”) are formed by simply adding the suffix -de to the cardinal numbers. For example: vierde, vyfde agtiende, negentiende (“fourth, fifth … eighteenth, nineteenth”). 

C. 8th, 9th: The two exceptions are “seventh” and “eighth,” which get different suffixes. “Eighth” gets the suffix -ste (agtste) and “ninth” gets the suffix -nde (negende).

D. 20th, 21st, etc: From twintig (“twenty”) onward, the ordinal words are formed by adding the suffix -ste to the normal counting words.

Examples: twintigste, een-en-twintigste … dertigste, een-en-dertigste … honderdste … duisendste (“twentieth, twenty-first … thirtieth, thirty-first … hundredth … thousandth”).

Ordinal Number 1

Ordinale getal / “Ordinal number”

3. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – BYVOEGLIKE NAAMWOORDE / “Adjectives”

As we explained in the Afrikaans Beginner Word article, adjectives are those words that tell us more about nouns

Can you remember the two types of adjectives and how to identify them? Yes, that’s right—their classification depends on where they are placed in a sentence

    Attributive adjectives are called attributiewe byvoeglike naamwoorde in Afrikaans, and they always come in front of a noun:
    Die mooi dag is verby.  / “The lovely day is over.”
    Predicative adjectives are called predikatiewe byvoeglike naamwoorde in Afrikaans, and they always stand after a linking verb:
    Die dag is mooi. / “The day is lovely.”

Attributive adjectives are often modified in Afrikaans. Take a look at these examples and see if you can spot the modifications when compared to predicative adjectives.

    Dit is ‘n lieflike dag. / “It’s a beautiful day.” vs. Die dag is lieflik. / “The day is beautiful.”
    Daardie is ‘n interessante les. / “That’s an interesting lesson.” vs. Daardie les is interessant. / “That lesson is interesting.”
    Die buitenste klaskamer / “The outside classroom” vs. Die klaskamer is buite. / “The classroom is outside.”

Coastal Scene with Natural Beauty

Dis ‘n pragtige dag vandag. / “It’s a beautiful day today.”

Don’t worry too much about the rules governing these modifications right now; they can get pretty complex, as these things go.

Here’s a list of some of the most common intermediate Afrikaans adjectives. 

Byvoeglike Naamwoorde / “Adjectives”
Afrikaans Predicative AdjectivesEnglishAfrikaans Attributive Adjectives
n/a = it remains the same as the predicative
grof“rough” OR “gruff”growwe
antiek“ancient” / “antique”antieke
opwindend“exciting” / “thrilling”opwindende
gelukkig“happy” / “lucky”gelukkige
groen / geel / pers / oranje / wit / swart“green” / “yellow” / “purple” / “orange” / “white” / “black”n/a

A Pretty, Happy Girl in a Red Dress

Die jong meisie het ‘n mooi glimlag. / “The young girl has a pretty smile.”

4. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – Voornaamwoorde / “Pronouns”

We’re still sort of busy dealing with nouns! Can you recall what a pronoun is? 

To refresh your memory—pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in a phrase or sentence, denoting the same gender and number as the nouns they replace. 

Pronouns have a cool function, because their use ensures that sentences don’t become too cluttered or nouns too repetitive. We dealt with the basic personal pronouns in the Beginner Afrikaans article, though you might also want to read our blog post on Afrikaans pronouns for more information. 

In this article, we’re going to get a closer look at the different types of pronouns. For most types, you can determine who or what they refer to from the context.

  1. Persoonlike voornaamwoorde, voorwerp en onderwerp / “Personal pronouns, object and subject”
  2. Besitlike voornaamwoorde / “Possessive pronouns”
  3. Aanwysende voornaamwoorde / “Demonstrative pronouns”
  4. Onbepaalde voornaamwoorde / “Indefinite pronouns”
  5. Vraende voornaamwoorde / “Interrogative  pronouns”

          1. Persoonlike Voornaamwoorde – Voorwerp & Onderwerp / “Personal Pronouns” – Subject & Object

Intermediate students need to add only one more formal personal pronoun to those listed for beginners.

The same pronoun is used for both the subject and the object in sentences with this pronoun, as well as for both singular and plural forms. 

  • U is welkom. / “You are welcome.”
  • U sit by hierdie tafel. / “You’re sitting at this table.”

  • Hierdie tee is vir u, Meneer. / “This tea is for you, Sir.”
  • Kan ek u help? / “May I help you?”

This formal form of address is still common in Afrikaans, but its use will depend on the context. 

Use it when first addressing someone you don’t know well and who is much older than you, such as your new Afrikaans friend’s grandparents or elderly parents. 

Also use this pronoun when addressing someone greatly senior to you in terms of age and work title, such as your much older CEO at work. 

Always address a VIP or dignitary this way, such as the country’s president or an officer of the law. This is a sure sign of respect. In certain upmarket hospitality settings, the staff is sometimes trained to address patrons this way.

Often, you will be invited to drop this formal way of speaking, but make sure you wait for the invitation to do so! 

For more information, also look at this lesson about Afrikaans greetings.

A Friendly, Elderly Butler in Formal Dress Holding a Smart Silver Tray and Tea Set

Hierdie tee is vir u, Meneer. / “This tea is for you, Sir.”

                                        2. Besitlike Voornaamwoorde / “Possessive Pronouns”

As the name suggests, these pronouns indicate possession. When they’re used with another pronoun in a sentence, the context needs to be clear so that it’s understood what they refer to. 

We looked at the basic possessive pronouns in the beginner article. Here, I’m listing the modified pronouns, which change according to the sentence structure.
joune“yours” (singular)
u s’n“yours”
julle s’n“yours” (plural)
ons s’n“ours”
hulle s’n“theirs”
  • Die handboek is myne. / “The textbook is mine.”
  • Ek sal u s’n vir u hou. / “I will keep yours for you.”
  • Ons s’n sal more reg wees. / “Ours will be ready tomorrow.”
  • Dis hulle s’n. / “It’s theirs.”

A Pile of Language Textbooks

Die handboek is myne. / “The textbook is mine.”

                    3. Aanwysende Voornaamwoorde / “Demonstrative Pronouns”

In sentences, these pronouns are used to indicate something specific.

Note: This is a compound of hier (“here”) and die (“this”). It’s used with both singular and plural nouns

Hierdie vrae is maklik.
“this” / “these”

“These questions are easy.”

Note: This is a compound of daar (“there”) and die (“this”). It’s used with both singular and plural nouns.

Daardie sinne is lank.
Daardie toets is maklik.
“that” / “those”

“Those sentences are long.”
“That test is easy.”

Note: This is a contraction of daar (“there”) and die (“this”). It means “those” and “that.” In other words, it remains the same for singular and plural nouns in sentences.

Daai notas help baie.Daai is ‘n oulike onderwyser.
“that” / “those” [slang]

“Those notes help a lot.”
“That is a nice teacher.”
hierdies (“these”)
daardies (“those”)
daais (slang for “those”)

Note: When these pronouns get the suffix -s, they always indicate a plural or collective noun (or nouns). “Indicate,” because the subject is always implied in the sentence. In other words, unlike the English “these” and “those,” hierdies, daardies, and daais are never used together with a noun in sentences. Therefore, the context of the sentence must be clear.

Hierdies is baie ryp. (Talking about fruit, e.g.)
Daardies is moeilik. (Talking about tests, e.g.)
Daais help baie. (Talking about notes, e.g.)
“these” / “those”

“These are very ripe.”
“Those are difficult.”
“Those help a lot.”
albei / beide

Albei is siek.

“Both are ill.”

A Pretty Young Woman Pointing at a Cellphone

Hierdie foon / “This phone”

                    4. Onbepaalde Voornaamwoorde / “Indefinite Pronouns”

These are sometimes confused with demonstrative pronouns, but as the name suggests, they point to the general.

Note: This is an irregular indefinite pronoun that is only used with singular nouns.

Note: This is another irregular pronoun that is always used with plural or collective nouns.
  • Almal studeer nou hard. / “Everybody is studying hard now.”
  • Elke student het ‘n handboek. / “Every student has a textbook.”
  • Nie alle studente werk saans nie. / “Not all students work at night.”
  • Dis ‘n wen-wen situasie waarin niemand verloor nie. / “It’s a win-win situation in which nobody loses.”
  • Alles sal goed uitwerk op die ou end. / “Everything will work out fine in the end.”

A Teacher and His Students in a Classroom

Elke student het ‘n handboek. / “Every student has a textbook.”

                    5. Vraende Voornaamwoorde / “Interrogative Pronouns”

These pronouns are used to ask short, succinct questions. Like in English, they can be used on their own as a simple, interrogative expression if the context is clear.
Waarom? / Hoekom?“Why?”
Waarmee?“With what?”
Waarvoor?“What for?”
  • Waarvoor word hierdie item gebruik? / “What is this item used for?”
  • Watter vlug gaan julle neem? / “Which flight are you going to take?”
  • Hoe gaan dit met jou studies? / “How are your studies going?”

A Young Woman Gesturing: How? or Why?

Hoekom? / “Why?”

5. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – WERKWOORDE / “Verbs”

Verbs are, simply put, the “doing words” of most languages. Just like in the Beginner Afrikaans article, I’ll only supply independent verbs in the present tense here. To learn more about their conjugations for the past and future tenses, be sure to study this article too.

Hoofwerkwoorde / “Independent Verbs”
begin“begin” / “start”
eindig / stop“end” / “stop”
bespreek“book” / “reserve” / “discuss”
mors“spill” / “make a mess”
bied (lesse) aan“give lessons”
skoonmaak“tidy up” / “clean up”
neem notas“take notes”
verdien“deserve” / “earn”
  • Stuur die man na die kantoor toe. / “Send the man to the office.”
  • Oppas om nie te glip op die nat vloer nie. / “Take care not to slip on the wet floor.”
  • Sy studeer buite. / “She’s studying outside.”

A Female Student on Campus Studying Outside with a Laptop and a Book

Sy studeer buite. / “She’s studying outside.”

5.1 MODALE WERKWOORDE / “Modal Verbs”

One helpful definition of a modal verb is that it’s used to express:

  • ability;
  • possibility;
  • permission, or
  • obligation.

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that always appear with the main verb in sentences.

That sums it up neatly!

Modale Werkwoorde / “Modal Verbs”
wil“want to”
mag“might” / “may”
  • Hy wil leer swem. / “He wants to learn (how to) swim.”
  • Die werk moet klaarkom. / Approximate: “The work must be finished.”
  • Mag ek hier sit, asseblief? / “May I sit here, please?”

A Young Family of Three Wearing Swim Gear in a Swimming Pool

Hy wil leer swem. / “He wants to learn (how to) swim.”

6. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – KOPPELWERKWOORDE / “Linking Verbs”

Can you recall the definition of a linking verb? Great! As its name suggests, it links the subject in a sentence to a word or phrase that describes the subject.

Koppelwerkwoorde / “Linking Verbs”

Note: This is a slightly more formal linking verb that’s still used in Afrikaans academic circles and by older Afrikaner folks. 
“is called”
  • Sy was suksesvol. / “She was successful.”
  • Die kinders word moeg. / “The children are becoming tired.”
  • Hy heet Sarel. / “He is called Sarel.” (Formal) 
  • Sy naam is Sarel. / “His name is Sarel.” (Colloquial)

A Woman in a Red Business Suit, Surrounded by a Group of People in Dark Office Gear

Sy was suksesvol. / “She was successful.”

7. Afrikaans Intermediate Words: BYWOORDE / “Adverbs”

As explained in the Beginner Afrikaans article, adverbs modify verbs. They often double as adjectives too, but adjectives are recognized in a sentence when they qualify the noun and/or by the presence of a linking verb, such as is (“is”) or was (“was”).

We’re going to look at:

    A. Bywoorde van tyd (“Adverbs of time and frequency”)
    B. Bywoorde van graad (“Adverbs of degree”)
    C. Bywoorde van plek (“Adverbs of place”)
    D. Bywoorde van wyse (“Adverbs of manner”)

Bywoorde van Tyd / “Adverbs of Time and Frequency”
smiddae“in the afternoon”
saans“in the evening”
smorens“in the morning”
heeldag“all day”
heelnag“all night”
vroeg / vroëer“early” / “earlier”
laat / later“late” / “later”
  • Ek werk smiddae. / “I work in the afternoons.”
  • Ons gaan laat uit. / “We go out late.”
  • Soms huil die baba. / “Sometimes the baby cries.”
  • Laas Kersfees was ons in Switserland. / “Last Christmas, we were in Switzerland.”

Three Red Christmas Candles with Hollies

Laas Kersfees was ons in Switserland. / “Last Christmas, we were in Switzerland.”

                              Bywoorde van Graad / “Adverbs of Degree”

These adverbs are often used to answer the question “How much?” Just like in English, they indicate the intensity of an action.
redelik“pretty” / “fairly”
erg / baie“very”
besonder“exceptionally” / “extraordinarily”
gladnie“not at all”
  • Die werk lyk redelik maklik. / “The work looks fairly easy.”
  • Die wind voel besonder koud. / “The wind feels exceptionally cold.”
  • Hy ry baie vinnig. / “He is driving very fast.”

A Young Boy Wearing a Winter Hoodie in Cold Weather

Die wind voel besonder koud. / “The wind feels exceptionally cold.”

                              Bywoorde van Plek / “Adverbs of Place or Position”

These adverbs are often used to tell you where an action is performed.
binnetoe“to the inside”
buitetoe“to the outside”
hierheen“here” / “this way”
daarheen“there” / “that way”
huistoe“home” / “homeward”
werk toeLiterally: “work to” / “to work”
  • Die bal rol buitetoe. / “The ball is rolling to the outside.”
  • Sy gaan huis toe. / “She’s going home.”
  • Dis koud; ons gaan binnekant sit. / “It’s cold; we’re going to sit inside.”

A Vehicle on a Narrow Road in a Mountainous Area

Ons gaan huistoe. / “We are going home.”

                                        Bywoorde van Wyse / “Adverbs of Manner”

Just like in English, almost all adverbs can be used as adjectives too. Unlike in English, though, Afrikaans adverbs usually remain the same.
moeilik“with difficulty”
kwaai / kwaad“angrily”
saggies“gently” / “softly”
  • Sit jy gemaklik? / “Are you sitting comfortably?”
  • Hy voel lui. / “He feels lazy.”
  • Katte lyk altyd onskuldig. / “Cats always look innocent.”

Color Block Showing the Abbreviation of Adverb, i.e. adv.

Bywoord / “Adverb”

8. Afrikaans Intermediate Words: Voegwoorde / “Conjunctions”

As their name suggests, conjunctions bring words, sentences, or different parts of sentences together. Voeg is a verb in Afrikaans that means “to join” or “to put together.” 

To learn more, be sure to read this article on Afrikaans conjunctions.

Afrikaanse Voegwoorde / “Afrikaans Conjunctions”
nogtans“nevertheless” / “still”
al“although” / “even if”
sodat“so that”
tot / totdat“until” / “till”
na / nadat“after”
  • Dis koud, daarom dra ek ‘n baadjie. / “It’s cold; therefore, I’m wearing a jacket.”
  • Ek sal studeer tot die son sak. / “I will study till the sun sets.” 
  • Borsel jou tande nadat jy geëet het. / “Brush your teeth after you’ve eaten.”

A Young Child Brushing Her Teeth in the Bathroom

Borsel jou tande nadat jy geëet het. / “Brush your teeth after you’ve eaten.”

9. Afrikaans Intermediate Words – VOORSETSELS / “Prepositions

If you can remember from the Beginner Afrikaans article, prepositions indicate the “relative position or relationship between two separately expressed concepts.”

And remember not to confuse them with adverbs of position or place!

VOORSETSELS / “Prepositions”
langs“next to”
  • Ons bly in Kaapstad. / “We are living in Cape Town.”
  • Sit langs my. / “Sit next to me.”
  • Die handvatsel van die tas is stukkend. / “The handle of the suitcase is broken.”

Cute Twin Girls Sitting Together on a Bench

Sit langs my. / “Sit next to me.”

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About the author: Christa Davel is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer and journalist, and is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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250+ Names of Common Animals in Afrikaans


Did you know that one of the oldest animals in the world was discovered in South Africa over two decades ago? Scientists named the skeleton, which was distinctly ape-like, “Little Foot.” So aap (“ape”) would be an appropriate first word on our list of animals in Afrikaans!

Little Foot is touted to be the evolutionary predecessor of humans. It was found by accident in 1998 among fossilized bones already obtained from a well-known excavation site called the “Cradle of Humankind” near Johannesburg. The skeleton is thought to be over three million years old.

Whether you believe this ape is our ancestor or not, animals have been part of our lives since time immemorial. So naturally, any language study would include these nouns, which is why I have compiled this comprehensive list of over 250 animal names in Afrikaans for you. To further expand your vocabulary, also make sure to take a look at our list of the most common Afrikaans nouns.

An African Vervet Monkey in a Tree.

Blouape kom baie algemeen in Suid Afrika voor. / “African vervet monkeys are very common in South Africa.”

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Domestic Animals
  2. Wild Animals
  3. Animal Body Parts
  4. Common Afrikaans Animal Expressions, Idioms, and Sayings
  5. Why not learn about animals in Afrikaans with AfrikaansPod101?!

1. Domestic Animals

1.1 Pets vs. Domestic Animals

There’s a distinction to be made between “pets” and “domesticated animals.” Pets are usually kept at a person’s home for the purpose of companionship, protection, and/or special assistance. On the other hand, domesticated animals are also kept by people, but usually not in their homes and not for company. Think farms and livestock. On farms, you’ll find livestock such as sheep, chickens, and cattle; there may also be animals classified as “wild” by law, which are still kept by humans.

In this article, there are places where certain domestic animals and wild animals will overlap because all animals were once wild. Over time, the wild dog became the lapdog and wild cats were tamed to the point where they could no longer survive in the wild. 

Some wild animals are tamed and kept as pets, but this is not common and not really advisable unless you’re a wildlife expert. Cats and dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years now. Yet most owners will testify that their kitties can still administer a mean scratch, and that their dogs can still give a nasty nip in a moment of excitement or fear. These wild impulses will never completely leave our pets.

Therefore, most wild animal pets (or domesticated wild animals) should be considered dangerous to a degree—even if they were born in captivity or were rescued at a young age. If they pose a risk to humans in the wild, chances are they will eventually pose the same risk in captivity. That’s just their nature.

A Blue-and-Yellow Macaw

Aras maak goeie troeteldiere. / “Macaws make good pets.”

1.2 Pets in Afrikaans

Pets have been and still are our companions, and greatly beloved ones at that. Let’s start with the most common Afrikaans animal words for those who live at home with us.

Note: In Afrikaans, we do have specific names for the offspring of many animals and we do distinguish their gender. However, we most often refer to them in the following terms.

  1. mannetjie / literally: “little male”
  2. wyfie / literally: “little female”
  3. kleintjies / literally: “little ones” 

1. aramacaw
2. budgiebudgerigar
3. kokketielcockatiel
4. duifpigeon / dove
5. vinkfinch
6. kanariecanary
7. poupeacock
8. papegaaiparrot
9. parkietparakeet
10. kaketoecockatoo
Example Sentences:
  • Die vink vlieg. / “The finch is flying.”
  • Slaap die ara? / “Is the macaw sleeping?”
  • Hoor hoe praat die papegaai! / Approx: “Listen, the parrot talks!”
  • Gee die duif kos, kyk hoe maer is dit. / “Give the pigeon food; see how thin it is.”
  • Hy neem sy parkiet na die veearts toe want dis siek. / “He’s taking his parakeet to the vet because it’s sick.”
Note: The babies of all bird pets are normally called kuikens (“chicks”).

Fun Fact! Did you know that in South Africa, 89% of house pets are dogs, followed by cats, birds, and fish? This is perhaps because interaction with dogs has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression in their owners. Studies have also shown that dogs have increased levels of feel-good hormones (dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin) in their brains after interacting with their humans!

A Young Woman Holding a Box with Cute Kittens

Ek is lief vir al my troeteldiere maar my katte is die naaste aan my hart. / “I love all my pets, but my cats are the closest to my heart.”

11. katcat
12. Siamese katSiamese cat
13. huiskathouse cat
14. honddog
15. bulhondbulldog
16. boerboelboer bull
17. mopshondpug
18. poedelpoodle
19. teeffemale dog / bitch
20. reunmale dog
21. hamsterhamster
22. rotrat
23. muismouse
24. marmotguinea pig
25. haas & konynhare & rabbit
Example Sentences:
  • My marmot is mooi. / “My guinea pig is pretty.”
  • Dit is ‘n bruin muis. / “It is a brown mouse.”
  • Is daar water in die konyn se hok? / “Is there water in the rabbit’s cage?”
  • Haar opregte Duitse Herdershond het al baie pryse gewen op skoue. / “Her pure-bred German Shepherd has won many prizes at shows.”
  • Ek is lief vir al my troeteldiere maar my katte is die naaste aan my hart. / “I love all my pets, but my cats are the closest to my heart.”

Fun Fact! Did you know that photos of odd-looking or very photogenic pets can earn insane amounts of money? Thank social media for this, because at the time of writing, a million hits on Instagram could earn up to ZAR 250 000 (approximately $16,500) per animal post, which is double what a human influencer could make. This is according to Bronwyn Williams, a marketing specialist from Flux Trends.

During a photoshoot, always take care to act humanely towards your furry subjects and keep only their best interests at heart.

A Gorgeous Cat and Dog Lying Together

Sommige troeteldiere is baie fotogenies. / “Some pets are very photogenic.”

26. goudvisgoldfish
27. koi viskoi fish
28. slangsnake
29. skilpadtortoise
30. sywurmssilkworms
Example Sentences:
  • My goudvis swem. / “My goldfish is swimming.”
  • Die slang seil weg. / “The snake is slithering away.”
  • My broer het ‘n skilpad vir ‘n troeteldier. / “My brother has a tortoise as a pet.”
  • Sywurms eet net moerbeiblare en het ‘n kort lewensspan. / “Silkworms eat only mulberry leaves and have a short lifespan.”
  • Troeteldiere kan baie fotogenies wees. / “Pets can be very photogenic.”

Fun Fact! Did you know that cat lovers are known as ailurophiles and dog lovers are cynophiles? According to one online study conducted by the research company GfK in 2014, Russia, France, and the U.S.A. are the countries with the most ailurophiles; Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil have the most cynophiles. 

More people keep dogs as pets than cats, but women are more likely than men to own either or both. The study also indicated that more men keep fish than women.

In China, fish are the most popular pets, while Turkish people prefer birds. Respondents from South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan recorded the highest number of non-pet owners.

In Europe, the British, French, and Swiss are the biggest spenders on their pets. But globally, Americans spend the most on theirs—a staggering $50 billion annually. This is unsurprising, as nine in 10 Americans are reported to see their pets as family members!

1.3 Farm Animals in Afrikaans

Farming is in Afrikaners’ blood. Most of our ancestors made their living keeping livestock, and the white Afrikaans-speaking South African population are colloquially referred to as the Boere (“Farmers”). Below, we’ll show you the names of farm animals in Afrikaans and bring a few key facts to light.

An Ostrich Running in the Veld

Volstruise kan baie verbasend vinnig hardloop. / “Ostriches can run remarkably fast.”

1.3.a Livestock / Domestic Farm Animals

As mentioned before, farm animals are not as tame as pets living in a house with people, but they’re still considered domesticated because people take care of them. We farm animals commercially for their meat and other products like eggs, milk, feathers, wool, hides, etc. Here is a list of the most popular farm animals in Afrikaans.

31. hoenderchicken
32. eendduck
33. gansgoose
34. kalkoenturkey
35. tarentaalguinea fowl
36. beeste / beescattle / cow / bull / ox
37. koeicow
38. bulbull
39. kalfcalf
40. skaapsheep
41. ooiewe
42. ramram
43. lam / lammetjielamb / little lamb
44. varkpig
45. varksogsow
46. beerboar
47. varkiepiglet
48. bokgoat
49. donkie / eseldonkey
50. muilmule
51. perdhorse
52. merriemare
53. hingsstallion
54. vulletjiefilly
55. poniepony
56. alpakkaalpaca
57. kameelcamel
58. lamallama
Example Sentences:
  • Die muil loop stadig. / “The mule walks slowly.”
  • Hier is die vark. / “Here is the pig.”
  • Daardie is ‘n baie mooi skouponie. / “That is a very pretty show pony.”
  • Ons ry elke vakansie perd op die plaas. / “We ride horses on the farm every holiday.”
  • ‘n Kameel kan tot 75 liter water op ‘n slag drink. / “A camel can drink up to 20 gallons of water at a time.”

A Collection of Insects, an Arachnid, a Snail, and an Arthropod

Insekte word bestudeer as ‘n bron van voedsel en medikasie. / “Insects are being researched as a source of food and medicine.”

1.3.b Creepy-Crawlies, Reptiles & Amphibians

Of course, a number of other creatures abound in the wild too. The ones listed below occur abundantly where people live or in urban areas, and many of the insects are farmed as well.

59. heuningbyhoney bee
60. vliegfly
61. brommerbluebottle fly / blow fly / moped
62. mierant
63. kewer / besiebeetle
64. kakkerlakcockroach
65. liewenheersbesieladybird / ladybug
66. skoenlapperbutterfly
67. motmoth
68. uislouse
69. weeluisbed bug
70. kopluishead louse
71. flooiflea
72. muskietmosquito
73. muggiegnat / midge
74. erdwurmearthworm
75. mopaniewurmmopani worm
76. meelwurmmealworm
77. duisendpootmillipede
78. honderdpootcentipede
79. kriekcricket
80. koringkriekcorn cricket
81. sprinkaangrasshopper
82. slaksnail
83. paddafrog
84. paddavistadpole
85. verkleurmannetjiechameleon
86. akkedislizard
Example Sentences:
  • Die erdwurm eet. / “The earthworm is eating.”
  • Die slak loop stadig. / “The snail crawls slowly.”
  • Daar is ‘n kriek in ons huis. / “There is a cricket in our house.”
  • Ek gaan nie daardie mopaniewurm eet nie, dis grillerig! / “I am not going to eat that mopani worm; it’s yucky!”
  • Sprinkane kan ‘n pes wees in die tuin. / “Grasshoppers can be a pest in the garden.”

Fun Fact! Did you know that antimicrobial peptides (AMP) found in insects are being studied for their potential to fight infection in humans? The same peptides play a crucial role in the immune system of humans too, making AMPs an important subject of study. Insects are very resilient against infection by most microbials, and AMPs found in the likes of bees, flies, and beetles can even fight multiple types of drug-resistant bacteria. In fact, some scientists believe that AMPs may even replace antibiotics in the future!

A Flock of Cape Buffalo Standing in the Veld

Die Kaapse Buffel is die grootste van die sogenaamde grasland buffels. / “The Cape Buffalo is the largest of the so-called savannah buffalo.”

1.3.c Wildlife Ranching

Wildlife ranching is called “game farming” in South Africa. Animals are kept and taken care of on what is commonly referred to as a “game farm” or wildsplaas. Game farms are kept for conservation, tourism, and breeding purposes. Farmers also (unfortunately) sell these animals as they’re popular for their meat, horns, hides, and canned hunting.

87. wildsbokkeantelope
88. blouwildebeesblue wildebeest
89. buffelbuffalo
90. waterbuffelwater buffalo
91. rooibokimpala
92. duikerduiker
93. springbokspringbuck
94. gemsbokgemsbok / oryx
95. swartwitpensboksable antelope
96. kameelperdgiraffe
97. koedoekudu
98. zebrazebra
99. bergzebramountain zebra
100. Burchell zebraBurchell’s zebra
101. waterbokwaterbuck
102. vlakvarkwarthog
103. volstruisostrich
104. renosterrhinoceros
105. Afrika renosterAfrican rhino
106. olifantelephant
107. Afrika bosolifantAfrican bush elephant
108. seekoeihippopotamus
Example Sentences:
  • Dit is ‘n zebra. / “It is a zebra.”
  • Die vlakvark is wild. / “The warthog is wild.”
  • ‘n Volstruis kan baie hard skop, so wees versigtig. / “An ostrich can kick very hard, so be careful.”
  • Ongelukkig is renosterhoring ‘n gewilde item vir onwettige uitvoere. / “Unfortunately, rhino horn is a popular item for illegal export.”
  • ‘n Olifant se gehoor is uiters goed. / “An elephant’s hearing is extremely good.”

Three Springbuck in Their Natural Environment

Groot getalle springbokke kom steeds wild voor in Suid Afrika. / “Large numbers of springbuck still occur in the wild in South Africa.”

Not-So-Fun Fact… In May 2019, the South African government surreptitiously passed an amendment to the (surely wrongly-named) Animal Improvement Act, which reclassified 33 wild species as farm animals. The list included endangered species such as black rhinos, cheetahs, water buffalo, and more. This is sad news, seeing that the wildlife ranching-and-breeding industry in South Africa is still underregulated and has experienced some heartbreaking exposés of malpractice in the past.

Without tight regulation, this permissive law may just cause more criminal cockroaches to crawl out of the woodwork.

Fortunately, a proposed amendment of the Meat Safety Act to approve the commercial sale of threatened-and-protected-species (TOPS) and lion meat, was minister-vetoed in late 2020. Captive lion breeding is also in the crosshairs of wildlife conservationists and advocates worldwide, and they are unrelenting in their pressure on the South African government to ban this horrendous practice.

That said—not all game farms are terrible places, and not all game farmers are greedy exploiters of their livestock. In fact, most of them adhere to prescribed regulations and follow good, lawful practices. They assist in protecting endangered wildlife and the environment, and their treatment of the animals is humane.

A Snarling Male Lion in the Bush

Leeus is steeds die konings van die woud. / “Lions are still the kings of the jungle.”

109. leeulion
110. wolfwolf
111. tiertiger
112. gorillagorilla
113. sjimpanseechimpanzee / chimp
Example Sentences:
  • Die buffel is sterk. / “The buffalo is strong.”
  • Die leeu slaap vanaand. / “The lion sleeps tonight.”
  • Sjimpansees is baie interessante diere. / “Chimpanzees are very interesting animals.”
  • Gorillas is van die aapfamilie wat in woudagtige gebiede woon. / “Gorillas are (members) of the ape family which live in the woods.”

2. Wild Animals

You’ll see that I excluded some wild animals from the following list. Gorillas, chimpanzees, tigers, and wolves are not indigenous to South Africa and live only in captivity on special game resorts or in zoos. Chimps and gorillas can be found elsewhere in Africa, most notably in mid to western African countries like Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The only wolf that we do have roaming our savannas is a tiny fellow called the aardwolf (literally: “earth wolf”). Strictly speaking, it is not a wolf and is closer in resemblance to a hyena. It’s not even predatorial, such as its namesake, but lives on a diet of termites.

A Large Gray Wolf Howling in the Pine Woods

Gryswolwe kom nie natuurlik voor in Suid Afrika nie. / “Gray wolves don’t occur naturally in South Africa.”

Also, the only wild “tiger” occurring in the country is very cute-looking and somewhat resembles a tiny tiger. Called the miershooptier (literally: “anthill tiger”), it often makes its home in abandoned termite nests or anthills. In English, the miershooptier is called a black-footed cat or a small spotted cat. It’s the second-smallest type of cat in the world, weighing only 2.5 kilos (about 5.5 pounds) in adulthood.

Furthermore, of the approximately 12,000 lions left in South Africa, the majority currently live either on breeding farms (in cages or camps) or on wild farms and game reserves. The latter are aimed at their preservation and conservation, as well as the promotion of responsible hunting (though some critics dispute this claim). The former keep these majestic animals solely for breeding and canned hunting purposes.

2.1 On the Land

South Africa is a country with lots of uninhabited space, where plenty of wildlife can still be found—and where the animals prefer to stay. We don’t have any lions roaming the streets of our towns and cities. Below, you’ll find a list of common wild animals in Afrikaans belonging to the mammalian world and otherwise. 

2.1.a Mammals

114. jagluiperdcheetah
115. hiënahyena
116. strandwolfbrown hyena
117. gevlekte hiënaspotted hyena
118. jakkalsjackal / fox
119. Kaapse jakkalsCape fox
120. rooijakkalsblack-backed jackal
121. bakoorjakkalsbat-eared fox
122. luiperdleopard
123. wildehondwild dog
124. wilde kat / vaalboskatwild cat / desert cat
125. siwetkatcivet
126. tierboskatAfrican serval cat
127. muskeljaatkatgenet
128. meerkatsuricate / meerkat
129. eekhoringsquirrel
130. waaistert-grondeekhoringCape ground squirrel
131. aapmonkey
132. blouaapvervet monkey
133. nagapiebushbaby
134. bobbejaanbaboon
135. molmole
136. vlermuisbat
137. dassiedassie
138. klipdassierock dassie
139. weselweasel
140. Afrikaanse weselAfrican weasel
141. muishondmongoose 
142. stinkmuishondstriped polecat / skunk
143. vlakhaasCape hare
144. ystervarkporcupine
145. Kaapse ystervarkCape porcupine
146. krimpvarkiehedgehog
147. aardvarkaardvark
148. bosvarkbush pig
149. otterotter
150. Kaapse otterCape otter
151. ratelhoney badger
152. ietermagogpangolin
153. skeerbekmuisforest shrew

A Skunk Running in the Veld

Die muishond kom ook voor in Suid Afrika. / “The skunk can also be found in South Africa.”

2.1.b Creepy-Crawlies & Reptiles

All the creepy-crawlies and reptiles found in domestic areas can also be found in the wild. Here, they’re found in much greater numbers alongside plenty of other species.

154. skerpioenscorpion
155. gloeiwurm glowworm
156. vuurvliegfirefly
157. renosterkewerrhino beetle
158. reuse kewergiant beetle
159. stinkgogga / stinkbesiestink bug
160. oorkruiperearwig
161. luislangpython
162. boaboa
163. boomslangtree snake / boomslang
164. adderadder
165. pofadderpuff adder
166. kobracobra
167. Mosambiekse spoegkobraMozambican spitting cobra
168. rinkhalsring-necked spitting cobra
169. molslangmole snake
170. mambamamba
171. groenmambagreen mamba
Example Sentences:
  • Dié kewer stink. / “This beetle stinks.”
  • Daar is ‘n boomslang. / “There is a tree snake / boomslang.”
  • Die rinkhals kom slegs voor in Suiderlike Afrika. / “The ring-necked spitting cobra can only be found in Southern Africa.”
  • Molslange is onskadelik en kan goeie troeteldiere maak. / “Mole snakes are harmless and can make good pets.”
  • Die grootste verskil tussen boas en luislange is dat boas lewendig geboorte skenk, terwyl luislange eiers lê. / “The main difference between boas and pythons is that boas give live birth while pythons lay eggs.”

Fun Fact! Did you know that the Southern African luislang (“python”), also called the rock python, can grow up to five meters (16 feet) long? They’re not fond of being in excessive heat for long periods of time, so during the extremely hot summer months, they like to slip into cool, deep pools and stay there with only their heads above the surface. These pools and ponds are also their preferred hunting areas.

Fortunately for us, this particular species rarely grows big enough to swallow humans. (But I still wouldn’t advise allowing any adult pet python to sleep in the same bed as a child!) The snakes prefer to feed on small antelope, birds, rodents, small pigs, apes, and dassies because eating large prey would mean having to lie still for a very long time so the food could digest. Remaining inert makes the snakes vulnerable to their natural enemies, which include mongooses, hyenas, other snakes, crocodiles, and wild dogs. Southern African pythons are helpful in controlling rodent and ape populations where they live.

A Large Python Laying Coiled among Foliage

Die Suid-Afrikaanse luislang kan tot vyf meter (16 voet) lank word. / “The South African python can grow up to five meters (16 feet) long.”

2.2. In the Water

Both inland bodies of fresh water and the oceans hugging our coasts teem with their unique selection of wildlife. Keep reading to learn the names of various fish and sea animals in Afrikaans. 

2.2.a Ocean Life

South Africa is flanked by two different oceans: the Atlantic Ocean on the western side and the Indian Ocean on the eastern side.

172. walviswhale
173. Southern Right walvisSouthern Right whale
174. dolfyndolphin
175. stompneus dolfynbottlenose dolphin
176. snoeksnoek
177. haaishark
178. grootwithaai / witdoodshaaigreat white shark
179. swaardvisswordfish
180. tunatuna
181. bloumarlynblue marlin
182. stokvisshallow water hake
183. diepwater stokvisdeep water hake
184. skelvishaddock
185. koningklipkingklip
186. sardynsardine
187. robseal 
188. Kaapse pelsrobCape fur seal
189. seeleeusealion
190. seekatoctopus
191. inkvissquid
192. jellievisjellyfish
193. bloublasiebluebottle / Portuguese man o’ war
194. krapcrab
195. kreeflobster
196. seeslaksea slug
197. oesteroyster
198. mosselmussel
199. seeskilpadturtle
200. seeslangsea snake
201. seesterstarfish
202. see egelsea urchin
203. seekomkommersea cucumber
204. see-anemoonsea anemone
Example Sentences:
  • Dit is ‘n dolfyn. / “That is a dolphin.”
  • Seeslange is gevaarlik. / “Sea snakes are dangerous.”
  • Die krap loop skeef-skeef. / Literally: “The crab walks skew-skew.”
  • Die Southern Right walvis kom voor aan die suidelike kus van Suid Afrika. / “The Southern Right whale occurs along the southern coast of South Africa.”
  • Die Groot Vier in die Suid Afrikaanse oseane is die Afrika pikkewyn, die Kaapse pelsrob, die Southern Right walvis, en die Groot Wit Haai. / “The Big Four in the South African oceans are the African penguin, the Cape fur seal, the Southern Right whale, and the great white shark.”

Fun Fact! Did you know that it’s rather easy to treat a bluebottle sting? These aquatic animals have long tentacles with barbs that inject venom on contact. Their stings look like whiplashes across the skin lined with small red dots, and they’re exceptionally painful. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the stings are harmless and easily treatable.

An online search for the correct treatment of a bluebottle sting proved confusing, as contradictory advice abounds even among official, non-commercial sites. For instance, many sources insist that sting victims are never to pour vinegar on bluebottle wounds, as it will exacerbate the pain. However, some recent, well-designed scientific studies contradict this.

A Beached Bluebottle Jellyfish

Jy wil nie op ‘n bloublasie trap nie! / “You don’t want to step on a bluebottle!”

First, let’s look at how to avoid getting stung in the first place. Then, we’ll discuss how to decrease pain and suffering in the event of a sting. There are a few things you shouldn’t do:


  • …swim in water you know is likely bluebottle-infested.
  • …go to the beach unprepared, especially if you know you might encounter bluebottles. Pack clear vinegar, a bottle of fresh water (not for drinking), and a long item with which to remove tentacles (think chopsticks or a grill tong).
  • …touch or pop the bladder of a beached bluebottle. (Dead bluebottles can still sting.)
  • …rub the sting wound with sand or apply any pressure before taking step 2 under the next heading below. (At this point, even light pressure will instantly increase the venom load, which means more pain.)
  • …rinse the wound with alcohol, shaving cream, baking soda, or urine, as these can also increase the venom load in some bluebottle species.

Now let’s look at sting treatments, as advised by the researchers of a recent, excellent study conducted at the School of Medicine, Hawaii University. The researchers studied and tested the efficacy of first-aid measures for bluebottle stings, and their advice was echoed in a South African review article that was recently published in the Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology journal.

A Glass Bottle Containing Clear Vinegar

Gebruik onverdunde asyn op ‘n bloublasiesteek. / “Use undiluted vinegar on a bluebottle sting.”

Immediately After a Sting:

  1. There may not be any, but rinse off adhering bluebottle tentacles with seawater or undiluted vinegar. Ideally, avoid using freshwater for this step, as it could result in more venom cells releasing their toxins into the skin.
  2. If some tentacles don’t rinse off, they’ll need to be removed manually. If you’ve used vinegar to douse the tentacles, it will inhibit their ability to continue stinging and protect the helper too, but this has not been proven in vivo, it seems. Some sources claim that it’s safe for adults to remove tentacles with their bare fingers, while other sources caution against this, as one could get stung oneself. To be safe, consider using an item like chopsticks, a dry stick, or even grilling tongs for this step.
  3. With the tentacles gone, it’s time to remove the tiny barbs. First, douse the wound again with undiluted vinegar. The Hawaiian study has found that vinegar completely inhibits the embedded cells from discharging their venom, even when pressure is applied. Common, shop-bought vinegar is fine for this purpose.
  4. Now, scrape off any tiny barbs still adhering to the skin with the edge of something like a knife, a razor blade, or even a credit card. You could use tweezers for this, as well. Removing the barbs will help the victim avoid secondary stinging and further injury.

As Soon as Possible After a Sting: 

Submerge or douse the wound with hot water (as hot as can be tolerated), for as long as possible. This will reduce pain, as heat breaks down the pain-causing venom in the body. In fact, this step is helpful in virtually all aquatic sting wounds. Take a large bottle of water to the beach and let it sit in the sun to heat, so you can have hot water ready in the event of a sting.

Seek Medical Help If:

    the sting is severe and covers a large area of the person’s body (especially in children);
    the pain persists; or 
    other symptoms develop after taking the aforementioned first-aid measures.

Side-effects and allergic reactions are extremely rare, but individual physiology differs, and a large venom load could cause problems in some cases.

A Bottlenose Dolphin Jumping Out of the Water

Bottelneus dolfyne is sierlike diere. / “Bottlenose dolphins are graceful animals.”

2.2.b Freshwater

The inland bodies of water have an equally impressive list of inhabitants. 

205. waterskilpadturtle
206. seekoeihippopotamus
207. krokodilcrocodile
208. NylkrokodilNile crocodile
209. rivierpalingriver eel
210. waterslangwater snake
211. salmsalmon
212. katviscatfish
213. foreltrout
214. reënboog forelrainbow trout
215. karpcarp
216. basbass
217. geelvisyellowfish
218. rooiborskurpertilapia
219. kabeljoucod
220. moddervislabeo
221. Oranjerivier moddervisOrange River mudfish
222. makrielmackerel
223. naaldekokerdragonfly
224. waterhondjiewater walker
225. waterjufferdamselfly
226. hottentotsgotpraying mantis
Example Sentences:
  • Die makriel swem. / “The mackerel are swimming.”
  • Ons eet kabeljou. / “We are eating cod.”
  • Naaldekokers is baie mooi vir my. / “Dragonflies are very pretty to me.”
  • Die hottentotsgod se voorpote is wapens waarmee hy sy prooi gryp. / “The front legs of the praying mantis are weapons with which it grabs its prey.”
  • Daardie rivier is gevaarlik om in te swem want daar kom krokkodille voor. / “That river is dangerous for swimming because crocodiles are found there.”

A Dragonfly

Al het hulle ses lang bene, kan naaldekokers nie goed loop nie. / “Even though they have six long legs, dragonflies can’t walk well.”

2.3 In the Sky

South African birds are a paradise for ornithologists. Especially for a walk in the veld or the mountains, remember to bring good binoculars or a camera, a bird guide, and a notebook.

227. houtkapperwoodpecker
228. arendeagle
229. visarendfish eagle
230. visvangerblack cormorant
231. valkfalcon / hawk
232. uilowl
233. aasvoëlvulture
234. kraanvoëlcrane
235. bloukraanvoëlblue crane
236. ooievaarstork
237. pelikaanpelican
238. kiewietplover / lark
239. tarentaalguineafowl
240. mossieCape sparrow
241. spreeusparrow
242. fisantpheasant
243. flaminkflamingo
244. reierheron / egret
245. hadedahadeda ibis
246. gompoukori bustard
247. gonsvoëlbuzzard
248. horingbekvoëlhornbill
249. suikerbekkiesunbird / sugarbird
250. bontvisvangerskingfishers
251. sekretarisvoëlsecretary bird
252. seemeeuseagull
253. albatrosalbatross
254. pikkewynpenguin
255. Afrika pikkewynAfrican penguin
256. vinkfinch
257. kraaicrow
258. koekoekcuckoo
259. lysterthrush
260. swaanswan
261. kwartelquail
Example Sentences:
  • Die koekoek sing. / “The cuckoo is singing.”
  • Daar sit ‘n seemeeu. / “There sits a seagull.”
  • Op die water gly ‘n swaan rustig. / “On the water, a swan is drifting peacefully.”
  • Hoor hoe die lysters sing in die tuin. / “Listen to the thrushes singing in the garden.”
  • Kwarteleiers is ‘n gewilde dis aan ons tafel. / “Quail eggs are a favorite dish at our table.”

A Colony of African Penguins on Boulders Beach, Cape Town, South Africa

Boulders Beach in Simonstad, Kaapstad, huisves groot kolonies Afrika pikkwyne. / “Boulders Beach in Simon’s Town, Cape Town, is home to large colonies of African penguins.”

3. Animal Body Parts

Just like the human body, the bodies of animals, insects, and reptiles have different parts.

bekthe mouth of any animal, except a bird’s
snawelbill / beak
slagtand/eincisor(s) OR fang(s)
lyf / liggaambody
voorlyfupper body / torso
tiet/eteat(s) / breast(s)
been / beneleg(s)
voorbeen / voorbenefront leg(s)
agterbeen / agterbenehind leg(s)
poot / potepaw(s)
voorpoot / voorpotefront paw(s)
agterpoot / agterpotehind paw(s)
flipper / vinflipper / fin
veer / verefeather(s)
stertveer / stertveretail feather(s)
dons / donsveredown (feathers)
haar / harehair 
skub / skubbescale(s)
Example Sentences:
  • Visse het skubbe. / “Fish have scales.”
  • Donsvere is sag. / “Down feathers are soft.”
  • Voels het nie tande nie. / “Birds don’t have teeth.”
  • ‘n Blink pels dui gewoonlik op ‘n gesonde dier. / “A shiny coat usually shows that an animal is healthy.”
  • Presies waar sit ‘n baber se tentakels? / “Exactly where are a catfish’s tentacles situated?”

4. Common Afrikaans Animal Expressions, Idioms, and Sayings

  1.  Hy lyk of die kat sy kos gesteel het.
    “He looks like the cat stole his food.”

    This describes someone who looks disappointed, discouraged, or dejected.
  1. Jy kerm soos ‘n kat oor ‘n derm!
    “You complain like a cat over a piece of intestine!”

    Use this comment when someone complains and moans about trivialities and nonsense, or when they don’t want to stop complaining. The rhyme in Afrikaans gives it a humorous effect.
  1. Al dra ‘n aap ‘n goue ring bly dit maar ‘n lelike ding.
    “Even when a monkey wears a golden ring, it remains an ugly thing.”

    This saying means that no matter how much an unattractive, uncouth person or object is spruced up or presented, they remain ugly.

    Note: Be cautious how you use this idiom, though. Some might find it offensive.

A Female Monkey Sitting with Her Baby in a Tree

Al dra ‘n aap ‘n goue ring bly dit maar ‘n lelike ding.
“Even when a monkey wears a golden ring, it remains an ugly thing.”

  1. Addergebroedsel
    “Offspring of adders”

    This strong, colorful term that sounds like it belongs in a Greek drama is used to describe sly, unreliable, or even dangerous people. In a sentence, you would say:

    Moet nie daardie politikusse glo nie; hulle is addergebroedsel.
    “Don’t believe those politicians; they’re the offspring of adders.”
  1. Dis ‘n bees van ‘n pampoen!
    “That is a bull of a pumpkin!”

    This expression is used to describe anything exceptionally large or impressive. One can replace pampoen with many other nouns to indicate its extraordinary size or extent.
  1. Selfs bobbejane het daar ‘n kierie nodig.
    “(To walk) there, even baboons need a walking stick.”

    This saying is used to describe a road or place that is practically impassable.
  1. Susan en Pieter gaan bokke bymekaar jaag.
    “Susan and Peter are going to herd their goats.”

    This is an old way of saying that a couple is getting married.
  1. Donkie skel vir Langoor uit.
    “Donkey scolds Langoor.”

    This idiom is similar to the English, “The pot is calling the kettle black.” Langoor (literally: “long ears”) is a popular name for a donkey, especially in Afrikaans children’s fiction. So, the idiom is used to describe someone who criticizes another for something they’re guilty of themselves.
  1. ‘n Gebraaide duif / eend / gans vlieg niemand in die mond nie.
    “A fried pigeon / duck / goose won’t fly into anyone’s mouth.”

    With this idiom, we say that nothing is accomplished without effort. Interestingly, a similar-sounding saying is used in reference to someone who’s effortlessly lucky:

    Gebraaide ganse vlieg sommer in haar mond.
    “Fried geese simply fly into her mouth.”

A Rooster Sitting on a Fence and Crowing

Die winkel is net ‘n hanetree van ons huis af. / “The shop is only a rooster’s step from our house.”

  1. ‘n Hanetree
    “A rooster’s step”

    This expression is used when we want to say that one thing is a very short distance from another. It sounds like this in a sentence:

    Die winkel is ‘n hanetree van ons huis af.
    “The shop is a rooster’s step away from our home.”
  1. Wanneer die hoenders tande kry
    “When chickens grow teeth”

    When someone uses this ironic idiom, it means that something is very unlikely to happen. It can be used as-is in a comment, or in a sentence like this:

    Hy sal eers verander wanneer die hoenders tande kry.
    “He will change only when chickens grow teeth.”

    Another saying with the same meaning is:

    Wanneer die perde horings kry.
    “When horses grow horns.”

A Beautiful Fox Standing in the Snow

Jakkals prys sy eie stert! / “Fox praises his own tail!”

  1. Die hond se gedagtes kry
    “To get the dog’s thoughts”

    This odd expression is used in reference to one’s thoughts of suspicion. Like this:

    Hy was aanvanklik optimisties oor die projek, maar die kontrak het hom die hond se gedagtes gegee.
    “He was optimistic about the project at first, but the contract made him suspicious.”
  1. As ‘n mens ‘n hond wil slaan kry jy maklik ‘n stok.
    “If you want to beat a dog, you’ll easily find a cane.”

    This means that if you really feel like harming or hurting someone, you’ll easily find a way to do so.
  1. Jakkals prys sy eie stert.
    “Fox praises his own tail.”

    This vivid saying is used to comment when someone boasts excessively about their own accomplishments or attributes.
  1. Die kalf is in die put.
    “The calf is in the well.”

    In the olden days, when Afrikaans Christian folks were forced to work on a Sunday (such as when there was an emergency on the farm), they would use this saying. These days, we use it to indicate that doing something that’s (strictly speaking) disallowed or unplanned is inevitable due to an emergency. You could use it in the following context, for instance:

    Ons word nie eintlik in die kantoorgebou toegelaat oor naweke nie, maar die kalf is in die put. Die versoek vir hierdie uiters dringende verslag het onverwags vroeg gekom.

    “We are not really allowed to enter the office building over weekends, but it is inevitable. The request for this very urgent report came unexpectedly early.”
  1. Nie ‘n kat se kans nie
    “Not a cat’s chance”

    This saying is used to convey that the chances of something happening are very limited or non-existent.

    Hy het nie ‘n kat se kans met daardie meisie nie.
    “He doesn’t have any chance with that girl.”

The Naked Torso of a Very Skinny Guy

Hy is so maer soos ‘n kraai. / “He is as thin as a crow.”

  1. So maer soos ‘n kraai
    “As thin as a crow”

    If you want to say that someone is physically very thin, this is the idiom you’d use.
  1. Mossie, maar man
    “(Only a) sparrow, but (a real) man”

    When a boy or a man of small stature distinguishes himself as courageous, intelligent, and persistent in the face of a challenge, this saying would describe them well. Also, think of a cheeky chihuahua furiously barking at (and often scaring off) a much larger dog—tiny but impressively courageous! Mossie (“sparrow”) is used interchangeably with muggie (“gnat”).
  1. Dis net die oortjies van die seekoei.
    “Those are only the ears of the hippo.”

    The hippopotamus’ natural habitat is close to water, in which it often swims to keep cool and feeds on vegetation. When the animal rests, it lies just under the surface with only a small part of its head visible above water. We use this metaphor when only a small part of something is known or observable, meaning that the largest part is unknown or hidden—just like the large hippo’s body under the water.
  1. Slaan twee vlieë met een klap
    “Hits two flies with one smack”

    If you’re in town to have coffee with a friend, but you also make use of the opportunity to run an errand, then you’ve “hit two flies with one smack,” so to speak. This is a comment on using time and opportunity economically. Consider this sentence:

    Slaan sommer twee vlieë met een klap; kom kuier wanneer jy weer in hierdie omgewing is vir werk.
    “Why not be economical with time; pay me a visit when you come this way again for work.”

5. Why not learn about animals in Afrikaans with AfrikaansPod101?!

I hope you learned something interesting from this article. What’s your favorite animal? Name it in Afrikaans in the comments!

With AfrikaansPod101, you’ll not only learn the names of animals in Afrikaans—we have so much more to offer. Get to know the language and Afrikaans culture by starting with these blog posts:

  1. How Hard is it to Learn Afrikaans?
  2. The Best Afrikaans Verbs List at Your Fingertips!
  3. Best List of Must-Know Afrikaans Pronouns
  4. Top Compliments in Afrikaans for All Occasions!
  5. Names and Terms for Families in Afrikaans
  6. The South African Weather Experience — What You Need to Know

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About the Author: Christa Davel is an experienced, bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer and copy editor, who’s currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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Your Guide to the Best Basic Afrikaans Phone Phrases!


The very first telephone in South Africa entered Cape Town around 1878. Apparently, a watchmaker named Adolph Boettger imported it from Germany, and it was first used in the post office. That phone was even more primitive than the model in this image, which was called a “candlestick telephone.”

An Old Candlestick Telephone.

Kandelaar telefone is vervaardig in die vroeë negentiende eeu. / “Candlestick telephones were manufactured in the early nineteenth century.”

Like the rest of the world, South Africa hasn’t looked back since. Cell phones arrived on the scene in 1994, and just like in most other countries, these devices basically took over the telecommunication industry. But while there has never been a more critical time to pick up Afrikaans phone phrases, you might be doubtful as to their relevance. 

In fact, many members of the previous generation wouldn’t even be able to tell you what the item in the photo above is, let alone what it was used for! Since the advent of smartphones, terms like “push button telephone” have become basically obsolete, while “iOS” and “Android” are commonplace. Well, that’s technological progress for you.

A Woman Talking on a Smartphone.

Goeie foonetiket is belangrik. / “Good phone etiquette is important.”

That said, dial-button phones are still in use (though mainly for business purposes). And one thing that has not disappeared or changed is phone etiquette. No matter which device is used, the basics of how to address someone over the phone have remained the same.

Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of practical Afrikaans phone call phrases in English and categorized them for your convenience! Also, whether you’re taking or making a call, you still need to greet the person on the other side. So quickly learn all about that in this article titled How to Say “Hello” in Afrikaans Like a Native Speaker! or master it using this easy lesson.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Taking a Call
  2. Making a Call and Starting a Conversation
  3. The Rest of the Conversation…
  4. Example Dialogues
  5. AfrikaansPod101 for the Best Afrikaans Phone Phrases & Much More!

1. Taking a Call

The type of call you’re receiving will determine the Afrikaans phone phrases you’re going to use. Below are examples of how to take a formal call, a business call, and a personal call.

1.1 Formal & Business

For business purposes, if you have a formal relationship with the caller or if you don’t know who’s calling, you’ll answer the phone in a relatively formal, polite way. If you don’t want to identify yourself when taking a call, it’s okay not to in South Africa. 

Note that the following greetings are either neutral or time-specific.

These short, common greetings for receiving a call are most appropriate if you don’t know the caller, you don’t want to identify yourself, and/or you don’t wish to encourage conversation. Preferably, don’t bark out this greeting when you answer! Keeping your tone friendly and polite will help you avoid embarrassment—you never know who could be on the other side of the phone!
    Hello? / Goeiedag? / Goeiemore? / Goeiemiddag? / Goeienaand? 
    “Hello?” / “Good day?” / “Good morning?” / “Good afternoon?” / “Good evening?”
Next are more respectful, formal greetings to use when you don’t know the caller.
    Goeiemiddag. Wie praat, asseblief? 
    “Good afternoon. Who’s calling, please?”

    Goeienaand, dis Magda wat praat?
    “Good evening, it’s Magda speaking?”

    Goeiemore, Magda hier?
    “Good morning, Magda here?”
You would use the following when you answer the phone at work. Afrikaans phone call phrases for business contexts tend to follow the same format, said in a polite tone. When you’re answering the call as a receptionist, personal assistant, shop attendant, etc., you would:
  1. say hello
  2. name the company or business, and
  3. identify yourself.
Sometimes, the third step is replaced with another phrase, or omitted altogether.
    Goeiedag, Brink en Vennote, dis Mariëtta wat praat?
    “Good day, Brink, De Bruin and Partners, Mariëtta speaking.”

    Goeiemore, Dokter Camilla De Beer se spreekkamers. Kan ek help? 
    “Good morning, Doctor Camilla De Beer’s rooms. May I help you?”
This is a polite, formal phrase to use when you know the caller’s identity.
    Goeiemiddag, Dokter De Beer, dis Thijs wat praat.
    (“Good afternoon, Doctor De Beer, Thijs speaking.”)

Note: All of these phrases are statements, but you would use them with a questioning tone. This invites the caller to identify themselves and/or return your greeting and state their business.

A Friendly, Young Black Man Sitting on a Couch, Making a Call on a smartphone.

Goeiemiddag, Dokter De Beer, dis Thijs wat praat. / “Good afternoon, Doctor De Beer, Thijs speaking.”

1.2 Informal

Most of the time, if you know the caller and you’re not taking a business call, it’s customary to answer your phone informally. 

You would say something like this:
    Hello Ma. (“Hello Mom.”)

    Goeiedag! (“Good day!”)

    Haai daar! (“Hi there!”)

    Haai jy! (“Hey you!”)

    Haai Magda! What’s up?! (“Hi Magda! What’s up?!”) 

    South Africa is very Anglicized and Afrikaans speakers often mix their language with English slang or popular phrases from one of the other national languages. As you can imagine, this one is a very informal, casual greeting.

    More Tannie Kotie. (“Morning, Auntie Kotie.”) 

    Note that Goeiemore can be contracted to More, similar to “Good morning” vs. “Morning” in English. 

Oom and Tannie (“Uncle” and “Auntie”) are the forms of address Afrikaners use for much older folks, as well as older relatives. This is a sign of respect. However, when meeting someone for the first time, you’ll often be invited to ditch the formalities and call them by their first name. That said, it’s always best to wait for this invitation, because over-familiarity does not sit well with the older Afrikaners (especially those from rural communities). 

After using any one of these greetings, it’s okay to wait for the other person to introduce themselves (if you don’t know their identity, of course), to return a greeting, and/or to start a conversation. Afrikaners often love a good chat!

A Friendly Young Businesswoman Talking on a Telephone at Her Desk.

More Tannie Kotie. / “Morning, Auntie Kotie.”

2. Making a Call and Starting a Conversation

But what if you’re the caller? Then different rules apply. 

2.1 Formal & Business

When you’re making a business call or have a formal relationship with the person you’re calling, you would reply to the previously listed formal phrases like this:

    Goeiedag, Mariëtta, Thijs hier. Gaan dit goed met jou? 
    “Good day, Mariëtta, Thijs here. Are things going well for you?”

    Goeiemiddag, ___. My naam is ___ en ek wil graag met ___ praat, asseblief?
    “Good afternoon, ___. My name is ___ and I would like to speak with ___, please?”

    Goeiemore Meneer/Mevrou/Me. Hoe gaan dit met u?
    “Good morning, Sir/Madam. How are you doing?”

Note: You could say “Hello” instead of using a time-based greeting. This is generally acceptable, unless:
  1. you’re addressing someone very senior to you (such as a high-ranking employee or your boss),
  2. or a prominent dignitary or politician, especially at formal events.
However, it wouldn’t be a social death to use “Hello.” Afrikaners are down-to-earth and not too hung up on strict formalities, but using a time-greeting is considered good Afrikaans—especially if you want to show off your language skills a bit!

Also note the use of the formal u pronoun, which is plural for “you.” That said, if you’re making a formal call to someone you know is younger than you, it would be okay to simply use jou instead.

A Woman with Red Lipstick Holding the Speaker Piece of a Blue Telephone.

Goeiemore Meneer. Hoe gaan dit met u? / “Good morning, Sir. How are you doing?”

2.2 Informal

When you’re making a phone call in Afrikaans to someone you’re close with or to a business associate you know quite well, the appropriate informal response would sound like this:

    Hello, my kind! Hoe gaan dit?!
    “Hello, my child! How are you?”

    My kind is a common way for parents and older relatives to address a younger loved one. It’s almost a term of endearment.
    Hey! Hoe lyk dinge?!
    “Hey! How are things?!”

    Hoe lyk dinge?! and “How goes?” are two expressions that serve as super-casual greetings to which no reply is expected. They’re mainly (but not exclusively) used by Afrikaner men—think meeting your mates at a bar to watch a lively rugby match together! You can reply if you want to, but really, these are just the noises people make to acknowledge someone’s presence and indicate pleasure at seeing them.
    Hello ___! Hoe gaan dit daar met julle?
    “Hello ___! How is everything on your [plural] side?”
    More Magdatjie! Hoe gaan dit met jou, my skat?
    Lit. “Morning little Magda! How are you doing, my treasure?”

    Many Afrikaners love using diminutives to show affection, but it’s reserved only for people the speaker knows well.

A Young Woman in a Yellow Top, Walking in the City while Talking on Her Cell Phone.

Hello ___! Hoe gaan dit daar met julle? / “Hi ___! How is everything on your [plural form] side?”

3. The Rest of the Conversation…

So you’ve taken or made the call and you both know who you’re speaking to—now what? Here are the appropriate Afrikaans phone conversation phrases with which to continue.

First, you’re going to reply to any query after your well-being. Like in English, this is more of a social habit to ease conversation rather than a sincere question—unless you and the speaker are close, of course. In such a case, it would be acceptable (and even expected) for you to be honest in your reply. 

However, you would usually reply like this, which is perfectly fine for both formal and informal conversations:
  1. If you’re being asked, then reply with: 
    Dit gaan goed met my, dankie, en self? 
    “I am well, thank you, and you?”

  2. If you have asked, you now also get a turn to state how you are. The simplest way is to repeat what the other person said and add ook (“too”): 
    Dit gaan goed met my ook, dankie. 
    “I am well too, thanks.”
Informal alternatives that are fit for use when you know the caller or respondent relatively well:
  1. Alles wel diekant, dankie. En self?
    “All well on this side, thank you. And you?

  2. Dieselfde hier, dankie. 
    “Same here, thank you.”
  1. Kannie kla nie, dankie. Self?
    “Can’t complain, thanks. And you?

  2. Dis goed om te hoor. Dieselfde hier, dankie.
    “That’s good to hear. Same here, thank you.”
Note: These Afrikaans phone phrases can be used interchangeably, meaning this is not a fixed formula. See our example dialogues below.

Now you need to state your reason for the call.

A Woman's Hands Dialing on an Office Telephone.

Gebruik toepaslike Afrikaanse foonfrases om ‘n goeie foon gesprek te verseker. / “Use appropriate Afrikaans phone phrases to assure a good phone conversation.”

3.1 Formal & Business

You have already encountered one reply to a business call where the caller stated their business. If the person who took the call doesn’t know you, you’ll always introduce yourself first. Depending on the reason for the call, you can either state your first name and surname, or only your first name.

More Formal: My naam is ___. (“My name is ___.”) / Dis ___ wat praat. (“This is ___ speaking.”)
Informal: ___ hier. (“___ here.”)

Next, you can state the reason for your call with one of these phrases:
    Ek het ‘n boodskap gekry dat ek julle moet bel?
    “I received a message that I should call you?”

    Ek wil graag bespreek vir…
    “I would like to make a booking for…”

    Ek wil ons bespreking bevestig, asseblief.
    “I would like to confirm our reservation, please.”

    Ek wil graag ‘n afspraak maak met / vir ___, asseblief.
    “I would like to make an appointment with / for ___, please.”

    Ek wil ‘n bespreking / afspraak vir more kanselleer, asseblief.
    “I want to cancel a booking / appointment for tomorrow, please.”

Note: In South Africa, it’s customary to cancel a booking with a service provider at least 12 to 24 hours in advance. Some, not all, will charge you the appointment amount (or a portion of it) if the cancellation is late, or if you don’t pitch without cancelling. This is not the case with restaurants, except fine diners which often charge a non-refundable booking fee or deposit.
    Is Dokter De Beer daar, asseblief? Ek het ‘n dringende navraag.
    “Is Doctor De Beer in, please? I have an urgent query.”

    Ek wil met iemand praat oor ___, asseblief?
    “I need to speak to someone about ___, please?”

A Young Secretary Talking on the Telephone in a Work Setting.

Hou aan vir dokter De Beer, asseblief. / “Please hold for Doctor De Beer.”

Once the purpose of the call is clear, any one of the following response phrases would be appropriate:
    Hou aan vir dokter De Beer, asseblief. 
    “Please hold for Doctor De Beer.”

    Hou aan, asseblief, ek kyk of sy beskikbaar is.
    “Hold on, please, I will see if she’s available.”

    Dankie dat u aangehou het. Dokter De Beer is besig met ‘n pasiënt. Kan sy u later terugskakel?
    “Thank you for holding. Doctor De Beer is busy with a patient. Can she call you back a bit later?”

Note: The formal pronoun u (“you”) is customary when you’re addressing clients, unless the company’s business style is informal or you know the caller well. All the pronouns in the example sentences can be replaced with others, of course. Learn all about Afrikaans pronouns in this blog post! 
    Hoe kan ek help?
    “How can I help?”

    Dankie dat jy teruggebel het. Ek skakel jou deur na ___  toe.           
    “Thank you for calling back. I am putting you through to ___.”

    Hou aan, asseblief.Approximate:
    “Stay on the line, please.”

    Wil jy ‘n boodskap laat?
    “Would you like to leave a message?”

A Young Man Sitting Outside, Talking on a Cellphone.

Hoe kan ek help? / “How can I help?”

3.2 Informal

Informal replies following the initial greetings and introductions usually lead to a casual conversation, since you’re most likely talking to a friend or someone you know well. 

For the purposes of this article, we haven’t included many informal Afrikaans phone phrases for a complete conversation—the possibilities are too numerous! However, see the example dialogue below.

Here are a few popular informal phrases you could use when you’re the caller:
    Mag ek met ___ praat, asseblief? 
    “May I speak with ___, please?”

    Sal jy seblief vir haar sê ek het gebel?
    “Will you please tell her I called?”

    Mag ek ‘n boodskap los, seblief? 
    “May I leave a message, please?”

    Het jy planne vir ___? 
    “Do you have plans for ___?”

    Is jy besig ___?
     “Are you busy ___?
    “This can mean “Are you busy?” or “Will you be busy on / at ___,” depending on the context.

    Wat doen jy ___?
    This can mean “What are you doing?” or “What will you be doing [on] ___,” depending on the context.

    → Kom ons gaan eet pizza.
    “Let’s go have pizza.”

    Tel jou sesuur op?
    “Pick you up at six o’clock?”

    Goed dan. Sien jou netnou!
    “All good. See you soon!”

Note: Seblief is a contraction of asseblief, which means “please.” Also, some of the incomplete questions can be used as they are, but, just like in English, they will mean something slightly different. Or, they can be completed with the time, a date, or a day of the week. Here’s also an article on authentic South African foods that might come in handy when making plans! 

A Friendly Young Asian Woman in a Business Suit Talking on a Cellphone while Looking at Her Watch.

Tel jou sesuur op? / “Pick you up at six o’clock?”

Next are a few popular phrases to consider using if you’ve received the call:
    Hou aan, ek roep haar.Approximate:
    “Hold the line, I’ll call her.”

    Jammer, ___ is nie hier nie. Wil jy ‘n boodskap los?
    “Sorry, ___ isn’t here. Would you like to leave a message?”

    ___ vra dat jy asseblief oor ‘n uur weer sal bel.
    “___ has asked you to please call again in an hour.”

    Ek is nie besig nie. Wil jy iets saam doen?Approximate:
    “I’m not busy. Would you like to get together?”

    Ek is los ___.
    “I’m free [on] ___. “

    Ek is los om ___.
    “I am free at ___.”

    Pizza klink lekker.
    “Pizza sounds nice.”

    Ek kan ___ maak. 
    “I can make ___.”

    → ___ is goed.
    “___ is good.”

    Sien jou later!
    “See you later!”

    Jammer, ek is besig ___.
    “Sorry, I am busy [on] ___.”

4. Example Dialogues

Now, let’s apply what we’ve learned! Below are two examples of what a call in Afrikaans might sound like depending on the context. 

4.1 Business / Formal Dialogue

A Confident, Friendly Female Doctor Dressed in a White Medical Gown.

Goeie foonetiket is net so belangrik soos ‘n goeie “bedside manner” in enige mediese praktyk. / “Good phone etiquette is as important as a good bedside manner in any medical practice.”

Afrikaans phone call phrases in English need not flummox you! Take a look at this dialogue.

Thijs has to speak to his GP, Doctor Camilla De Beer, about a prescription. He has already been this doctor’s patient for years and knows her receptionist, Nelia. This is how he conducts the call:

Dr. De Beer’s Receptionist Nelia: 
Goeiemore, Dokter Camilla de Beer se spreekkamer, Nelia wat praat?
“Good morning, Doctor Camilla de Beer’s Rooms, Nelia speaking?”

Goeie more, Nelia. Dis Thijs de Vriese wat praat. Hoe gaan dit?
“Good morning, Nelia. It’s Thijs de Vriese speaking. How are you doing?”

Goeiemore, Thijs. Dit gaan goed met my, dankie, en self?
“Good morning, Thijs. I am doing well, thanks, and you?”

Dit gaan goed met my ook, dankie. 
“I am also doing well, thanks.”

Hoe kan ek help, Thijs?
“How can I help, Thijs?”

Is Dokter De Beer beskikbaar om te praat, asseblief? Ek het ‘n dringende navraag.
“Is Doctor De Beer available to talk, please? I have an urgent query.”

Hou aan, asseblief. Ek sal kyk of sy beskikbaar is.
“Hold the line, please. I will see if she’s available.”

Dankie, Nelia.
“Thank you, Nelia.”

Dokter is besig met ‘n pasiënt. Kan ek ‘n boodskap neem of vra dat sy jou terugskakel? 
“The doctor is busy with a patient. May I take a message or ask her to return your call?”

Ja, laat sy my terugbel asseblief, Nelia. Ek sal dit waardeer. Baie dankie.
“Yes, ask her to call me back please, Nelia. I will appreciate that. Thank you very much.”

Dis ‘n plesier. Totsiens, Thijs.
“It’s a pleasure. Goodbye, Thijs.”


4.2 Informal

A Smiling Young Latina in a City Setting, Looking at Her Cell Phone.

Is jy besig vanaand? / “Are you busy tonight?”

Morgan has not seen her friend, Sandy, for a while and misses her. This is how Morgan would go about organizing a get-together over the phone. Remember, Morgan’s caller ID is showing on Sandy’s phone.

Haai jy! How goes?!
“Hey you! How goes?!”

Kan nie kla nie, en self?
“Can’t complain, and you?”

Great! Dieselfde hier, dankie.
“Great! Same here, thank you.”

Is jy besig vanaand?
“Are you busy tonight?”

Ek is nie besig nie. Wil jy iets doen?
“I’m not busy. Would you like to meet up?”

Kom ons gaan eet pizza. 
“Let’s go get pizza.”

Pizza klink lekker! 
“Pizza sounds good!”

Kry jou sesuur by Pizza Place? 
“Meet you at Pizza Place, six o’clock?”

Sesuur is goed. Sien jou nou-nou!
“Six o’clock is good. See you soon!”

Cool! Baai! Literally:
“Cool! Bye!”

Do you have any peculiar phone call phrases in your native tongue? Please share these with us in the comments!

5. AfrikaansPod101 for the Best Afrikaans Phone Phrases & Much More!

We hope you enjoyed this article. Feel free to let us know in the comments if there are any phrases or situations we missed, and we’ll be glad to help you!

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About the author: Christa Davel is an experienced, bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer and editor, and is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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The 200+ Best Afrikaans Words for Beginners


After the alphabet, mastering Afrikaans beginner words is the best place to start your Afrikaans learning journey. (Don’t have the Afrikaans alphabet under the belt yet? No problem! You should find this article and the free downloadable Guide for Beginners very useful.) Learning beginner words is essential in building vocabulary for basic communication.

If you’re busy trying to get your foot in the door and learn the basics of Afrikaans, then this is your one-stop vocabulary list for the most important Afrikaans words for beginners! For your convenience, we’ve grouped them into the main word types and included a few sample sentences to illustrate their use.

The Letters ABC on a Notebook with a Pencil.

Begin Afrikaans leer met eenvoudige woordeskat. / “Start learning Afrikaans with simple vocabulary.”

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Afrikaans Table of Contents
  1. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Selfstandige Naamwoorde / “Common Nouns”
  2. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Byvoeglike Naamwoorde / “Adjectives”
  3. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Voornaamwoorde / “Pronouns”
  4. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Telwoorde / “Counting Words”
  5. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Werkwoorde / “Verbs”
  6. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Bywoorde / “Adverbs”
  7. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Voegwoorde / “Conjunctions”
  8. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Lidwoorde / “Articles”
  9. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Voorsetsels / “Prepositions”
  10. Let AfrikaansPod101 Help You Learn Even More Afrikaans!

1. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Selfstandige Naamwoorde / “Common Nouns”

Nouns are the words we use to identify people, places, animals, and things. Beginners should focus on learning the Afrikaans words for the most familiar people as well as the most common places and items.

Fun Fact: Do you know the longest Afrikaans noun in existence? Nobody will blame you if you don’t—it’s 136 letters long and not commonly used at all!

Tweedehandsemotorverkoopsmannevakbondstakingsvergaderingsameroeperstoespraakskrywer-spersverklaringuitreikingsmediakonferensieaankondiging roughly translates to: “issuable media conference’s announcement at a press release regarding the convener’s speech at a second-hand car dealership union’s strike meeting.”

A Red Classic Sports Car.

Die langste aangetekende woord in Afrikaans het te doen met ‘n persverklaring oor die uniestaking van tweedehandse-motor handelaars. / “The longest recorded word in Afrikaans is about a media release dealing with the union strike of secondhand-car dealerships.”

Note: The following nouns are all in the singular form, except for a few irregular nouns that remain identical for the plural and singular forms.

Selfstandige Naamwoorde / “Common Nouns”
Mense en Familie / “People and Relatives”
vrou, man, kind, babawoman, man, child, baby
seun, dogter, meisieson / boy, daughter, girl
ouma, oupagrandmother, grandfather
oom, tannie

Note: These nouns are the names we call our parents’ siblings

They’re also casual forms of address for Afrikaans people a lot older than us, even when we’re not related. This is a sign of respect towards older folks. The younger generation doesn’t care much how you address them, but, especially in more formal situations, it would be prudent to wait for an invitation before using people’s first names.
uncle, aunt / auntie
Liggaamsdele / “Body Parts”
lyf / liggaam, kop, hare, oorbody, head, hair, ear
oog, neus, mond, tandeye, nose, mouth, tooth
arm, hand, vinger, naelarm, hand, finger, nail
been, voet, toonleg, foot, toe
Tyd / “Time”
uur, minuuthour, minute
dag, week, maand, jaarday, week, month, year
Beroep / “Profession”
baas, werkerboss, worker
dokter, verpleegkundigedoctor, nurse
onderwyser, polisiebeampteteacher, police officer
Alledaagse Items  / “Everyday Items”
pen, papier, potlood, boekpen, paper, pencil, book
selfoon, rekenaarcell/mobile phone, computer
huis, stoel, tafel, bedhouse, chair, table, bed
bord, mes, vurk, lepelplate, knife, fork, spoon
klere, broek, hemp, rok, jas, skoen/eclothes, pants, shirt, dress, jacket, shoe/s
Kos en Drank / “Food and Drink”
vrug, groente, vleis

Note: Vleis and groente are irregular nouns that remain the same for the singular and plural forms.
fruit, vegetable, meat
brood, suiker, eierbread, sugar, egg
pap, sous, kaas, pastacereal / porridge, gravy, cheese, pasta
water, koffie, tee, melk

Note: Melk is an irregular noun as it remains the same for the singular and plural forms. Also, the Afrikaans waters (“waters”) is not a plural, but a mass name describing a big expanse of water. It’s a rather poetic term not commonly used in the vernacular.

The use of the plural for tee (“tea”) is also uncommon.
water, coffee, tea, milk
Plekke en Geboue / “Places and Buildings”
land, stad, dorpcountry, city, town
huis, tuiste, tuinhouse, home, garden
kerk, skool, winkelchurch, school, shop
Diere / “Animals”
kat, hond, voëlcat, dog, bird
slang, muis, perdsnake, mouse, horse

A Black-and-White Cat Playing with Feathers.

Die kat speel. / “The cat is playing.”

Got these easy Afrikaans words for beginners? Great! If you’re keen to speed up your learning, then also take a look at this article: Learn the 100 Most Common Nouns in Afrikaans.

Now for a few sentences with nouns and other basic Afrikaans words for beginners:

  • My vrou is mooi. / “My wife is pretty.”
  • Hy is ‘n dokter. / “He is a doctor.”
  • Dit is ons huis. / “This is our house.”
  • Die kat speel. / “The cat is playing.”

2. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Byvoeglike Naamwoorde / “Adjectives”

In sentences, adjectives are used to tell us more about the nouns. Adjectives possess a few characteristics:

  1. They can add color and vibrancy to otherwise bland language. 
  2. Sometimes, they’re simply informative and descriptive so as to assure accuracy and understanding.
  3. Another feature is that they have degrees of comparison. For example: vinnig, vinniger, vinnigste / “fast, faster, fastest.”
  4. In a sentence, they usually appear…
    …in front of a noun, which makes them attributiewe byvoeglike naamwoorde / “attributive adjectives.” (E.g. Dit is ‘n vinnige trein. / “It is a fast train.”)
    …or after the linking verb, which makes them predikatiewe byvoeglike naamwoorde / “predicative adjectives.” (E.g. Die trein is vinnig. / “The train is fast.”)

Note: Did you notice how the Afrikaans adjective modifies, depending on its position in the sentence?

An Express Train Entering a Station.

Die trein is vinnig. / “The train is fast.”

For the purpose of this article, we’re only listing adjectives in their predicative form. This means that if you want to form a “beginner” sentence, you can simply insert any of the following adjectives after the linking verb is.

Byvoeglike Naamwoorde / “Adjectives”
nors / onvriendelikgrumpy / unfriendly
hardhard OR loud
bangscared / afraid
rykrich / wealthy
blou, geel, rooi (All colors are adjectives, only occasionally nouns.)blue, yellow, red
helder clear / bright
boon top
onderunder / below
agter behind

Here’s what predicative adjectives would look like in beginner Afrikaans sentences.

  • Die water is suiwer. / “The water is pure.”
  • Ons reis is lank. / “Our journey is long.”
  • Die grap is snaaks. / “This joke is funny.”

A Young Child Laughing with Abandon.

Die grap is snaaks. / “The joke is funny.”

Ready to speak and write more descriptively? That’s great! Be sure to take a look at The Essential Afrikaans Adjectives List for more inspiration. 

3. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Voornaamwoorde / “Pronouns”

Most languages have different types of pronouns, which are substitutes or “place keepers” for articles and nouns. Without them, a language would sound clumsy, because you would repeatedly be using articles and nouns (such as “the boy”, or the boy’s name—Aiden, for instance) in sentences. Pronouns allow you to sometimes replace “the boy”, or “Aiden”, with “he”, and to refer to Aiden’s possessions as “his”. 

So, to be clear—in this example, “he” and “his” are two of the three types of pronouns in English.

Because pronouns are so common, have an important syntactic purpose, and are usually not that complex to learn, we’ve included them in our list of basic Afrikaans words for beginners. Also, take a look at this Best List of Must-Know Afrikaans Pronouns!

In the list below, we’ve differentiated between different types of pronouns, as this information is good to know from the onset.

3.1 Persoonlike Voornaamwoorde – Voorwerp/ “Personal Pronouns – Subject”

Note: Personal pronouns are the subject in sentences, or, in other words—they perform the action as indicated by the verb.

To illustrate with a simple English sentence: “He helps me”.

He = personal pronoun, subject (performing the action.)
me = personal pronoun, direct object (‘receiving’ the action.)

u – singular and plural formalyou
jy – singular informalyou
julle – plural, informalyou
  • Ek eet. / “I eat.” OR “I am eating.”
  • Sy is welkom. / “She is welcome.”
  • Dit styg op” / “It’s taking off.”

Suitcases Stacked by an Airport Window, with a Plane Taking Off in the Background.

Dit styg op” / “It’s taking off.”

3.2 Persoonlike Voornaamwoorde – Onderwerp/ “Personal Pronouns – Object”

The object pronouns, as the name indicates, serve as the object in a sentence. Or, in other words, it indicates the person or object who ‘receives’ or upon whom an action is performed, so to speak. 

To use our previous example sentence: “He helps me“.

He = personal pronoun, subject (performing the action.)
me = personal pronoun, direct object (‘receiving’ the action.)

jou – singular informalyou

Note: When this refers to something or someone, it’s a personal pronoun. However, like in English, it’s also used to refer to natural or other phenomena such as rain, snow, wind, haunting, etc. Then it’s called an onpersoonlike voornaamwoord (literally: “impersonal pronoun”). Such as in the sentence: Dit spook (literally: “It is haunting”) or Dit reën (“It is raining”).
julle – plural, informalthem
  • Dit pla my. / “It bothers me.”
  • Die man soen haar. / “The man kisses her.”
  • Sy kul ons. / “She is cheating us.”

A Young Man Kisses a Girl Lovingly on the Forehead.

Die man soen haar. / “The man kisses her.”

3.3 Besitlike Voornaamwoorde / “Possessive Pronouns”

As the name suggests, these pronouns indicate possession. Some are modified depending on their position in a sentence, but we will not be looking at any modifications here.

jou – singular, informalyour
u – singular and plural, formalyour
julle – plural, informalyour/s
  • Vra sy ma. / “Ask his mom.”
  • Dis haar boek. / “It’s her book.”
  • Hulle kos is lekker. / “Their food is tasty.”

A Smiling Chef Preparing a Vegetable Dish.

Hulle kos is lekker. / “Their food is tasty.”

3.4 Aanwysende Voornaamwoorde / “Demonstrative Pronouns”

These pronouns are used to indicate something specific in a sentence. Beginners only need to master one.


Note: This can be a pronoun OR an article, depending on whether it’s used with a noun. Often, die is pronounced with emphasis when it’s used as a pronoun.
  • Dié is mooi. / “This is pretty.”

3.5 Vraende Voornaamwoorde / “Interrogative Pronouns”

These pronouns appear most often at the start of a sentence, or alone as a question. Here are the beginner ones. 

They’re also referred to as “question words” and many of them start with “W”.

  • Wat doen jy? / “What are you doing?”
  • Wie is dit? / “Who is that?”
  • Waar is die badkamer? / “Where is the bathroom?”

Public Restroom Signs.

Waar is die badkamer? / “Where is the bathroom?”

4. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Telwoorde / “Counting Words”

These words always have something to do with numbers. The only type of counting word we’re going to look at here is called bepaalde hooftelwoorde (approximate: “primary counting words”). These are basically the names of numbers.

When you’re studying a new language, numbers are important to learn right from the start. They’re used to indicate important things such as the date and time, age, quantity, and lots more!

The numbers one through ten are very easy Afrikaans words for beginners. However, if you’re looking to learn more about the subject, you might find this article helpful: The Best Tips About Afrikaans Numbers 1 – 30 and Beyond.

Telwoorde / “Counting Words”
1. eenone
2. tweetwo
3. driethree
4. vierfour
5. vyffive
6. sessix
7. seweseven
8. agteight
9. negenine
10. tienten
  • Aiden het twee selfone. / Literally: “Aiden has two cell phones.”
  • ‘n Week het sewe dae. / “A week has seven days.”
  • Sy is tien jaar oud. / “She is ten years old.”

Odd Numbers 1— 9.

Ongelyke getalle / “Odd numbers”

5. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Werkwoorde / “Verbs”

Verbs, as you know, are the words that name the action or actions in a sentence. 

When learning a new language, these are crucial words to know and might possibly be the most difficult to learn. This is because verbs, being action words, also tend to be the ones that change according to tense. This change in verbs is called “conjugation”.

Grammar Tip: Conjugations also appear in Afrikaans, but fortunately, learning these tense-based adaptations of verbs is not that difficult. One of the reasons for this is that, in Afrikaans, the verb form does not change for different persons. We only use verb conjugations for time! 

Most languages share this feature. Conjugation often includes the following features:
  • the spelling of the verb changes completely, 
  • another word is added to the verb, or
  • the ending or beginning of the verb is altered.

For the purposes of this article, we’ll be looking at the different types of Afrikaans verbs, with a brief overview of how to use them in the present tense only. The present tense refers to actions taking place in the present, and in Afrikaans, it’s easy to learn. Unlike in English, there are no additional forms of the present tense (such as the present continuous tense, for instance).

What’s important is that the present tense refers to something that is always true or done on a regular basis. It’s also used for something that is occurring now.

Two Young Women Walking Arm-in-arm in the Snow.

Hulle loop. / “They are walking” OR “They walk.”

5.1 Hoofwerkwoorde  / “Independent Verbs”

These are the most commonly used verbs in the present tense.

loopwalk (or run, for water)
kryget / fetch
kuiervisit / hang out
neem / vattake
hou vanlike
proeto taste
  • Die man slaap. / “The man sleeps.”
  • Hy droom. / “He is dreaming.”
  • Hy . / “He lays (down).”

A Man Sleeping in Bed.

Hy droom. / “He is dreaming.” OR “He dreams.”

5.2. Koppelwerkwoorde / “Linking Verbs”

Linking verbs are those words in sentences that join a subject with a specific word or phrase that gives more information about it (the subject). 

Linking verbs are easily confused with main verbs, but as I mentioned before, they are always followed by an adjective, i.e. a word or phrase that qualifies the subject in a sentence.

Koppelwerkwoorde / “Linking Verbs”
  • Sy lyk moeg. / “She looks tired.”
  • Die kos smaak fantasties. / “The food tastes fantastic.”
  • Ek voel goed. / “I feel good.”

A Young Man Laughing Heartily

Ek voel goed. / “I feel good.”

6. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Bywoorde / “Adverbs”

Adverbs are verbs’ best friends—they tell us more about them. 

Note: You’ll see that adjectives and adverbs have similar functions and that their differentiation depends on the presence of a main verb. Just like adjectives, adverbs add flavor and flair to language, as well as details to increase accuracy and specificity.

As you’ve already learned, the linking or be-verb (koppelwerkwoord) is / “is” in a sentence indicates that the following word (or phrase) could be an adjective because it qualifies the noun. 

Grammar Tip: If there’s no linking verb in a sentence, it indicates that you’re probably dealing with an adverb.

For instance:
  1. Adjective: Die man is vinnig. / “The man is fast.” – with the linking verb is (“is”).
  2. Adverb: Die man hardloop vinnig. / “The man runs fast.” – without a linking verb.
Did you notice that vinnig (“fast”) in the second sentence modifies the main verb (“runs”), and not the noun (“man”)? Important to note is that in English, this only applies to the simple present and future tenses—not the present continuous. We don’t have these types of time distinctions in Afrikaans.

In Afrikaans, we have different types of adverbs, of which the following will be good to know as beginner words in Afrikaans:

  1. Bywoorde van wyse – “Adverbs of manner”
  2. Bywoorde van plek – “Adverbs of place”
  3. Bywoorde van tyd – “Adverbs of time”
  4. Bywoorde van graad – “Adverbs of degree”

A Grandfather Walks Hand-in-hand with His Two Small Grandchildren in the Road.

Hulle loop stadig. / “They walk slowly.” OR “They are walking slowly.”

6.1 Bywoorde van Wyse / “Adverbs of Manner”

Adverbs of manner tell us more about the nature of common verbs.

hardloudly / hard
slegbadly / poorly
heerlikApproximate: tasty, wonderful
  • Hy skryf goed. / “He writes well.”
  • Dit voel hard. / “It feels hard.”
  • Die pannekoek proe heerlik. / Approximate: “The pancake tastes wonderful.”

A Plate of Chinese Pancakes with Meat and Veg.

Die pannekoek smaak heerlik. / Approximate: “The pancake tastes wonderful.”

6.2 Bywoorde van Plek / “Adverbs of Position/Place”

As you can probably guess, adverbs of position tell us more about where an action takes place.

  • Ons sit binne. / “We are sitting inside.”
  • Dit sneeu buite. / “It snows outside.”
  • Daar loop hy. / Literally: “There he walks.”

A Few Women Are Walking with Umbrellas in the Snowstorm.

Dit sneeu buite. / “It snows outside.”

6.3 Bywoorde van Tyd / “Adverbs of Time”

These adverbs will answer questions related to time, such as “When?” or “What day?”

  • Ek werk vandag. / “I’m working today.”
  • Sy speel more. / “She’s playing tomorrow.”
  • Nou slaap die baba. / “Now the baby sleeps.”

A Sleeping Baby in Its Mother's Arms.

Nou slaap die baba. / “Now the baby sleeps.”

6.4 Bywoorde van Graad / “Adverbs of Degree”

These adverbs are often words that answer the question: “How much?” Just like in English, they indicate the intensity of an act. While you’re still mastering the basics of Afrikaans, you only need to know this one:

  • DIe appel lyk baie goed. / “The apple looks very good.”

A Shiny, Red Apple with a Single Leaf.

Die appel lyk baie goed. / “The apple looks very good.”

7. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Voegwoorde / “Conjunctions”

As you know, conjunctions are the so-called glue-words in Germanic languages. Their purpose is simple; they combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. For the purpose of this article, we’ll only look at the basics.

want / omdatbecause
  • Ek praat maar hy bly stil. / “I talk but he keeps quiet.”
  • Ons slaap of ons kuier. / “We sleep or we chat.”
  • Die weer is koud en nat. / “The weather is cold and wet.”

A Young Woman Dressed in Winter Gear, Standing in the Snow Shivering.

Die weer is koud en nat. / “The weather is cold and wet.”

8. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Lidwoorde / “Articles” 

Just like English, Afrikaans has only two articles—‘n (“a”) and die (“the”)—and in a sentence, they always take position ahead of a noun.

Die is a bepaalde lidwoord (“definite article”) that refers to something or someone specific. It’s used for both singular and plural nouns.
  • Die slim politikus / “The clever politician”
  • Die politikusse / “The politicians”
‘n is an onbepaalde lidwoord (“indefinite article”). It refers to a thing or person in general and always in the singular. Note that, in Afrikaans, this article remains a lower-case letter even at the start of sentences and phrases. The word that follows it is always written with a capital letter.
  • ‘n Slim politikus / “A clever politician”
  • ‘n Vorm / “A form”

9. Afrikaans Beginner Words – Voorsetsels / “Prepositions”

Prepositions are the last basic Afrikaans words for beginners that we’re going to look at. In a sentence, prepositions indicate the relative position of or the relationship between two separately expressed concepts

Note: They can indicate place and are therefore easily confused with adverbs of place, but don’t worry about that distinction too much at this point. Just learn the following, as they’re the most frequently used Afrikaans prepositions.  

Voorsetsels / “Prepositions”
bo / bo-opon (top of)
  • Ek sit op die stoel. / “I’m sitting on the chair.”
  • Klim in die kar. / “Get in the car.”
  • Die lekkergoed val uit die blik uit. / “The candy falls out of the tin.”

A Woman Wearing a Large Hat, Sitting in a Beach Chair by the Seaside.

Ek sit op die stoel. / “I’m sitting on the chair.” OR “I sit on the chair.”

And that’s it, your list of easy Afrikaans words for beginners! 

10. Let AfrikaansPod101 Help You Learn Even More Afrikaans!

In this article on words in Afrikaans for beginners, you learned the core words you should know in a variety of categories. But don’t stop here! 

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Before you go: How many of these words did you know already? Let us know in the comments!

About the author: Christa Davel is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) freelance writer and journalist, and is currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s been writing for since 2017.

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