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Daily Routines
20 words
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Daily Routines
20 words
Ek borsel my tande.
I brush my teeth.
Ek sluit die deur.
I lock the door.
Ek gaan werk toe.
I go to work.
Ek luister na musiek op my slimfoon.
I listen to music on my smartphone.
Ek sit my rekenaar aan.
I turn on my computer.
Ek kyk na my e-pos.
I check my e-mail.
Ek doen wasgoed.
I do laundry.
Ek maak middagete.
I make lunch.
Ek koop kruideniersware.
I buy groceries.
Ek woon 'n vergadering by.
I attend a meeting.
Ek ontvang 'n oproep.
I receive a phone call.
Ek kyk na 'n nuwe fliek.
I watch a new movie.
Ek neem 'n warm bad.
I take a hot bath.
Ek laai die battery op my foon.
I charge the battery on my phone.
Ek beplan vir mรดre.
I plan for tomorrow.
Ek gaan om middernag slaap.
I go to sleep around midnight.
Ek word om 7 nm wakker.
I wake up at 7 a.m.
Ek skakel my alarm af.
I turn off my alarm.
Ek klim uit die bed.
I get out of bed.
Ek eet ontbyt.
I eat breakfast.