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Flattering Lines to Impress Native Speakers
15 words
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Flattering Lines to Impress Native Speakers
15 words
Hierdie land het 'n ryk kultuur.
This country has a rich culture.
Dit is 'n pragtige land.
This is a beautiful country.
Die plaaslike mense is baie vriendelik.
The local people are very friendly.
Die kos is heerlik.
The food is delicious.
Die skilderye is wonderlik.
The scenery is amazing.
Mense is altyd baie behulpsaam.
People are always very helpful.
Hierdie land is baie skoon.
This country is very clean.
Om die sonsondergang hier te kyk, is magies.
Watching the sunset over here is magical.
Die plaaslike musiek is baie interessant.
The local music is very interesting.
Daar is so baie natuur in hierdie land.
There is so much nature in this country.
Die land het 'n matige klimaat dwarsdeur die jaar!
The country has a comfortable climate throughout the year!
Ek hou van die klank van die taal.
I like the sound of the language.
Die geskiedenis in hierdie land is so omvangryk.
The history in this country is so extensive.
Ek wil meer leer oor die mitologie van hierdie land!
I want to learn more about mythology from this country!
Ek het nie geweet hierdie land het soveel goeie literatuur nie!
I didn't know this country has so much great literature!