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50+ Questions That Learners Need to Know
52 words
Word Image
50+ Questions That Learners Need to Know
52 words
Is jy regtig seker?
Are you really sure?
Wie is dit?
Who is that?
Wie is daardie persoon?
Who is that person?
Hoe gaan dit met jou?
How are you?
Hallo, mnr Matsushima, hoe gaan dit?
Hello, Mr. Matsushima, how are you?
Waar woon jy?
Where do you live?
Waar woon jy?
Where do you live?
Wat gaan aan?
What's up?
Hey, wat gaan aan?
Hey, what's up!
Wat is jou naam?
What's your name?
Hoe oud is jy?
How old are you?
Hoe oud is jy? (informeel)
"How old are you ?" (informal)
Waar is jy vandaan?
Where are you from?
Wat is dit?
What is it?
Wat is dit?
What is it?
Waar is die badkamer?
Where is the bathroom?
Watter dag van die week is dit vandag?
What day of the week is today?
Wanneer is jou verjaardag?
When is your birthday?
En jy?
And you?
Wat het jy gesê?
What did you say?
Praat jy Engels?
Do you speak English?
Wat is dit?
What's this?
Wat bedoel jy?
What do you mean?
Hoe spel jy dit?
How do you spell that?
Waar is dit?
Where is it?
Kan ek die spyskaart sien?
Can I see the menu?
Wat doen jy môre?
What are you doing tomorrow?
Wat is jou stokperdjie?
What's your hobby?
Hou jy daarvan?
Do you like it?
Wat het gebeur?
What happened?
Verstaan ​​jy?
Do you understand?