
Vocabulary (Review)

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In this lesson we’ll learn some useful survival phrases to help you enjoy shopping around South African stores.

Lesson focus

You should remember that Verskoon my, or "Excuse me," is always the first thing to say when asking for information. After saying Verskoon my, which means “Excuse me”, you should say Hoeveel kos dit?, which means "How much does this cost?"
(slow) Hoeveel kos dit?
Hoeveel kos dit?
First we have Hoeveel, which means "how much" or "how many."
(slow) hoeveel
Next, we have kos, the verb meaning “to cost.”
(slow) kos
At the end, we have dit meaning “this.”
(slow) dit
Altogether, we have Hoeveel kos dit? meaning “How much does this cost?”
(slow) Hoeveel kos dit?
Hoeveel kos dit?
This is the perfect question when you don't know the name of the object you're trying to buy. You can just point at it and say, Hoeveel kos dit?, which means"How much does this cost?"
However, if you know the name of the object you want to buy, you can be very specific. For example, if you want to buy a particular t-shirt, it’s better to ask "How much is this t-shirt?"
In Afrikaans, that is Hoeveel kos hierdie t-hemp?
(slow) Hoeveel kos hierdie t-hemp?
Hoeveel kos hierdie t-hemp?
First, we have Hoeveel kos, literally meaning “how much cost.”
(slow) Hoeveel kos
Hoeveel kos
Next, we have hierdie t-hemp meaning “this t-shirt.” It has the pronoun hierdie meaning “this.”
(slow) hierdie t-hemp
hierdie t-hemp
What if you want to ask about shoes, and say “How much are these shoes?” In Afrikaans, that is Hoeveel kos hierdie skoene?
(slow) Hoeveel kos hierdie skoene?
Hoeveel kos hierdie skoene?
In this sentence we have the noun skoene, which means “shoes.”

